My wife fucks me with a strap on because my cock isn't big enough to satisfy her

My wife fucks me with a strap on because my cock isn't big enough to satisfy her.

If your minidick is too small to satisfy her, fucking you with a strap-on does not put a bigger dick in her vagina to satisfy her.

That is not why ppl get sodomized by pretty girls.

>penis in vagina is the only type of fucking

That's called procration, christfags only do missionary.


why do they even use strap-ons in porn when they look very unflattering. this is clearly the only way.

More pegging please

Do you think a woman loses respect for her man if she fucks him in the ass?

Yes absolutely

not unless you are an infantile absolutist shithead

These aren't that great for the guy or the girl really.

There are some nice harnesses out there.

>pic related
Muh gear

I am a guy btw

You don't even know what you just said, kek.
Pegging will have the same effect as you crying in front of her. Pegging is a shit test that girls give to guys and no alpha male would ever take this willingly

How does the generic acrylic dido feel?

not op here.

At least my fiance hasn't. We've only been doing it for a couple months. She discovered my various dildos and asked me about it. Had to come clean after hiding it from her the whole time we were dating (6 years)

I had a double ender and a couple strapon-compatible dildos hoping for this day and hoping it would go as well as it did. She loves sharing the double ender with me, and enjoys taking me doggy. The best position is when I ride her, and I ride her hard with the 2.1" wide giant purple dick.

I don't think it is much of a power dynamic change, though. She is afraid to hurt me still even though i'm pounding myself as hard as I can when I'm riding her. that's the only way i can cum hands free. never was able to do it solo

>You don't even know what you just said, kek.
You are an emotional child who assumes that all other people in the world are as simplistic and judgemental as you are. You have no real life experience OR you refuse to learn from the experience you do have so you are emotionally stunted to the point of lumping people into playground level social groups. ex alpha and beta

You believe in absolutes. There is no spectrum of anything and this makes you feel safe because to believe that there is any complexity to human behavior or sexuality would scare the living fuck out of you. You lack the emotional depth and intelligence to handle that so clear absolutes are the only way you can handle dealing with people

You express opinions like the above.

actually one of my favorites to use on myself.

It's hard but without real texture and it's easy to use in the shower or to warm up. The glass ones are ok too but since they are shorter they are harder to hold on to and control.

Which is your favorite? And which is your partners?

this sentence makes zero sense. your fetish makes zero sense.

Being dominated by a woman is fine as being pegged is. Shit is gold, really. But I cannot get behind this whole humiliation thing.

Only save ass faggots who never experienced humiliation in real life nor ever were willing to take even the smallest risk can develop a fantasy where this is actually hot.

In short: I like my wife fisting my ass to totally discharge my prostate and yet I am a real man.

You are just a piece of shit.

Joque harness with the tantus curve for pegging me.

I have a newer 'softer' curve they released that isn't pictured. It's awesome.

For her she loves the generic silicone one with the suction cup in the shower. On her, in bed, it depends. Mainly she's all about clitoral stimulation but I will wear the Deuce harness sometimes and fuck her with her dildo of choice. Sometimes large, sometimes smaller (esp on her period). Mostly we use it for one man DP.


I'm intrigued by the shape of the end (right side in picture)

I have a few more questions, do you have a kik?

no kik

it's good for hitting the prostate. Big problem is with lube or water it gets slippery and you have to keep turning it back around because it slips in your hand.