How can other countries even compete??

How can other countries even compete??

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Is that a street fighter character? Lmao

Delete this

With bigger sheep.

Their fight when?

Nice horns

Bring it on you little bitch

>le meltygun of plastic & inaccuracy

Nice uniforms, and the eagle is such a based national symbol from Mexico

Common fags post good shit from your country's military

Why are you posting nazis now? They are not cool.
Now those nutcrackers are cool.

I don't really have that many military related pics in my canera roll desu


Why would you even have them? I only have pictures of my dick and selfies

Because I love military related stuff, or anything that has guns in it senpai

My dick is shaped like a gun. Do you like it?

Forgot the photo

Why is such an old person still a soldier?

My country's military

Well, I don't know about Mexico but here in my country I've met fifty years old guys (mostly dudes that have been doing manual labor all their life) that will rekt you really hard, sometimes some people are just immune to time, man

owo im getting a nice Hezbollah vibe

by not being a dirty beaner spic CHI, sanchez ;^)

>once again an excellent post by Fatty O'56%

Beans are good man
legumes have a lot of proteins, healthy carbohydrates and fatty acids :).

British army

American army

Brazilian army

Russian army

i liek spen, do you lik spen?

Spanish army

Holy shit, are they for real?

Me encantó ese anime que hicieron sobre la Guerra del Fútbol (1969) entre El Salvador y Honduras.