When was the golden age of Sup Forums?

When was the golden age of Sup Forums?

Sup Forums was never good

Sup Forums was never good

Sup Forums was never good

Sup Forums was never good

Sup Forums was never good but it wasn't the cancer it is today.
I've been coming here for 8 years and it's slowly deteriorated to the point that runoffs of Sup Forums (reddit, 9gag and now even Facebook) have taken everything that made Sup Forums what it was away from this place

Said the virgin

Calling someone a virgin is not an insult and is usually just a projection of your insecurities because you are a virgin. I don't know anybody that is not a virgin that would use that as an insult against someone. In fact I know a lot of people who are single and say they wish they still were a virgin because of all the negatives that comes with fucking random whores and your friends gfs. Also try explaining the twelve girls you've fucked to your GF that she knows personally. She'll never trust you.

2000 was the golden age

like if owned

Said the virgin.

What a virgin

2012-2013 was the peak. But it was never good.

>2012-2013 was the peak
Wew lad. Come back when your balls drop.

what, jesus you degenerate

Sup Forums was always shit

Said the virgin

>Golden age
>Sup Forums
These items are mutually exclusive

Said the virgin

Sup Forums was never good

It is an insult. You are idealist, don't know how anything fucking works, and can't even manage to get pussy so why should we imagine you can accomplish anything else in life?

and now it's even worse since it became reddit

Said the virgin

Theres a difference between a virgin and an incel, brainlet.

pool closed, chocolate rain, dial soap, moot campbell soup, stick am raids, name your fortune, cp everywhere, scientology, you dun goof, youtube raids

Said the virgin

Why am i here?

Said the virgin

EFG, slowpoke, red lantern

don't forget the great mongler of cocks.

I'm sure looking forward to it

snack getting fired, moot man of the year, long cat,

>snack getting fired,

Said the virgin

happy nigger, cam whore, tits or gtfo,

someone got the screencap of the user talking about whether Sup Forums is still fueled by the anger and loneliness etc it was once?


most of my happiest and funniest memories came for you guys...I love you Sup Forums.

why did you turn to shit

there are no girls on the internet


Said the virgin

disregard I suck dick

05-06. 07-08 were ok but exposure and repetition was making it lame, not to mention the fact that everyone wanted to create their own chan at this point. Then gaia and scientology came... Now it's just awkward stalkers spamming ig/fb/creep threads. Internal trolling is also way too rampant. Duckroll was fun, a good belair was appreciated, but now it's everyone going balls out to stroke some weird ego.

Sup Forums was always shit but you faggots all cling to the past like it was some wonderful magical time. Literally the only thing different now is that the porn cucks flood the board.


cp hidden insidie the sink pic as well as the books...lithurdays was great

We're in the midst of it right now!


fuck you, cancer


im really surprised so many oldfags are in here this fast

We are currently in one
> no SJWs
> no cucks, soyboys, traps, and other degeneracy
> redpilled as hell
> Politically aware thanks to Sup Forums

we use to make fun of each of these now we take them very seriously

m00t is this you

1988-2003 the golden years

Which is why this site have never been better

because Sup Forums fucking sucks now

kys faggot... you and the like of your took away my laughter

the year that Sup Forums will end

Sup Forums was always pretty shit, I've never come here and thought "oh this is an interesting and high quality board"
I will say that the flavor of shit in 2008 was much different than the flavor of shit today though, but it doesn't stop it from being shit.

Virgin the said


2006. Good times.

the findiputus eggman

Whenever you first start browsing, for about say a year, then after that you are convinced it is shit forever.

06-07 Sup Forums was still 50% anime faggotry and it fucking sucked. Don't lie about your age here, noone fucking cares.

Close, I'd say 2011-12 as 2011 was a big year for anonymous and this site

Sup Forums is shit and always will be.

One glorious year...

Sup Forums was almost always anime faggotry, there was a lot more loli/guro back in the day.
There were also a lot more gore threads which were just pictures of dead people, compared to today's "rekt" threads of grainy webms of people dying. High-res gore affected me a lot more.
Probably around 2010? was when meme shit started hitting facebook and becoming mainstream. I can't remember much doxxing and raiding happening after around 2012 as everyone just kind of calmed down and left.
I pretty much stopped visiting Sup Forums around 2014 after the whole fappening thing, and since then it's just been porn (well, it's always been porn) and trap shit, with a complete lack of get threads or "choose your adventure" shit. It feels stale, nothing interesting ever happens here, although there was a "69 decides was tyrone does next" thread a few weeks ago that I highly enjoyed.

