Why did the Japenese experiment on people the way they did during WW2...

Why did the Japenese experiment on people the way they did during WW2? Are there any similar things performed by the allied side that not many people know about?

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is this from a movie?


They had no anime yet.

It's archival footage from Unit 731. There exists more clips of live cryo experimentation.

don't recognize the pic but probably from "men behind the sun"

Every military that's ever occupied another country has used captive citizens as a test bed for unethical experiments. It doesn't make it right, or excusable, but as long as there are amoral scientists and war, citizens will be made into guinea pigs.

its shit like this that reminds me why its bad to dehumanize people who i hate.

No it's from a movie called Men Behind the Sun about unit 731 you dumb teenager.

Alies did almost the same things, not much is known thought, since they just used volunteers (US, Brits) or ideological fanatics (USSR) ready to suffer for science. Experimentals, or their relatives were getting a pension in exchange for non-disclosure, so unlike German or Japanese prisoners no one cried out for justice after the war.

Pretty sure the allies never tried replacing human organs with horse organs just to see what would happen or use them as live target dummies for shrapnel devices.

I was aware that biological weapons and gasses like agent orange were tested on willing and unwilling participants in the US, until as recently as the 80's (what has been released to the public since that time anyway). However the human experimentation of Japan is still far more grizzly than anything we know about comitted by the west. Hence the purpose of my thread, to find out what similar acts were carried out by allied forces.

Just as an aside lots of modern medicine is based on Nazi and Japanese experiments Especially treatments for hypothermia and burns Nazis were very thorough, fucking animals

The imperial Japanese didn't consider Chinese human and they thought it was cool to let a bunch of sociopathic quack doctors run a slaughterhouse. It was hardly isolated in Unit 731, there's lots of horror stories about Japanese soldiers torturing and murdering chinese civilians they used as "comfort women" even including children.

Horrible things happened on all sides but nobody was as fucking brutal and inhuman as the Japanese.

Those hardly had any scientifical purposes, more like fancy executions. Also half of those are probably propaganda of allies. The problem with German and Japanese scientists was that they were given too much freedom during the war. Scientists are crazy people in general, some more, others less.

idunno, but i know it's kind of weird that Guantanamo bay is still a thing that exists and it's located in a country that's literally illegal for US citizens to visit.

food for thought

>Also half of those are probably propaganda of allies
Nope, you can look up the recovered papers they didn't manage to destroy in time.

Gitmo may be fucked up but it's nothing like unit 731.

Original production used actual corpses as props. Can't say what else was real.

HIroshima was kinda of a huge test. The first americans that arrived had the job to document the destruktion and the people hit by the bomb/radiation.

Also they nuked their own soldiers in test. Had experiments with LSD and other drugs...

>Can't say what else was real.
It's not a fucking snuff movie you stupid cunt.

>recovered papers
Considering those papers couldn't be fabricated. Alies desperately needed to justify own agressive actions during WW2 so all the mythos were born. Soviet needed to explain why they suddenly grabbed a half of Europe so they invented the myth about dozens death camps located in Poland and other Eastern European countries who secretly were nazis as well.
And US had to explain two nukes so the myth of inhuman actions of Japanese army in Asia was fabricated as well.

>And US had to explain two nukes
It was to end the war because Russia was ramping up to invade. Anyone not retarded knows this.

We know it nowadays because 'ha ha it was so long ago no one cares lmao'. But back then no one told that, it was presented as a justful strike of retaliation.

Thanks, im wass bored and now im whatching this movie. Its preaty interesting

>implying dropping a bomb during wartime isn't a justful strike of retaliation against a sneak attack

If USA wanted to stop Russia from invading Japan why didn't they drop a bomb on Moscow instead?

Are you seriously asking or are you pretending to be retarded?

Dropping two nukes on a country you trying to protect is pretty retarded don't you think?

Stopping Russia from invading and protecting Japan aren't the same thing you sub 40 IQ nigger. It was in the everyone else's best interest to stop Russia from getting a foothold in the pacific and especially keeping them from occupying Japan over the Americans or British.

Well... americunts shoot deers and stuff so they dont starve...

Is this what Vlad tells you?

>The problem with German and Japanese scientists was that they were given too much freedom during the war. Scientists are crazy people in general, some more, others less.
Sounds like something that an uneducated blue collar nothing would say.

>Considering those papers couldn't be fabricated.
r u a retarded?

Does it mean America gonna nuke EU in case of WW3 so Russians wouldn't get it?

>the myth of inhuman actions of Japanese army in Asia was fabricated as well.
How deep is your head in the sand? Japanese barbarity was well documented by all countries they fought against. Even high ranking Nazis urged Hitler to end the alliance with them.

What if the russians attack the USA in WW3?

Then nuke both EU and China. And Japan.

No because America already has tons of bases in Europe.

They wouldn't and there wont be a WW3 because it costs too much. At most it's more "our nukes are super good don't even try it" from both sides and proxy wars.

Ah ok... thought they just gonna nuke themself

>Every military that's ever occupied another country has used captive citizens as a test bed for unethical experiments.

Not really. The US did a lot of shady shit in Iraq, but I'm pretty sure they never used it's citizens for gruesome medical experiments.

