Do I live like trash?

Do I live like trash?

Nah you’re good bud.

That's good to hear.

Because some Mexican called me white trash today.

>bud light
people actually drink that crap?

that might have been an accurate assessment on his part

almost. youre not that far down the hole. just sweep it into a trashbag

Yes, they do.
I live in a trap town. Everyone is a sick here.

more like you need a trash can

Not trash, you obviously just need a slightly larger entry mat

do this

Do you have a piss bucket?

I've been thinking about that.
I'll try one day.

Thanks for reminding me of how I used to live a shit life like you OP. Feels good being nearly a year sober.

You seem to live like a man with too little self-respect.

No, I have a toilet.
Your welcome.

>bud light
Mexican detected

> can afford beer but not trashcan or bag

I'm a oilfield white.

not bad

until cigarettes/10

hope you have good genetics


as long as you can wipe your feet before you leave the mat is fine

>drinks bud light
that's the most trash part mang
bud light=hurricane

Heart problems runs in my family.
I want to drink with you.
I wear my boots in the house.

looks like it's time to spend half a day recycling and scrubbing your house, numb nuts.
do you drink that piss because you're broke?

are those resin stains on the sink? kek

I actually make good money but never have time to spend it. ):

i miss living like that. was living in a punk house in portland for a year, half the garage was just beer cans. every month would need a truck to load 3 garbage cans to the recycle center. good times

>Ohio Blue Tips
What county? Mercer for me, been here since 2009. Are you in your garage?

Same feels different location. I spent my time in Oildale .CA it was a white ghetto.

You're living like a nigger.
Get a bag, pick up the cans and cigarette butts.
Throw away all that fucking garbage.
Then, get a goddamn sponge and clean your fucking house. Bleach is great for that. It's also great for drinking.

I live in bakersfield.