Put a cop in every school in America. Case closed, problem solved. goodnight

Put a cop in every school in America. Case closed, problem solved. goodnight.

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not really.

there's more issues at play here than the level of security available in schools. like, how is a cop in a school going to stop someone shooting up a concert or a theater?
i agree the issue isn't that guns are available but its not as simple as that.

i think a big part of the issue is the success of the commercial pharmaceutical industry in the US

they did have one at the school you fucking jew bastard........he hid outside until help came. counting on pigs is about as helpful as believing in god

Wow. So glad you're here to fix everything.

then they also have a way to keep the basketball americans in check

where were you in the 2016 election.. life could have been so much easier

>Gotta go to school
>Better get the army
Lol Americucks

>implying (((they ))) didn't let this happen

U need more than 1 because they will aim at him first

>Cops shoot every black kid in murrican schools
>Deprived of their young black americans wither into nonexistence in the next few generations

There was a armed guard at that school retard. It was a Jewish school

Cops are in most schools. Usually just one. And a fat old one at that.

I don't know how this cop would want to pass up shooting this fag. What a coward.

He actually thought the shooter was outside and in a completely different area. Don't get me wrong. He fucked up but he wasn't being a pussy.


The news won't mention this. The president won't either.

I second this

Uh, he was shot but not killed. He was also shot with a pistol which has much less velocity than a rifle.
Shooters pick easy targets where they don't expect resistance. When they get it, they run, die, or suicide.


There was a cop there. And an armed adult has NEVER prevented a school mass shooting. Gun Control: case closed, problem solved, goodnight.

Gun control doesn't prevent violent crimes. People fixing: case closed, problems addressed, goodnight.

Third this.

Only country that intentionally and reckelessly throws psychotropics out like candy but hides those pesky opiates that make you just sit on ass uselessly not hurting anyone else.

Nobody cares about worthless public schools they could all burn down it would not matter. You could get a better education staying home and watching TV than going to public school

You mean like the cop that was assigned as sro of parkland?

Shut your uneducated ass up. There’s no fucking solution. Society breeds mental illness. Blame this sick, hypocritical, narcissistic, apathic world.

So the republican solution is more socialism. Interesting.

>be crazy want to stir up America
>Go to police academy, get assigned to school, work there few months, build trust.
>Build AR-15 Pistol with drum mag
>Unleash fury into school kids.
>School Cops Outlawed by the left
>School shootings rise

Yeah man but that like... doesn't solve anything.

Guy with a gun who kills people who try to commit school shootings is a solution. Being a faggot nihilist solves nothing.

He was told not to engage...

Probably because this whole thing is a fucking psy op.

Holy Shit, I'm totally for Bernie now user.

What’s your argument?


I'm not the original dude you were talking to.

But my point is that if you put armed security in schools it makes schools harder targets, which mitigates the number/severity of shootings. It won't fix everything, but it will help.

Kill yourself you autistic little faggot.

That subhuman sack of shit looks just like the Incredible Hulk edition Mr Potato head

Who's that guy?

He is right.
Just look at the UK and France, so peaceful. They don't have guns so there are no attacks of any kind. How could they even do that?
Once you take guns away from them, they won't use trucks or knives. What are you talking about? Go back to Sup Forums you bigot. We just need more gun control.

How will it help? Schools aren’t the only targets. Was downtown Las Vegas a school? This shit doesn’t just go down at schools.

he looks fine maybe his ears are a little lepricorni but pretty decent. sure is worse out there


there were FOUR cops there

armed SRO officer
3 broward county deputies.

all waited outside. deputies were told not to enter without turning on body cams, but did not have any to turn on

>Be murderer, rapist and thief
>Finish up 3D Printing 12 guns for his homies
>Makes bullets himself too
>Sell them guns for 25x more than he paid in materials
>They get together and decide to go rape, murder and rob some unarmed Civies
>They see town, looks like a rich neighborhood
>They see sign that says each homeowner is armed and willing to defend their families with deadly force
>Homie remarks
>There's a gun free town just 5 minutes away bruh
>Asks driver why the fuck they don't just go rob, rape and murder those retarded fucks
>Retarded driver asks him what the difference is
>Homie kills driver for being worthless and retarded.
>Take his guns and 3D printers

Schools are a primary target. The name of the game is damage reduction. In the same way that police stations, banks, military bases and airports have armed security, so should schools.

Yeah man, because it was planned that way.


I don’t know man. Humans are violent. People have this utopia in their head that’s not obtainable. Humans = violence

>People have this utopia in their head
Exactly why they want to ban free speech and weapons to protect yourself from them. They want to brainwash generations.


That's bullshit. Armed guards have prevented several school shootings and attacks. There is a video on youtube you can watch right now where a kid tried to go on a stabbing rampage at a California school and the guard shot him.


Armed guards aren't some utopian measure. It's a legitimate protection. If we admit that humans are violent animals and we need to protect our tribe from enemies, then having armed guards totally makes sense. I'm literally advocating for putting a bunch of AFG vets in schools to merc any skinny faggot with an AR that rolls up. We like killing people.

George Soros, founder of the comming third world war

till you run out of opiates. then you hurt people in order to get more opiates.

