So Sup Forums

So Sup Forums

I had a quarrel with a friend, we were at a party and talking about a thing that happened before in my house.. it was a film projection in the roof of my apartment and it was on my laptop, naturally no one would use my laptop without my consent.

So I went to the bathroom, for the film just finished and when I came back this idiot had my email opened full screen (the projector was still projecting in the wall) and I could see some mails from OkCupdid, obviously I was embarrassed because I live a pretty private life and all my friends could see that I was using a dating site. So I asked what the fuck was he doing and he just told me he wanted to access his email to download a song. Really motherfucker? I got pretty fucking angry at him that nigh and told him to leave.

So we were talking about it and obviously I forgave him. But then he said "It's not like I went into your room and found a dildo or something" and he gives me this fucking grin, and I knew he knew and the only way he could've known was by going to my room and check through my stuff. And I just fucking broke and punched him in the face and made a scene with my friends, asking him if he went into my room, and he was grinning and laughing (other thing that rustled my jimmies because I knew he knew). I was pretty drunk and angry so I just left

I confronted him again today and he said that I drink too much and that because I was his friend he didn't "beat the shit out of me", silly thing to say because I would literally kill him. I said that there was no way of saying that comment without knowing.

Other urls found in this thread:


Was he lying? He claimed it was just an hypothesis and I overreacted, but I swear with that smug and stupid grin it was completely clear that he did went into my room and found my sex toys. This is the kind of person that would talk shit behind your back or tell secrets about you.. I don't really care if people know I have a dildo, I live alone and love to experiment with my self and with women, but that just was a sign of disrespect towards me, I would never mention stuff like that out of nowhere.. I certainly do not make those type of comments out of nowhere because I do not get along that way with him.

I mean, why the fuck would he mention something as specific as that if he hadn't come into my room? Well, with my reaction it was obvious that it was true and other people realized.

So Sup Forums, should I trust him or tell him to fuck off and lose a friend? He lacks some basic social skills and he does stuff like this all the time, completely betraying trust and judgment...

By the way, I threw all my sex toys long before this happened.

So, did he betrayed my trust or am I being an over reacting little bitch?

Any opinions appreciated.

bump... any opinion is welcomed

Its okay user, the key thing is not to get angry. He's clearly trying to russle you and you can't let that shit work.

The key thing here to make him feel like the asshole, and yelling isn't gonna work because it just makes him angry. Don't be mad that he knows, and make that clear. Everyone has something to hide. If you can find out what that is for him, then reveal it on him in the same kind of way.

your friend is a asshole.dump him, i would never stay friends with someone that would acually do that...if this is true anyway

Sucker punch temple?

OP is an asshole. His girlfriend should:
1) kick him in the dick
2) fuck him in the ass with his dildo
3) fuck his best friend bareback

I just reacted without thinking, it was clear he made that comment to rustle my jimmies and it fucking worked. He does that actually, he's a fucking snake.

I was really drunk too, and I fucked up an opportunity I had with a really cute and awesome girl. And now because of him I fucked it up and I made a scene and looked like a complete ass.

The thing that I hate the most is that he doesn't even acknowledge the situation right now, he just keeps laughing when I was talking to him too and he just said I had a drinking problem.

I think I will, but the thing that I was trying to figure out was if he actually went into my room or if he coincidentally "guessed" that I had a dildo in my room, just when I was talking to him about the other situation that got me really angry at him, and people realizing.. it's just common fucking sense in my opinion.

1)I don't have a girlfriend so joke's on you!
2)actually my exgirlfriend used to peg me
3)this was not my best friend, and I would not fuck him



Your friend sounds like a fucking jackass. The email thing could be interpreted as an accident but going through someone's room is a pretty blatant violation of basic boundaries.

That being said you definitely overreacted. Best way to handle this is to sit him down and talk like adults. If he can't do that and admit what he did was fucked up and wrong then he doesn't get to be your friend. Unless you actually want some jackass for a friend.

He broke down a psychical boundary (entering your room and looking around without permission or social due). Your reaction to the whole thing could have been better, but ultimately he's the one at wrong here. If he understands what was wrong and you think he's willing to change, forgive him. If you think the old dog can't learn new tricks? Its time to move on.

Saying someone has a dildo in their room is a pretty easy diss to make, just another way of calling you a faggot. Calculated guess imo. I don't think anyone just goes ahead and rummages through their friends' rooms, snake or not.

Do you have a drinking problem? You may be misjudging the dildo thing and the guy is just calling you out on a drinking problem leading to outbursts of anger ...