Of course I'm biased to when I grew up, but 2009-2011 was my favorite time really, along with the few 9gag/tumblr raids during that period.

goddamn, has it really been 5 years since that thread?

Yup. last I heard his dad died, he married Amanda anyway and they've got a couple of kids already

>An imageboard that stated because of literal Japanese imageboards has Japanese stuff on it
Top kek you fucking brainlet
This place started because moot wanted to make an English speaking weeb imageboard. Stop acting like you know about this place. What you're doing is what the Muslims are doing in the UK, coming to the UK then complaining it's not Sharia

hey i'm not opposed to the weebshit, most of my porn is lolishit, no thanks to this place for shaping it

you've got to realize that on Sup Forums everyone is a fag and everything is shit, even if it's not demeaning and you actually jack off to the content

Yeah I only read half your post before posting because I have ADHD
Most of the time people complain about the weeb shit and don't understand THAT is why Sup Forums exists

That doesn't mean that shit wasn't awful and incomparable to how Sup Forums is perceived now.

As has been stated half a million times before, Sup Forums was never good. That said, around '06 you'd actually come across interesting shit on a regular basis. At least it was for more interesting than what the current memelord tryhards "produce".

The only golden thing about this age of Sup Forums are showers.

You know Sup Forums is mostly 13-18 year olds right? Everybody moves on from this board when they grow up. Im not a weeb and I preferred this place when it was full of weebs. There was a lot more OC, a lot less shilling and a hell of a lot better trolling. Trolling is no longer what it used to be, it's just retards being retards then passing it off as epic win haha I got a reaction haha xD

You weren't on Sup Forums in 06 so you wouldn't know, mate. The imageboard is anonymous, there's no need to lie

The main difference I see is the proportion of OC. Sup Forums used to be almost all OC (most of it total shit) and people trying to make the next meme or at least trying in mspaint, even if it was total shit. The rest of it was repost day. Now it's not even people reposting other people's shit or even trying to create stuff, it's just "hey what should I do" or porn.


Back when people were falling off from Totse and B0g

raids were the only fgood part of Sup Forums

all the memes were shit

>trying to make the best meme
See. Another person talking about a time he knew nothing about. Nobody that made OC cared if it became a meme. They cared about making people laugh, doing something different. Today what we have is people making a character or posting the same thing over and over again until others start doing the same thing. We now have advertisment companies employing a good few people to shill a "meme" until people start reposting it in order to sell their product (be it music, cameras, guns, knives, games)

Reverse log: nedLOG

It seemed better around 07-08 - however, my friends and I have lately discussed whether we were just younger and more stupid back then or if it has actually turned shittier.

With that said at some point the war with the Tumblr feminists turned into a pretty idiotic circlejerk

Sup Forums used to be a drop in the ocean. There was no need for people to try to make something popular here. Nobody shilled anything...good content was reposted because people enjoyed it. Now that we are our own Ocean the pirates come and turn it into a scavenging ground

You don't remember well enough. Lots of it was people trying to force memes by just reposting some shit image of themselves or some dumb bullshit they made over and over again until it got ignored.The participants in the thread who willingly obliged them just did it for fun and making people laugh.

2008-2011 for me
I've never had as much fun online before or since then


Sup Forums stopped being a drop in the ocean after chanology. It got mainstream huge attention after the fappening. Naturally, anyone over the age of 12 browses boards aside from Sup Forums for their actual interests. The larger boards have obvious signs of shilling, and it's not just being paranoid. Ubisoft shilling is particularly obvious on Sup Forums.

I hate your type, bro. Think everything in life revolves around the act of reproduction. It doesn't. I understand WHY people live that kind of lifestyle and strive for it 24/7, but that's not a gauge to judge your life by. That's closed minded and idiotic.

Source: Slept with plenty of married women and single women alike.

Also grow up.

I do believe moot made a graph depicting as the porn increased, the lulz proportionally decreased.

Sup Forums took a shit when WT Snacks left.

The true invitation of the dark times was the mainstream popularization of anonymouse.


06-09 was great. this was before every other thread was a trap/cuck/pics you shouldn't thread.


Pretty much this, and YLYL threads weren't filled with fucking bananas, and EFG threads were hilarious.