LIke the first 2 worldwars were cheap.... the USA is still paying their debts made during WW2. And one reason why nazi-germany went to the east was because they had to to get the ressources=money to pay all the tanks and stuff they already bought,

WW2 was an economic boom. US became a superpower, Germany became one of the best economies in the world after they were forced to stop throwing money at the military and focus on infrastructure, Japan stopped being a third world shithole and became a technological superpower thanks to America.

I've read they feed prisoners of war with american food. It's pretty gruesome 2bh.

Like i said, the USA is still paying for it. Germany was just a huge junk yard --> lot of work payed by the winners (marschal plan). If you think the war itself created an economic boom you are just plain stupid. The winners are some companies who produced militäry goods and countries who occupied ground.

But before the invasion Stalin send resourses to Hitler for free, out of good will. First soviet prisoners taken by Germans during WW2 were the crew of train that delivered another portion of steel to Germany.

>the USA is still paying for it.
In what way?


Maybe not wars but they did do it to the niggers and LSD

yeah, it's actually four films. they are very similar in style and tone to the "ilsa she wolf" series.

they didn't use "corpses" of HUMANS, but there were some dead animals.

The LSD tests on unaware civilians were CIA. There was some LSD tests in the military but they were highly regulated and with volunteers in small doses.

>Like i said, the USA is still paying for it.
To who exactly? America raised taxtes on it's citizens to finance the war, as well as selling war bonds. Then there's the fact of the almost usurious amounts of money we made from lend-leasing tanks, planes, and ships to the other Allied powers. America got filthy fucking rich from the war AND emerged almost entirely unscathed while other countries were either conquered by the Allies and saddled with reparations or were bombed to shit by the Axis powers only to owe us large sums of money for equipment. We did pretty damn well for ourselves.

its a part of the national debts,,, after WW2 they never got rid of it again

>national debts

i think the sickest part of the film (men behind the sun) is that there's this slimy, almost faggy guy who teaches boys to eat apples so that it cleans their teeth and then--i think it's the same guy--he ends up fooling some little boy to be put under with gas, like it's a cute game, and they slice him open, take out his liver and immediately cook and eat it.

some companies got rich... but the USA not. i mean... the USA got higher debts then any other country... how can you call that rich?

Every year they send 12 boys and 12 girls to Dresden. They never return.

are you

How many americans could really afford an iPhone prior to WW2?

>the winning powers would release such information


USA as a whole did get "rich" as it is individuals AND companies that make up the USA. As the need for mass production fell, profits fell even more which coincides to why we've never left a conflict since (pre)WW1. Theres profit in misery.

just in case you dont know end of 1941 the USA joind the WW2


>war bonds
>private companies
One of these things are unrelated to the other two. It's true that most of the money spent by the U.S. was spend in America paying for the manufacturing of war materials but the federal budget was greatly increased in order to fund a larger global presence. Also, how bad debt is is relative to income. For example, it's true that the American government and its citizens have a larger debt than other places in the world but we also have a much higher standard of living than most of the world. We do so much better than a lot of countries that our conceptions of "poor" and "wealthy" look nothing alike. Our middle class do much better than the wealthy in other places and our armed forces are positioned all around the globe to secure our interests and those of our allies. What is that if not success?

When e.g. a bank lends you 10 mio. $ to buy a house or to help your company or start your own buissness you are rich?

Who is the "bank?" Exactly? Rothchild? The Swiss? The Chinese that were saved during ww2?

Thats not "success" thats "buying stuff you cant afford with the money of your children, grandchildren and so on..."

What does e.g. mean? If you dont know anything stop asking questions and maybe read a book first or something before you try to join a debate...

You used the bank as an analogy for "something" clearly. If the lenders are not "banks" analogically or otherwise who is the USA indebted to?

Are you being intentionally dense? Our grandparents did pretty damn well for us. Consider the conditions that they lived in growing up compared to how we live now. The world where America was an insignificant impoverished backwater populated largely by subsistence farmers who didn't have access to electricity or running water and couldn't even read. Like I said, the severity of debt is relative to your income. You must live in a deeply impoverished country to see our debt, compare it to our standard of living and think we're getting a raw deal. We whine and gripe but if everybody would stop being so dramatic they would see we're doing pretty fucking well for ourselves compared to most countries.

Yup, it's Men Behind the Sun.
>somebody post the decompression scene!


>nobody was as fucking brutal and inhuman as the Japanese.
Your country just keeps secrets better.

So you have no proof for what you're claiming but it must be so because you think so right? Not because you've seen incontrovertible evidence but just because surely it must be so?

Yet, we're all being experimented on everyday. MK Ultra CIA programming, Cultural programming, and yes, they're testing chemicals on us by putting them in the food or water. Anyone who would even try to debate otherwise just ends up looking like another leftest soyboy.

We tested syphillis on niggers. Thats confirmed. That's about what I know. I mean theres also the old psychomedical experiments such as lobotomies and electro shock therapy.


where are you from op

>Anyone who would even try to debate otherwise just ends up looking like another leftest soyboy.
Lo. Maybe if they tried to argue the point on Sup Forums or the infowars comment section.

The reason why anyone does anything.
For the lulz

What is there left to experiment? The world knows how humans react to heat / cold / chemicals / acids / weapons / bullets / burns / drugs / radiation etc etc.

Men behind the sun


This Chinese propaganda movie looks so bad...

>hands frozen to a solid block of ice
>I am fine i am fine
>Ice hands get cracked under rod
>argaaahhh myy HAAAANDSSS
