Epic gun meme libturd btfo

epic gun meme libturd btfo

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how does not knowing a lightsaber make you a girl? gtfo

stay mad kid

wh.. what?
Are you high right now?

some kind of coil pack?

anal plug?

i actually do have a girlfriend,
so what's your point?

No it means her bf is a manual labor sucker

AK74 is a better rifle.

Yes, I will have fries with that.

awesome vape homie

some sort of drive shaft?

Stupid opinions like this are why no one takes you seriously.

There's a reason the Kalashnikov has been around as long as it has, faggot.

Knowing basic firearm parts for the most common firearm in the US is manual labor tier.
Ya okay bub.

It's the bolt for an AR. Fits in the bolt carrier like so.

ak74 rounds keyhole more than half the time in my experience. i'll take a gun with equal reliability and superior accuracy any day.
if you said akm47, i wouldn't think you were a moron or a troll, but you did, so i do.

and if yor boyfriend ist mentaly not able to understand and aply things like that you have a retarded redneck who better knows his car becouse what else can he do

What if you're British?

shit mate, your autism and retardation hit a new high.
have you even finished preschool?

It's the kind of meme I'd expect to see om facebook, you're probably a faggot.


cleaning this shit is always such a pain in the ass

My butler cleans my guns for me poorfag

>letting another man do your job
I bet he fucks your girl as well you fucking faggot.

>manual labor sucker

Yea, it’s making 102$/hour, it’s a complete turn off. Especially when I make double time on sundays. I’m gonna try getting rid of the muscle mass I gain during work too, I wanna go for the soyboy liberal arts type look.

There's literally no amount of money that I could have that would keep me from cleaning my own guns.
Or driving my own cars, or fixing my own cars.
Seriously I could have a limitless bank account and that would just enable me MORE time and access to tools to fix, build, engineer, create, restore, etc etc.
I would love to have the time and money to do all these things myself.


This is what any normal man wants, being able to do these things is what makes you develop as a person.

machinist here, where do you earn 212k a year at? im in the wrong industry

There's no other variant of the AKM, so there is no reason to add the "47" at the end of it. Makes you look like a LARP'er

A welder with a government contract gig can easily make that.
And you spend 95% of your time doing literally nothing.

doing what exactly? the only city labour guys i know drive trucks or are parks and recreation and they dont make more than 35 an hour.

Can i hit your juul bro please just once i need it bro please bro

I bet you fuck guys while thinking about girls

Finna stick my dick in

>A welder with a government contract gig
So like 10 welders in the country.
Not to mention most are going to be working for a higher company that gets those contracts so you're not going to get shit besides your salary no matter who you work for.

ITT: an hourly thinks they're hot shit

Ar15 bolt

The SCAR system is so much more superior than the trashy ar15 system.

That looks like the part that goes inside the clicky top part of a clicky pen.

Fucking siqq vape boii

....is it a robot sex toy?

It will be once I'm done with it.

Saw this on facebook many years ago, posted by an Infantry Vet noless..

I love me some scars!

Also, depends on the build/caliber, friendo.

Maybe you just like scars more than ar's?

Duck call

Looks like an ole school lightsaber. Could be a bong thing you hippies like. Maybe the original flashlight. But op it's cool I still get more pussy than your faggot ass.

Your dog doesn't count, turbosperg.

it's a rocket

cam shaft?

>$350 vs $3k


no it isnt


It's a piece of a differential.

I'd say you all use it every day but most of you are probably in your 20's without a driver's license.

Boiler Makers start at 120k/year and they literally just weld big tanks.

Well, fuck me.



I know fuck-all about cars as well, I was just giving an example of something it's used in.

Thats a pocket pussy, right?

ok we get it, you vape

Boilers focking own

If you have a boyfriend, you're gay. But if you have a bf and he doesn't know what that bolt is, then he's your gf, and therefore you're hetero again?

aren't you the same little boy from yesterday?

I've cleaned mine soo many times :(

not vaping means that you are feminine?

Not having a industrial strength vibrator means i'm feminin?

i dont know what that is but i did have a sexual relationship with my first cousin and was close to marrying her. im also white in a blue state.

If your girl knows what it is, does that mean you have a boyfriend?

Casing crew hauler here out in West Texas I average 250k a yr and at least 100k of it is tax free

also, if the girl knows, but the boy doesn't, does that make them straight, but with flipped genders?

I'm going to say "proc shaft", thus displaying my ignorance about both cars and whatever the fuck that actually is.

You are the reason the world hates america you cunt


Ever had to clean one after tracers or using the blank adapter?

Sabot round?

They both have rotating bolts, so you really dig short stroke gas pistons over direct impingement?

>"bugs bunny"!!?

Faggot round?

Lightsaber hilt?

Not buying a custom range planet built by pan dimensional space mice where you mine your own minerals for your personal armorer to make a custom gun and bullet for each shot, then crashing it into the sun.

Fingerbox Pro

Eurofag here
Would you mind elaborating the difference between those 2?

I’m honestly interested

You got a bad 74 then. My Izmash never keyholes - keyholing is the sign of a warped or misinstalled barrel.
Take it to a gunsmith for repair, because I have no problem hitting plates out to 600 meters with my Izmash IZ240.

Sound legit....

ITT: People claiming to make 200k + doing "literally nothing" and management has not caught on. Surgeons start at 225k, not ur dumbass

SCAR-L is designed to be more easily modular and adaptable in the field than the M4/M16 platform - performs about the same though but for 4 times the price.
SCAR-H is the heavy version (7.62x51/.308Win), and is used in much the same way as the SCAR-L only it’s actually worth the cost - it’s a good replacement for the old M-14s and AR-10s to have a non-specialized 7.62x51 chambered field rifle for troops in a platform they are used to (M4/M16).