Your country

>Your country

What's the weather like there?

Yeah fuck AZ

Too hot for me

Shitty and wet

Next week it will be shitty and hot

This and it was shity and hot the week before

How do you post when water boils at 100?

Moist, like your mum.

100C vs 100F russiadude

unless this is bait...




Temperatures like in Seattle but slightly colder winters or New York City but slightly cooler summers, sunshine hours like in Anchorage, rain like in San Francisco. Basically mild, dry and grey, which coincidentally is what today's weather was. Bit of rain last night, mix of sun and clouds and 20C/70F highs during the day.

Also Phoenix shouldn't exist at all and Las Vegas shouldn't have been built in the first place and only warrants its existence now due to its pop culture value.

Not bad

are you ok user?

Ah, such a perfect weather!

Super comfy right now, wish I had a girlfriend so I could fuck her while enjoying the sound of the rain falling in the roof, tho

>live in a wealthy artificial suburb of Los Angeles bordering the desert (Santa Clarita).
>gets 110 degrees during the summer
>only rains during winter and spring

global warming is a hoax they said.

73F here by the California coast

It hit 100 today inland CA

Fucking hot the only good part is the evening warmth which is pretty unbeatable honestly.

not too bad yet

try again, Ivana

>pop culture
