Football season is over

>football season is over
What are we supposed to do now?

Watch our league.

watch meme international tournaments and south american leagues

tfw you forget its not a WC / Euro year.

Lions tour
Athletics world cup

Watch our league ofc

Wait for the Champions League final

watch MLS faget

Watch the last few rounds of the Super League, to see which talents will be playing in the Bundesliga and PL next season.

please watch our league(s)

gossip about transfers

They ruined countdown by making it intentionally dirty

It was much easier to wank to the normal version without all the focus on ugly male comedians

pls watch our league and based Ceni ruining São Paulo

You're just realizing now? The Superbowl was in February.

Please watch our league.

Now it's all about /trans/.

There is also MLS I guess.

Haha! It's like the other thing!

literally nobody calls soccer football you chump

watch tennis and golf if not privileged enough to watch american summer boreball on comfy nights

>Meanwhile, in America

It's tennis season pal

t. /10is/

Fuck you , vasco is not going to serie B this year and fuck eurico too

More of this bitch please