Basically OP either be friends or don't - if he's not a positive part of your life why bother with the drama?

He won't ever admit he did it, he keeps claiming it was an "hypothesis".

If it's true that it was that, then now him and my other friends know for a fact now that I had a dildo in my room. So talking to him will get me the same fucking result and he will keep saying that I was too drunk.

I think I'm just going to stop being his friend. Like if I see him at parties I'm just going to ignore him.

If he kept laughing when you punched him then you're not going to win a fight with him.

That's also true, I got mad at him for saying that inappropriate comment out of nowhere without calling for it, as I said I don't get along like that with almost anybody and especially not with him. So if he was joking or guess I had a dildo in my room, it means he doesn't actually respect me if he's assuming I'm a faggot like you said.

I got too drunk that night because a Tequila was sponsoring the event, so there was free tequila. Plus it was a hot night and I drank beer too.

And no he's not a positive part of my life. Now that I think of it, there was one time when I was trying to hook up with a girl and he completely cock blocked me, like I was sitting down with her talking and he forced his way into the couch and also started to talk with her, later I confronted him about it and he just said he liked her too. I mean what the fuck? By the way, none of us got her.

He's the kind of person that sends you bad vibes, other time I saw he had a book on Wicca.

this. dude sounds like an asshole though. if someone went into my room without my permission id probably never interact with them again willingly.

No, he was laughing when confronting to him today.

I did not realize how deep your mental damage goes. When you come across something you do not understand, you can use a web portal to ask for help.

Pic related


what I also worry is that we have a lot of mutual friends and I worry that he might talk shit about me behind my back..

Re read this

>And I just fucking broke and punched him in the face and made a scene with my friends, asking him if he went into my room, and he was grinning and laughing (other thing that rustled my jimmies because I knew he knew). I was pretty drunk and angry so I just left

OP just trying to save you losing face and getting beaten up as well. Fuck that guy. He sounds toxic and you don't need that.

It was not a punch meant to hurt him, it was just a quick reaction to the comment, we were both sitting down.

Maybe he was in shock or I dunno, but it rustled my jimmies when he laughed again when confronted.

>having friends

Who in the fuck cares, and I don't mean that in a mean way. It's totally your biz if you want to stick dildos in your ass. In fact, I imagine that if you were in a crowd with ladies, and you just owned it like "it stimulates my prostate and feels super nice", you might be surprised how freaky and interested some of the women might get. The fact that you're open about things will make other people want to open up to you, which can make things interesting.

The one and only time I had a 3-way was directly related to me talking openly about my masturbation habits...not to be gross, not to be edgy, but just to be honest about what I like (occasional urethral sounding). One of the chicks rubbed herself off to orgasm while putting one of those plastic Starbucks lid closers deep inside of my dick, and then proceeded to jack me off on the other one's face...they were both fucking wasted and I think their embarrassment caused them to interact with me less after that, but HOLY FUCK the memories.

He keeps saying words like I was "confused", and it was an "analogy" and that I don't know him. And keeps laughing.

He keeps saying it was an analogy, that that time he went to my computer without my permission and opened my inbox for everyone to see was not as bad as "finding a dildo in my room". Which I think he did, why the fuck would he say that?

This won't get fixed. I think the only thing now left to do is unfriend him, block him or just ignore his messages. I think I'm just going to ignore.

I like you user, you seem like you'd be fun to chill with

Oh yeah, I try to open up as quickly as possible with my fuck buddies.. and they love that I use toys.

But if friends found out I don't think they will see me as before, especially because they have really close minds.

fuck em
literally and figuratively


Well, thank you.

A complete lack of shame will thwart 99.9% of all attempts to ridicule you.

>something you do not understand

I literally couldn't make myself clearer. Thing to see now is if he was lying or made the luckiest guess in the world. Still, I can't be friends with someone like him. If you read the thread, this is the 3rd time he does/say something completely shady.

Besides, this is Sup Forums. Fuck outta here with your "mental damage".


any more opinions?

Get comfortable with yourself. Put your dildo in a display case.

What's with all this secrecy bullshit. If you enjoy having a dildo for your own and your partners' pleasure then fucking own it instead of throwing a tantrum. Nobody gives a fuck.

that's not the point, i don't give a shit about that

the point is he fucking went into my room and looked through my stuff

>I don't think anyone just goes ahead and rummages through their friends' rooms, snake or not.

