Has this board become just repeated porn threads? fuck this shit, have a pufferfish instead you faggots

has this board become just repeated porn threads? fuck this shit, have a pufferfish instead you faggots

Other urls found in this thread:


I like this thread, post more please

Fuck you and your fucking shit, shit fucking fucker.
Here's a pie in space.



boi did i score a hot web link a hoi hoi


that's fucking hot dude, nice find




Sup Forums needs more threads like this one. Sick and fucking tired of "Post sluts. anons decide what porn they do", "Social media fap thread number 54615", "trap thread number 89206" "Would you suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole" and all those other shitty, overdone threads.


me like round...fish?


aren't pufferfishes the best creatures on the planet?


Yeah they fucking are, i love this thread

look at this royalty free pufferfish though


Can we post crabs too OP?

of course, any creature is appreciated


loli pufferfish

This is the best Sup Forums thread I've seen in the past month

vicious crab, eat that inferior winged creature


pretty sure this is a creature, of some sort

Sup Forums needs to get back to having a space program

looks like a dead cat's skull

Birds are the worst

scared pufferfish

I came.


deep web actually, this shit is not easy to find

I can be puff fish?

yes, join us

what up fishes

Don'f fuck with this guy, found the king of the thread guys

hello living being, how's it going

fucking finally something new to beat it to

That shit just reminded me how strange life is, with creatures such as that existed. Wtf, dude, I haven't thought about puffer fish since elementary school.



yeah it's on odd thought right?
Fun fact: 80% of all biomass is in the sea!! How crazy

loving this thread mr fishy

we'll never leave you again user



what animal is that




fossa, they're the apex predator on madagascar

Here ya go OP


First good thread in years

Thank you - Only cuckolds and faggots embrace the Jew's degenerate porn and niggerdom.

Niggas is horny and lonely b.


post of the day

lion bump

I've always found them such qts

These things are cute

till they kill you

Those are very poisonous

They are still cute, and puffer fish are also very poisonous, however I'll post something worse in a moment

keep it coming Sup Forumsro

thats a blue ringed octopus

This isn't really an animal, but it's worse than a blue ringed octopus

the blue rings gave it away huh

are those joo eggs

I like this thread.

Have a nudibranch.


nudibranch is pretty

could we have more threads like this please

Indeed. Here is a basket star.

Absolutely, I'm actually going to dedicate my saltwater fish tank to Sup Forums soon. We will have daily threads of my tank and I will do certain things with it if dubs/trips/etc.

what the fuck did you just make me click? fuck now I need to melt my drives and burn my shit

Pufferfish are the uber-animal


im afraid not user, Sup Forums has been designated a no fun zone

Do this



This is now a pufferfish rule 34 thread.


I can't tell if everybody is trolling or if it actually is a bad link

How about a not so much know Boarfish

yes please


fukker I didn't wanna fap today


i want to click it too but knowing Sup Forums ill get v&


WTF? Seriously? Facepalm. Thanks god that I was grow in Russia.

whyde you have togo and ruin the first good thead on b

KEK i saw this in the other thread

I wish I as grow in russia

What do I call the threads? Making one now..


this is a jerboa and i want one

My boner can only get so erect

nah its a pet discussion board kek

Woo woo kazoozoo
I like to poo
Why dont you look at me
When i see in me
I lick to diddle the giddle
While i see my pee
Why dont you sing with me
And make me po po

please dont get me v&