be me. FemAnon, 27

> be me. FemAnon, 27.
>I found out my boyfriend cheated on me for 4 years of 9
>i left him
>all friends were upset - no one wanted to deal with him, because he is an manipulating sociopath
>one day my best friend came to me and told me that she fell in love /w him
>i told her to do what she wants but that i cannot take that
>she decided to left for him
>now i found out that every single friend got back to him - even those who told me hoooow sociopathic, bad and dump he is.
>no one is left
>be me, angry and lonely af


pic not related. my boobs are way smaller. not sorry for that

Tits or gtfo

Kill yourself

As hard as this is, OP, you now recognize all your friends were shitty and you're free to find better friends. All I can wish you is good luck.


Sorry, op. Hopefully things go well.

He can't be that bad though, you guys dated for like 9 years lol. Maybe just try to have a passive relationship as friends.

Also idk why you'd say you were female, like obviously new fags are going to swarm this thread asking for tits

cmon show us the real goods, small tits are cute

and yeah, people suck

Give up on friends i guess


Well, i was 16 when i started dating him.. good to manipulate.

hehe.. just for the attention. they wont get tit pics.

Why didn't you break it off sooner? You gave a lot of good years to an asshole I guess.

If any of them are really your friends, then they'll stick with you. If they aren't, then they shouldn't be hard to replace

dubs demand

I didnt knew it. After i found out, i broke shit up.

true. i guess.

> /w
> /w
> /w

Wow. All this text, and that one word you shorten? And get it wrong, too?


People are shitty, OP.

Enjoy watching how he hurts everyone around him and be glad that youre out of it

Worst advice ever

You fucking nigger you think tits or gtfo defines a newfag? Read the rules.

I know people think it's grown-up to try and remain friends when you break up with someone, but actual grown-ups realise that unfortunately that never happens and is a terrible idea anyway.

>Autist detected

Fuck yea lube up a flap big boy

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