I know you all dislike personal army requests, but I think this one would be useful and not so personal

I know you all dislike personal army requests, but I think this one would be useful and not so personal.

I come to you as a Sup Forumstard from when you all still had the decency to help people with realistic requests, and i think this one is right up your alley.

Facebook Messenger needs a wake up call, to update themselves to a way that messeges actually get delivered. I'm looking for ideas and people to help me put these ideas into action. When only 1 of 25 of your messeges go through, don't you get urked? I want to know what crazy ideas you can come up with to help them update the messanger to actually send messeges through when you hit send, not leave them as sent but not delivered. They're data packets not snail mail, how is it not being delivered when it is sent?

No nigga

I dont think idea gathering is something that would result in a NYPA response, but then again, I've been coming here for years and you are not so much the Sup Forumsros i remember. But i bet moot would have at least given an idea.


Yeah, i grabbed a logo off google, go die of ecoli log eater

More like bvbcoli

my messages are not being delivered?

Just use another messaging service.

I limit myself on which social media i use, bookface to keep in touch with my extended family, Sup Forums for unfiltered open thoughts

I think there’s an app... idk if it helps

When it shows the circle its sending, circle with a check mark is sent, when the circle and checkmark invert it's delivered.


It's irked faggot. Into the trash it goes.

That means they weren’t online to recieve the message. They haven’t read the message yet. :D

Yeah, I use the messenger app (the one I'm asking for idea on) but i use the browser for the rest of my facebook interactions, the facebook app itself is too limited and has too many shortcomings. Just sign in through chrome on your phone/tablet and ignore the app for faceboom itself. Sadly you HAVE to use the messenger app to deliver facebook messages, they're trying to push the messanger app as a stand alone for the computer site too.

messenger is a nuisance...messages not being delivered is like... "Thank You Baby Raptor Jebus!!!!"

Yet it shows them online, and we had been in the middle of talking. Also, according to the computer's page on it, what I said was right, the person's profile pic replaces the symbol by the last message of yours they saw.

Empty for sent, solid for delivered, 'face' for read

Give them your phone number and text. No reason to use that garbage messenger

I can't text internationally for free, (some of my cousins live in parts of Europe) and some of my friends don't constantly have cell service so the only way to reach them is by FB messanger when they are on in a wifi zone.

Come on, there has to be someone out there with an idea besides use a different messanger

What do you expect? Facebook messenger has always been complete shit, facebook in general has
I would pay for international before using that bullshit

Sadly it didn't die like myspace like i had hoped.
And i dont feel like making my cousin's pay for international texting too. Besides then the telemarketers don't have to spoof themselves through local numbers, they can just text and call directly which would drive up my bill

>Facebook Messenger
>Being not a nigger
Pick one.