Asshole here, I totally poke through my friends' possessions if I think I can get away with it. Knowledge is power, and you never know when you might need power over another person.

Basically, manipulative snakes with no sense of personal boundaries do go ahead and rummage through their friends' rooms.

So then if you don't trust someone, why would you choose to continue hanging around them? I don't think that's why you're upset. I think you're upset that he found something that you weren't 100% comfortable with, and subtly threatened you with the knowledge. If you were 100% comfortable with yourself, one of two things would be true:
>you immediately understand you shouldn't hang out with that person because you don't trust them
>you don't have anything to hide in the first place, which means you wouldn't give a shit if he poked around

You know, someone can be comfortable with an aspect of their sexuality without wanting everyone else to know about it. I'm not OP, but I have a somewhat similar situation (sans asshole friend lording intimate knowledge over me). I'm fine with what I like, I don't really feel any sort of guilt about it, but where I live it's hard to find someone else who would also be fine with it. I like my friends for a variety of merits but they're not especially open-minded. Hell, the really "open-minded" people out there would usually be some of the most obnoxious people that I wouldn't want to spend time with for any other reason, so I actually prefer my more closed-minded, traditionalist friends. But I also know that they would lose all respect for me if they knew what I get up to in my private time. I'm fine with keeping it secret because what I do in my own bedroom is no one else's business anyway.

I agree with you that you shouldn't hang out with someone anymore once it's obvious that you can't trust them. But you can be pretty comfortable with yourself while still needing to hide aspects that your immediate surrounding community won't accept.

So then you are 100% comfortable with yourself, and you fall into the first category of immediately understanding you shouldn't hang out with someone you don't trust. I don't mean to convey that you can't be comfortable with yourself and still keep secrets.

My point is that OP either won't admit or doesn't understand why he is likely actually upset, even in front of a completely anonymous audience. To me, that indicates that he's not innately comfortable with himself, which is my point.

To clarify, my advice to him is to get comfortable with himself (and possibly put a dildo in a display case, which is the way I'd go with it, but that's optional).

So did you, or did you not have a dildo under your bed?

I know, it just came out of nowhere and it backfired, I got really mad and I was super drunk.

I did not choose to hang out with him, he was in the same party and he said hi to me. Next time I'm just going to ignore him.

Exactly, I'm fine with homosexuality or bisexuality as long as they're not flamboyant or too "sensible".

I also live in a place like that, I don't consider myself bisexual because I'm not attracted to men, I just like prostate play. People make fun of you calling you gay if they find you like prostate play, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with attracting of the same sex.

People are too stupid and to insecure to accept that as part of someone's sexuality. So bad that they would actually stop hanging out with you if they found out some secret things. I would never tell anyone this unless it's a girl I fucked.

I'm upset because this fucker went into my room without consent, even though I got mad at him before because he invaded the privacy of my inbox. It has nothing to do with the dildo, but with the fact that he said that comment obviously expecting a reaction, which he got.

It's not that difficult to understand dude.

When that happened, I had the dildo in one of my drawer's nightstand. It was the night he completely invited himself to check my emails.

Getting shitty people out of your life is always a good thing. Honestly, even if you were completely in the wrong that night you obviously don't like this guy and think he's a cunt so there is no reason to keep him around.

Do I tell him that? Or do I just ignore him?

Do I unfriend him so he gets the hint?

just tell your friends that you have a dildo for giving gf's extra pleasure

this is assuming you don't stick it in your pooper without using a condom, and that your mate didn't sniff it

you re not alpha, then fuck off faggot

I mean what ever feels natural to you. My advice would be to block him on social media and just not talk to him. Douchebags aren't worth expending more energy than necessary on. That being said if he were to confront you about it, fuck his shit up.

Why would I do that? The whole point was that he was shady as fuck with that comment, meant only to fuck with me and it was definitely disrespectful. I just asked him if he went into my room and he kept denying it.

Well I will block him I guess. I hope he doesn't go behind my back like the snake he is. And if he says something to anyone or someone else comments on it, I will definitely fuck his shit up.


>44 here
Honestly it doesn't matter if he does, you won't lose any friends over it. At least nobody important. I'd just be honest about the whole thing if questioned, you have nothing to be ashamed of and your real friends will take your side.

mfw people still leave themselves vulnerable to "friendships" in 2018

You're gay at this point.

I hope so.. I hope he just does not go behind my back and tell shit to people.

Some people are real shitbags. Just be glad you went and punched him rather than being close friends for 10+ years. There are some toxic fucks out there, you got rid of him thats what matters.