Help me settle an argument

Help me settle an argument.

A and B are friends, and they are happening to work at the same place for three months. They are neighbours. A has a drivers license, B has not. Everyday they work together, and they work the same times. It takes 15 minutes to get there by car, and around 40 minutes to walk.

What's correct in this situation?

>1: B should pay A a small amount of money to A for driving him, because that's the least he can do for his generous friend. Why should A pay for gas and B just get along for free like a hobo?

>2: A is a dick if he demands money from B. He loses absolutely no money at all driving him, and since they are friends, A shouldn't demand money from simply driving his friend to work.

I know there's probably no right or wrong, but what do you think?


Other urls found in this thread:

Sell the car, both walk.
More money that way.

If you're driving at 40 mph and it takes 15 minutes, that's 10 miles.
If you're friend can walk that in 40 minutes, that's walking a mile in 4 minutes. Olympians have to RUN to do a mile in ~4 minutes.
Better question is, why doesn't your friend start running and join the Olympic team?

You can shortcut through a forest if you're walking.

Both are correct. B should offer, A should not demand.

You should've mentioned that from the start, OP.
Don't leave out info like that.

After thinking over and over again we can get to a conclusion that the islam is a cancer to this world.

They're both right. A shouldn't demand money from B...but B should man the fuck up and pitch in for gas. That's an automatic strain on a friendship if he doesn't.

Fukken true

This so much.

If someone drives me to something if my car is broken down I'm gonna buy them food or gas godamnit.

B should get his license and pitch in for gas money. A shouldn't demand money from him, but should accept it. B needs to get off his ass and get a license and a car.

I cant say what they should or shouldnt do, but here's what Id do, if I was friend B (I dont have license). Id work out a fair amount, obviously cheaper than public - perhaps on par, but still, its not fair for person A to pay for gas only. Both use it daily or whatnot. And no, he does lose a bit of money, the more weight, the more gas. Its just the right thing to do.

Carpooling is better for the environment, cheaper, reduces traffic and doesn't have the up-front cost of buying a car. Why wouldn't you do it?

INsurance s twice is amuch if yu crash.


Use public transport, then.

I'd like to use your pubic transport and lick your cock and balls.

See it this way...the driver gets paid because he takes on the responsibility to get you safely to your destination.

both are correct
but it's an implied value
there should be mindfulness

Oh yeah? I'd like to use your cubic transport and measure your sides and edges.

>A is a dick if he demands money from B. He loses absolutely no money at all driving him

This is technically wrong. B is adding mass to the car, meaning more fuel is being used. Yeah, its a really small amount, but the overall effect over a long period will amount to a noticeable difference. Remember that added mass to a moving car will effect a variety of things, including but not limited to: fuel consumption, wear on tyres and brakes, suspension, etc.

This is also a good point.

Its just general courtesy to help cover fuel costs, ESPECIALLY if you're friends: friends are good to each other.
Anyway, putting towards fuel is cheaper than a car isn't it so stop being a little bitch, OP.

Sup Forums should give Sup Forums a brojob

You'd like that, wouldn't you?
But not before I take your Punic transport all the way to your harbor and ram my trireme into your dock.


I doubt you'll be able to do anything after I take your runic transport and take my chisel to your rock


Well... maybe not.
But I know for sure I'd like to follow your tunic transport up its seams to your dickey, and give it a smooch.

Won't be that easy once I get my Munich transport and sprechen all over your Deutsche

You underestimate me. I've been using a eunuch transport for years now, fresh meat every day. My stamina is superb.

Your superior stamina is no match for my quick transport

I have to say I kind of knew that was the case keep up my autistic faggot brother



You're sure to slip and fall when you encounter my slick transport though.

This is the correct answer imo

The solution is when they stop off at the store B should be going into the store no matter what the weather to collect A's shit while he stays comfy in the car

You'll be drained of all blood and energy once my tick transport is through with you

Friendship is more important than money. À doesn't have to be greedy for 3$ of gasoline

You think you can best me with ticks?
It won't work, you'll get on the hick transport and get lost.

