
Why is racism against Natives broadly socially acceptable in Canada but not racism towards any other groups?

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It's like that all over the Americas. We indigenous people need to unite and work together to take back our land and overthrow all of these governments.

índios are shit


I truly believe the Native Americans deserve justice and that Andrew Jackson is contemptible, but I'm White. What do I do?

Native Americans are the Russians of the America's.

All they did was try to destroy everything, and now they don't understand why everybody hates them.

Extremely fat post

Still better than Brazilians, though

>try to destroy everything

your shit opinion

Bone Tomahawk taught me that natives were savages and deserved to be genocided.

Stop being gay for starters.

It's funny because natives are the only group that have really been genocided and oppressed so thoroughly

Every other ethnicity's concerns are a joke in comparison


Not really

>phone posting

Isn't that kind of open racial discrimination by a business illegal in Canada? It would be in America.

How do you knows it's against natives and not Indians, the ones who can't use toilets?

>no natives please

Come and take it, Squanto

Pic related

>What do I do?
>Muh noble savages
Quit being a faggot first off

>Makes an analogy
>Not even remotely accurate
Do you people even bother to read?

He means the picture of the neon sign I presume

kek, I'm stupid.

yes, but it still happens. you see kijiji ads with "chinese only" or "pakistanis only" all the time.

What the fug is Kijiji? Why do the Canadian authorities let Chinks and Poos get away with discrimination against the natives?

>All they did was try to destroy everything, and now they don't understand why everybody hates them.
Are burgers the Russians of the West?

genuinely love native american culture desu

i know they're mostly druggies and conmen now, but meme all you want there was something noble about their savage ways

Just entered the thread, I completely agree. I read a statement by an Indian chief once who replied to a racy reporter in the 1800s, the reporter asked something like, "Why do you dislike civilization so much?"

He answered something to the effect, "Stand atop a mountain and watch the eagles fly, listen to the wind rush over the treetops. Hunt with your friends and take from nature, but only what you need. Come home and enjoy the pipe and make endless love to the women of the villiage. You white men sought to improve on something which was already perfect and just as your god intended."

Nearly every fucking american has some native in them if their ancestors have been here from before the european immigration wave

Luckily both parents are Polish, no native blood here. But my fucking dna test did say 0.3 east asian...

canadian craigslist
no one honestly cares enough to report it

>Injuns applied NEET philosophy to civilization
huh, they might been onto something. Also, Ted Kaczynski would've been proud
>mongols laughing in the distance

>Nearly every fucking american claims to have some native in them

I don't: ^)

>tfw never even met a Native American
Bitch at me when I live in Oklahoma

Wow, lucky you. Now you only have 99.7% Polack blood to be ashamed of.

natives of the new world deserve far more sympathy and attention paid to their living conditions than they get

Interesting. I've always been quite conflicted about native americans myself.

mongol blood has been in Polish DNA for nearly 800 years, so it is likely that is has been fully integrated and assimilated into Polish DNA

>gay canadian thread become an native american appreciation thread
Based Sup Forums

t. Juanito tyrone "blackfoot tomahawk" mcdonald

I genuinely feel sorry for them. I don't think there is race that exist that got ass-fucked as much as them.


Although I don't really /care/ I will admit, they even got assfugged where the settlers coexisted peacefully. My town was formed with complete cooperation with the Indians, but come Andrew Jackson, they had to go, despite not having issues with Europeans.

>deserve far more sympathy
Oh go fuck yourself. They get SO much fucking money and support from the government. They are technically the most privileged people in Canada due to how many extra rights and benefits they get just because of their genes. They are given so much extra opportunity and they STILL squander it. They deserve no sympathy, not anymore. If they want to be successful people they should move away from their third world Reserves, which their own people fuck up managing even with government cheques flowing in and then they cry that it's whitey's fault. All their problems today are their own fucking fault because they are simply a stupid, dumbed down people.

they are the way they are because successive governments have systemically repressed them. what reasonable person can honestly say that native Americans aren't in the position they are in today because of the historical wrongs committed against them? they are the way they are because we made them this way, only now we are trying to fix our mistakes.

They should have easily rebounded by this point. All they do is whine and get drunk.
They need to be seperated from western society and western technology and given more land.

Probably won't work. They're a fundamentally broken people at this point. A vast majority of them were killed off, all their land is gone, and the people who are survived weren't the best of them.

it's hard to recover when systemic injustices has scarred families for, literally, generations. You live in a broken family, your likely to have a broken family. It's a vicious cycle.

>muh noble wh*tey