At home with my 18mo. Old daughter. Have run out of ideas on keeping her occupied. What should I teach her today...

At home with my 18mo. Old daughter. Have run out of ideas on keeping her occupied. What should I teach her today? Let's keep it civil, and PG.

Buy a book on ABCs, you brainlet

Abc's or numbers or read her a book.

That Stalin is the greatest leader of all times

How about you teach her what a failure you are?

Xhamster on the TV

teach her wizard powers

lol this.

Check. Phonics farm playing in background. And reading ABC stuff from the literary master, Eric Carle. Glad to see Sup Forums is capable of some good advice.

> Abc's or numbers or read her a book.
Post the same thing as previous poster. Probably female.

Tempting, but I'm a shit wizard. She'd probably just end up turning all our food into poop.

Teach her some valuable lessons about morals and maturity.

Jokes aside, ask her what she likes to do, and come to a conclusion based on that.

Anyone here seen or heard of Blippi on YouTube? This dude is a gif machine. Sooooo much great b material.

She's not at that level yet. Wish she was. Would make things so much easier. Instead, I'm still playing mind reader.

do some painting with her. Just a blank canvas and get some plastic to cover the floor, then let her indulge in just fooling around with the paint. Make sure it isn't a health hazard though :p

You can teach her some important things to know how to paint like a smiley :D

Yes!! This is what I was looking for. Great suggestion. I'm setting this up now. Bless your soul.


Creat something that you can look back when she's older. Idk what it was made out of it, but my brother has a handprint from when he was in preschool

Programming, start off with the basics - maybe Python - then move onto proper concurrency with C++

She's a little old, but 18 months is still a good age to start.

definitely this. Art is severely underrated and I hope you teach her how to draw and be proud of her work even if it's not as good as others.

who knows, she might even become famous.

You should enjoy these moments. You may be longing for her to be slightly more grown up, but before you know she's already a young woman and independant, and then there isn't much father time anymore :(

They grow up even faster nowadays, in my area, the girls start going to parties already at 13 or 14, and at that point you're just going to have accept that as women are more empowered than ever.

Have fun though. Children are the best thing that can happen to anyone :)

A work in progress. And wow, some good advice and truly kind sentiments. My faith in b is restored. She wanted you guys to have this.

yeah that's the way man!
You could make the experience more personal by booping her nose when you paint the smiley's nose and little small things like that.
When you're at that age, everything is fascinating and so foreign, and children always want to explore

read her mein kampf

teach her to do your taxes tbh

melt crayons on griddle
my kids loved it...
google how to do it on a electric griddle.