If you can't drive manual you can never be a true man

if you can't drive manual you can never be a true man.
this isn't even up for debate, it's a fact.

kill yourself

If you allow your manhood to be determined by the opinions of others you'll never be a man

similar to how if you allow your gear changes to be determined by the opinion of a machine you'll never be a man

automatic transmissions spend less time in between gears, meaning more torque force over time than manual transmissions

even seasoned manual transmission drivers complain about certain cars' transmissions, even barring them from certain options they may otherwise enjoy.

automatics nowadays give you the option of taking control with electronic shifting when and only when you want that control

you can't drive and get your dick sucked when your gf is blocking the stick

you are holding on to the most phallic symbol of automobiles

get the fuck out, loser

It's just a car man. Who gives a shit

Weak troll thread bro

that's like learning latin. neat little skill to have, but no point and obsolete

You say this but it is getting progressively harder to even learn how to drive manual vehicles. My parents drive automatics, my friends drive automatics, everyone at my work drives automatics.
How's a guy supposed to learn manual when nobody he knows even has a manual vehicle anymore

Why does the pic have both stick and automatic transmissions?

Besides the manly implications of driving manual, theres a reason why semi trucks have manual gears, and thats simply performance, better performance uphill, better breaking downhill, better fuel consumption, easier to repair, etc. It looks manly yes, but is more efficient/effective than macho, thats for sure.

I can't drive full stop.

Ask to take the flatbed out


The thing is its easy af, only Americans think this is 'manly'. The rest of the world could give a fuck

That's the differential control for a 4x4. It allows you to select between 2WD, 4WD unlock, and 4WD locked

I really liked how Ford decided to make the focus rally sport manual only.


If you've never driven anything bigger than a full size car, KYS. You will never be a real man.


The smaller stick on the left controls the four wheel drive settings.

Automatic motorcycle? no fucking way

Only americans drive more automatics than stick.

How the fuck would you rally in an automatic? Fucking Yanks.

>press clutch
>switch gear
>repeat when necessary


its called the differential

Yea, Honda made that a thing. Time to nuke Japan again.

manual takes one day to learn and a week to get used to. Literally a baby could learn it.

>millennials are now anyone born from 1975-2000
Most of them grew up with manuals

I'm sure someone would try. You know ,,since people are so smart and full of common Sense

No it isn't.

Knowledge of Latin is actually quite useful in medicine and law, as well as a variety of academic disciplines. Plus it makes learning multiple Romance languages easier.

thats my point

So close. The word you were searching for is Transfer Case.

*transfer case or transaxle.

i'm a millennial and I drive an 18 speed you fucking faggot

to be fai hybrids and electric cars don't really make much sense in manual transmission other then the "feel" of drinving the oldfashioned way,...

and hybrids just don't function very well in manual mode

dont get a hybrid or electric car then, what are you gay?

Oh gotcha, forgive my autism

Soon anyone born in the last century will be a millennial.

>automatics nowadays give you the option of taking control with electronic shifting
it's not the same lol faggot not even close

I learned to drive on a manual.
I'll never buy one, ever. Too much traffic, hills, and other shit, plus I'm lazy af.
I might go buy a new Honda Ridgeline.

He's about to compare Mitsubishis select shift garbage to an f1 cars DCT

Ma nigga. That's the tranny I had on my last kenworth.

>mfw I can't even drive
Im too drunk all the time to drive anyway

Bitch, between 2 jobs and being a full time student I barely have time to learn one secondary language. You want me to learn a language that has no other purpose to me than learning another language?

As someone who's only owned standard transmission cars, OP is correct.


wtf is this ancient bullshit? cars dont use these anymore so theres no need to learn on some old piece of shit

Never drove automatic, but hearing the revving during the switch makes me cringe a little

Fucking truth. I know there are ways to handle manuals on wet/icy slopes,, but it's nice not to have to since that condition applies most days of the year for me

Meh, theres not that much gears, and the computer kinda makes it for you.

if it's simple enough for some braindead enlisted faggot to drive it cant be that difficult

Hey I feel retarded for barely being able to speak five languages in the circles I run in. Take from that what you will.