Kill all cops, niggers, asians, Jews and everyone who has gone to university.
Make schools about building natural talents.

Problem solved.


In my experience they're more of the petty theft crowd, the meth heads in particular are the ones you have to watch.


This isn’t about fucking schools. It’s about humans as a species. We’re basically animals. The only thing different is our self awareness. We do the same shit other animals do but with a conscious.

Even cops dont want to face off against someone with a assault rifle. Good ole assaulty, and extended clipy, full of extra big bullets. This gun knows how to kill.

you´re going to hand in your guns no matter how hard you cry, redneck.

>We’re basically animals.
Yeah, Ok Sheriff.


We're really less different than we think we are.

The only difference is we're more creative and we have a better memory, which kind of go hand in hand.
we're no better than a dog, if a dog had as good of memory as humans did it would be the same.

obvious bait is obivous. everyone knows this

>rednecks are the only gun owners in America

>white dumbass people think raging about gun control will solve the issue
>banning guns will only make them easier to get through black market
>FBI warned and around 29 calls to police about his behavior
>guns r the problem!!!!

in the 1950s Eisenhower deployed the US army to high schools in the south to make sure segregation happened, and to make sure the kids were not assaulted by white kids or white school employees (the south was very liberal, and they could get away with open racism because they were democrats)

You're not listening to me. I'm saying take a piece of the problem, and deal with it.

If part of the problem is disaffected young males shooting up schools, then fucking address it. Put that boy in shop class and tell him he's doing a fucking good job, make him feel like a man, like he matters. And put somebody who has actually been in combat on patrol at that school to protect it from bad people.

Fucking.... build a community. Start right there, in that little patch of the world, and build out. Stop pontificating about shit that doesn't matter and just accomplish something.

>cops at the school literally failed to prevent or stop last mass shooting
>not one, but THREE cops
This idea is as stupid as giving teachers guns.

>I literally don't know what liberal means

Nigga got 4 pens

4 Fucking PENS
They felt to empty so he had to get MORE PENS


Actually in the states where teachers conceal carry and are trained to use the guns, there have been no school shootings or issues with kids trying to shoot them up.

I agree, the more guns the better. I cant sleep without my AR under my pillow and of my depends undergarment. Sometimes the gun goes off, really scares me.


I'm not disagreeing, I just want to add to your story.

In Wyoming, there has been one school shooting, in a state with more guns than people.

A student up in Casper took his bow and hunting knife to school and tried to kill his classmates. His father, the teacher of the class, took an arrow through the shoulder and a knife in the gut, and then killed his son with his own knife.

Guy was a hero. Saved that room full of kids. Had to murder his son. Died in the process.

It takes men like that to stand up to evil people. Banning weapons won't stop it.

This is a hard fact. Large, wealthy, societies with a bunch of young people with too much free time on their hands breeds mental illness.

Wealthy societies also breed art too, they add to the continuity of human culture. So I don't know, it's kind of a trade off.

He will be the first to be shoot. A cop can do nothing against a guy with military weapons. You have to put at least 30 soldiers in each school to secure it.

I kind of agree with what your saying but people just don’t behave that way. At least not for long. The majority of us are docile. Nothing ever really changes (think of war) at least every fucking century there’s multiple conflicts between humans. Maybe it’s instinct, maybe it’s people just being mindless sheep. Who the fuck knows. Consciousness and the experience of life is fucking confusing.

>hear gunshots from inside
>fuck he must be outside

>Dumb nigger hasn't checked out post modern art

98% the young people i know have jobs that stress them the fuck out. so nah actually

you've never been in a firefight have you?

If you want to stop this kind of mass shooting in school, stop bullying and humiliate students. Case closed


Then you have very little experience, my dude.
Source: fucking Michigan

no I live in a civilized country

No you don't.


damn you sure showed me

No need, you didn't name the country because I'm right.


Then again I guess it all goes down to where you live, my state has a bad meth problem, heroin is second but generally when I find heroin on a suspect it's for petty larceny or stealing things that are unattended to.
Meth heads go for the gold and take watches off suits. it's fun for them.

these threads never get old. baiting 3rd world fags is always fun.

Then plan for it. If we know people are damned to be violent, then we need to put good people in the way to stop them.

I did it. Others can too.

A long time ago I went and I killed people for a cause I believed in, hoping to make the world right. I helped some. I hurt others.

Maybe.... maybe people can do better, maybe we can fight for the things that matter.

fucking kike wearing it on the wrong side

>shooting at school
>give teachers guns
>shooting at cinema
>give ushers guns
>shooting at walmart
>give op guns

>thinks that he lives in a civilised country
>spells it with a z

except there are and they're the beta bottom tier collect a paycheck and fuck the highschool chicks type. dumbshit.

yeah don't talk about your american oil farming.

I thought we already had school police in every high school?

>not knowing resource officers already have guns at schools in america and security officers at theaters also carry pistols
>mentioning walmart
>eurofag outs himself while muslim refugee fucks his wife

fucking duh....all of these shootings that hit the news are psy ops pushing the mother fucking agenda of banning firearms so the gestapo can roll on through.