Watch me dig through your bullshit with my pick transport

As long as the rider is ready on time and is no inconvenience to the driver at all, then the rider should owe the driver a favor or two or buy lunch every now and then. Because the driver is paying for the car, the insurance, the gas, the cost of general maintenance, the cost of tires, depreciation, ect.

That is saving the rider a decent amount of money. So the rider should be willing to help out the driver for saving the rider so much money.
Now..... if the rider is always late and a huge hassle to the driver. The driver should charge a decent fee for the time and hassle the driver experiences.

A should not have to ask B for money, B should not wait been ask by A for money.

Wierd but that’s étiquette for you.

Here is the solution for friends :

- A offers B to give him a free hike
- B agrees if A accepts a small fee
- A rejects or accepts the fee; both reactions are legit among friends

Not OK:
- A won't offer a hike without payment
- B calls A a dick for even thinking about payment


I'll gladly lap through yours with my lick transport.

Watch me misguide you with my trick transport


Your trick transport has ticked me off, prepare to be shuttled away as I put you on the prick transport.

fuck is going on here

I'm already away with my Mexican friends on our spic transport

It really depends on their relationship.

> Are they ACTUALLY friends?
The word friend is thrown around a lot nowadays. However, are they more like acquaintances? Or would they actually trust each other with serious life decisions like actual "FRIENDS"?

If they are actual friends, it's sort of a dick move to ask for money. However, it should be offered.

> If they are not friends:
The hobo better pay. More weight = more gas. Maybe not a significant amount at all. However it exists. Plus there are other inconveniences:
When I have an acquaintances in the car, I can't blast my hype music before work. I can't blast the A/C like I want to. If he is ever running late I am expected to "hold up".

It's unfortunate for you that I'm friends with President Nixon. The CIA are already on the Dick transport down to Mexico to fuck you guys up.

Watch me distract them all with shitty movies I grabbed off my flick transport

Too late, you already drank the water they poisoned and you're on the way to the hospital taking the sick transport.

I just flew the coop aboard my chick transport

It's laughable that you think that'll work, I already sent John on the way aboard the Wick transport.

I wouldn't accept money for driving him but if I ever want a favour/snack or something, I can cajole them

I'm going straight to Jupiter aboard my Kubrick transport

Can't handle the atmosphere of earth? Is that why you're taking off on the airsick transport?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to get aboard my new Rick transport

I'm gonna through you to the dogs for making that joke. Get ready to be sent on the Vick express.

I'm a Good Boy so Santa will save me with his St. Nick express

You're really okay with being saved by a chubby old man?
Be careful, he'll take you with him on the thick express.

I'd call you an f-word but we're more polite aboard the frick express

Speaking of that word, how about you meet me on the tantric express for some fun?

A and B should both consider what money would mean: more than just compensation for A's expenses, it would establish a kind of contract.

Suppose there is money involved: what if A wants to walk to work one day ? What if A wants to leave early or late ? What if B wants too walk again for a while, should they give notice to A so they can adjust their finances in advance ?

That's assuming that A and B incomes are somewhat equal. If there is a difference, now everything changes: if B is much poorer, even a small amount would harm them whereas A wouldn't care that much if they got the money or not. Conversely, if B is much poorer, paying A seems like a good idea.

I was in A's situation for a while, with B much poorer (I was en engineer, he was a intern). I didn't consider asking for money because it wouldn't have made such a difference to me, while B would have felt it. Also, I wanted to keep freely deciding when to leave work ; it was nicer to offer a ride on a daily basis than to establish an implied contract.

I forgot to add that usually, these situations are solved by a gift, even a symbolic one, from B to A.
The gift doesn't stain the relationship with a contract but still convey the message that A's behaviour was valuable.

I had a teacher drive me home for school every Saturday a long time ago ; a good box of chocolates was in order around Christmas time.

I would, but I've got a nasty spasm aboard the crick express

Did you have another accident climbing?
I warned you about the ice pick express.
I told you, dog.

It's just carpal tunnel from playing too much minesweeper on the click express

Oh okay. Personally, I'm a tetris guy. Can't stay away from the brick express.

That's really popular down here in the autistic express too