The real hardest part about driving a military vehicle is anticipating what part will stop working.

Manualets BTFO


>honda ridgeline

might as well just buy a rav4

Yeah, but I can drop the clutch and do burnouts.
I can corner in lower gear and jump gears if I want.
I can idle in traffic with no fuckin pedals.
I can roll down hills at 80mph to save gas.
I like the control and concentration required to gear shift through traffic or just nice hill drives.
Automatics are fuckin lazy.

I learn driving on a manual and have been driving my first car (manual) for 2 years now. Even if I do enjoy driving manual most of the time I'm planning on buying an automatic car really soon with a gear limiter operated with paddles on the wheel.


Implying more gears calls for more skill. I could have a zillion gears. Unless getting into each is different from the last what's the point??

>buying any japshit

No, it isn't. Gearbox with worn out syncros is a millenial anti-thieft device

If you can't shift a car using only your anus, then you're a manlet.

Any non-electronic device is millennial anti theft device

>buying a car glued together by Mexicans

I've had 3 American cars, all died.
Mother has a fucking Civic that's got over 500,000 miles with hardly any problems ever


why does this thread exist. AHHHHHHHHH

Aidsburger in Paradise

Is that one of them Retards Attempting Poetry??????

if you can't speed run ChronoTrigger in 6 hours you can never be a true man.
this isn't even up for debate, it's a fact.

Shiiiiiiiiiiit nicca I can beat Chrono trigger AND Chrono cross in 20 min

Automatic transmissions wear and blow themselves up. You have to be retarded and cant drive or blow it up yourself with a manual transmission. Keep defending your inability to simply drive a manual transmission.

all i see is a sway bar "toggle" button?


OK, I'm not the only one to notice this. What is the function of this button? Does it eject the sway bar?

Manuals are slowly becoming obsolete.
Even fucking Lamborghini is switching to automatic.

A guy I used to know worked as a tank mechanic in the military for a few years, and he would always tell us about how often those things would break down.

What if I'm MtF and drive stickshift? Can i be a true woman?

i'm a raging sissy faggot and I daily drive a stick shift.

The only autos that are comparable and/or better than a manual are dual clutch autos, which are basically just computer controlled manual transmissions. Typical "slushbox" automatics with epicyclic gearboxes and a torque converter are garbage.

No. You can be a mentally ill faggot

a mentally ill faggot is more of a man than you are

You right

So true. Also if you can't kick a dog to death or punch a hole in a cat, then you are a trap loving millenial soyboy faggot


M812A1 "Transporter Bridge Floating" with PTO driven front winch, 5-speed Spicer transmission, air over hydraulic brakes and hydraulic rear winch

50 years ago they did. The Honda-matic.
My good friend has one and he loves it.
Not really my style, but whatever

The manual is far superior in shitty conditions than an auto, gives you a lot more control over what the wheels are doing. Only auto I ever had that I enjoyed and 'felt right' was mercedes, and even then winter in russia made me wish it was a manual on occasion.

Sad face. All I ever drove in the military was the lmtv, big duece, and the hummer with fucking zip up window/doors lmao

Sorry about your little dick, man.

Ok anons i want to learn to drive stick whats a good car to start with? I know Honda's are fairly easy, but is there any other choices for a complete beginner?

Why are people who drive manual so insecure

They don't change much from car to car, learn one and the rest are the same. I guess a really small light car might be more forgiving, but then they have really small engines which might stall out easier. Unless you pick a semi I dont think it will make much difference.

I actually kill a friend's civic more than my focus
There is no play in his clutch like mine.where you can have it halfway engaged and the car doesn't die. Lol

Biting point is going to change from car to car, (even in same make and model if its not straight from factory new).

So any tips per say?


Try a bike. Something light and old like a zx6e. You will get the hang of it in no time, and theres no problem switching hand to foot once you have the concept. Plus you will only dump the clutch once and the lesson is learned forever.