A lot of kids at school are making fun of me saying I look like a boy (I'm a girl!)...

A lot of kids at school are making fun of me saying I look like a boy (I'm a girl!). My friends say it's because of my hair but I like my hair short. What should I do? All the teasing is getting to me.

you look like a boy. i dont know what you expect. either change how you look or get over it

do you have a penis? if so you're a boy.

Show your tits or gtfo tomboy :)

Probs underage

only 2 genders because science. 3 if you have both genitalia. Liberalism is a mental illness. you're what you are born as and don't get to pick fuck head.

This guy gets it!

This thread again? Come on OP... Get on something new

tits are tits. so be my little sister. Welcome to the real world.

>(I'm a girl!)

I've got news for you. A boy dressed up as a girl is n-o-t a girl. You, faggot, are simply a homosex. End of story.

Look at them digits.

boi u ugly

school shooting i dont know

That hairstyle was lame in '06, you look like Johnathan Taylor Thomas.
Look like a fucking girl if you don't want ppl to think ur a guy

Trips doe

Dress like a girl,if you wear boyish clothes it will continue

I second the school shooting proposal. Pick off anyone that made fun of you specifically.


funny you should mention that year in this thread

Your hair is fine just change the clothes

Try eyeliner or some type of make up

Kill yourself

Hello new friends.

Isn't this fucking depressing?

>tfw you've wasted your entire adult life on a japanese imageboard
>only companionship is a handful of other oldfags met in passing
>mootykins is kill
depressing is the tip of the iceberg user

Embrace it and ask them if they would like to suck your dick.

Easy solution , find a boy and have sex. then he will tell everyone he banged a girl not a boy and ur now well know girl and guys will start asking to hang out cuz they wanna see u nude. now u r popular and a girl in everyones eyes

Ha you suck

whatever fagfag