Most painless way to kill yourself, and go!

most painless way to kill yourself, and go!

Having a happy life until you die.

nope, miserable, broke, in debt, no future...would rather just fucking end it quick.

Build and use an exit bag. Your welcome.

I'd much rather die next week then have to live another fucking year that wont amount to anything.

is this a feels thread now?

Exit bag as said
Carbon Monoxide poisoning
Sleeping pills
Kill someone in Texas and request the death penalty

may as well be, I can't be the only one in this position on here.

I like the death penalty idea to be honest.

Bullet to head
Implying most people can do that.
>happy life


I'm 29 and have been clinically depressed since 21. I was forced to go to school immediately after high school with no idea what I wanted to do and got a student loan/wasted a bunch of money. I'm autistic and don't understand how the world works and I defaulted on it and fucked it for years. Tried to do aircraft maintenance in 2009 but dropped out after a semester because couldn't get student loan. Cue existential crisis and turn to physics for answers to lie and try to do physics in 2012 but drop out after semester because can't afford school. Unfuck student loan in May 2015 and return to school to brush up on math/problem solving before pursuing "electrical engineering technologist" at the fancy trade school. I get to do fun math like calc 1 2 and 3, diff eq and tons of cool physics and I am excited... I am 29 years old. I still think about suicide a lot but I see a future. This is something that I never thought was possible. You can do the same. Don't give up. Or give up and run away, it's up to you.

yeah and easy enough for you to say "live a happy life" lemme guess, perfect suburban upbringing with 3 cars a white picket fence and everything handed to you on a silver fucking platter...

Don't waste what little time I have left you fucking mongoloid.


Research how to make homemade explosives, test several times on watermelons, then when you're sure it will work, strap it all to your head blow yourself up. Otherwise use a shotgun to the back of the head/fall asleep with your head on a railway line/strap a pure helium tank to a gas mask and fall asleep/jump headfirst off a 20 story+ building

Failing all of those options, slit your wrists vertically in a hot bath or hang yourself from a tall tree with at least a 7ft drop, and oil up the rope beforehand so it tightens easier.

I was born in the ghetto actually, and I'm still here. Not rich. I have bad anxiety and depression issues.

But optimism is free.

Go to Wal-Mart and buy yourself a helium tank... And just put a tube and mask over it. Breath that in. Brain thinks it's oxygen so you won't suffocate you'll just black out and die

Or hear me out now... Grab some clothes and just explore the country man. If your life is that bad, live it but do what you want... don't pay the debts don't go to work.... just be

It has to be pure helium, otherwise you're going to end up with brain damage. See for some real instructions. It's very easy to kill yourself if you have the balls, and if you really want to die, having the balls shouldn't be an issue.

Massive neutron radiation exposure. I'm talking upwards of 20 Gy. Your nerves will be destroyed before the sensation reaches your brain.

Or teleport into the centre of the the sun instantly. The sun's gravitational mass will crush you before the sensation reaches your brain. Both are just as easy to accomplish for the average human bean :^)

Is there an OTC pill I can OD on with alcohol? I'm killing myself tonight and right now my best option is driving off a guardrail on the side of a mountain. Can't find anyone who sells pain pills

It's really not that hard to find that level of dosage (I meant 20 Gy/min). Lake Karachay, Chernobyl, Australia, Hanford, Fukushima, and Stellafield. Pretty much a suicide booth for each continent.

Tylenol. Take twenty of them between shots.

Suicide by cop would be just as quick, and much more fun. Both would be slow and painful (more than a minute), but you'd go out with a bang for sure. If you're a complete fucking poorfag that doesn't even have a penny to spend, just put your head on a railway line or jump headfirst off a 20 story+ building. If I had to do it, I'd choose the noose, which would be slower, but it wouldn't leave a huge mess for the people cleaning up my body.

Fugg off you nogger


I have about $350 to my name. I wish I didn't live in the faggiest fucking state or I could just go get a gun

Shotgun to head

Lol. OP don't do this Tylenol od will slowly destroy liver and it is pain beyond words. Just admit that you are a faggot bitch and make mad money doing gay porn and smoke dope and play video games. You will get aids to accelerate death but at least you got dope and baller computer.

Hitchhike to a different state and buy a cheap handgun (preferably shotgun if $350 can get you that), then shoot yourself in the back of the head. If you're lucky, you'll get forcefully murdered on the road, hell maybe you'll meet someone cool who will stop you wanting to end your pathetic life.

>The 1% who survive a shotgun to the head

I've shared this a few times before, might as well help you towards the exit as well. I almost imagine I've had a hand in a few suicides.

Shotgun to the brain-stem is instant curtains. Find the point where the spine recedes under the skull. There's a small lump of bone at the base of the skull there. Place the top edge of the barrel on the underside of that lobe at about a 45 degree angle. Slug or buckshot is recommendable. At least put out some plastic sheets for the EMT's though.It's gonna be messy.

>Eat a bunch of cyanide
>slit writs
>set face on fire
>have shotgun rigged to shoot back of your head after 1 minute
>have electric toaster drop into hot bathtub after 2 minutes
>have explosives go off after 3 minutes
Now what's the chance for survival?

Get a grip of drugs.

What state?

Three guesses, first two don't count.

Tips on researching exsplosives? I don't want to get arrested and enr up a prison bitch


Google. The NSA doesn't care about you enough to raid your house after searching for "how to make homemade nitroglycerin"

12 gauge slug to the brainstem

You want a high energy explosive. Avoid ANFO for example, you get less bang for your buck. Now, detonating a C4 dildo right as it pounds you to a prostate orgasm, that will be relatively painless compared to good ol' fertilizer and diesel.


Try again

Eat a bottle of prescription sleeping pills and drink as much liquor as you can. Should knock you out pretty quick, then you'll stop breathing and die


Overdose on opiods

nitrogen asphyxiation is painless

apparently cherry seeds have lethal amounts of cyanide in them

crack a few and make a nice death smoothie

#00 buckshot from the roof of your mouth

How do I get opiods in an evening

You have to press it out of them and then use a chemical solution to get at the cyanide.

Would OTC ones work if I took enough?

Christians actually believe this.

Sounds like an episode of "I Shouldnt Be Alive." Or "Ripley's Believe it or Not."

Boutta take a bunch of benadryl and alcohol, wish me luck Sup Forumsros

Mixing pool chlorine and muriatic acid in a 4 to 3 molar ratio while locked in a supply closet.

Sitting in a closed garage with your car engine running.

Ricin (buy a castor plant and make a mash with the beans)

Blending 11 or 12 apple cores and drinking the mix.

Falling from 10 stories.

Asphyxiation by helium or other noble gases.

Asphyxiation by nitrogen.

Asphyxiation by CO2.

Lying lengthwise on a train rail.


Piss off a local dindu.

Piss off a local cop.

Guillotine yourself with a paper slicer.

Line your house with asbestos and wait 30 years.

Start a fluorine fire in your kitchen

Stick your head in a gas oven

Hide in a meat locker until hypothermia sets in.

That sounds like you'll just end up shitting yourself.

Well, at least have one last wank before you do yourself in.

Live your life, you're already dying slowly

those fucking flippers...

>vanilla shit
Nah, got kicked out of my house today because it was that or get committed. Buying this shit then I'm gonna find a secluded parking lot and die in my car

3 Aleve will do the same

OD on fentanyl, if you wake up you won't even know what happened