Red Pill Bread

Red Pill Bread

Post a one liner "red pill." Don't enter if you wish to take the blue pill.

The purpose of abortion is to kill niggers legally.

OP is a faggot

Athiests only hate Christianity because they know the rest are fake anyway.

The Nazis were the good guys.

im scared to life

I was brutally raped and gang raped through out my childhood

Holy shit, the alt-right and conservatives are racist retard scum.

I like breakfast.

The elite want liberals to hate republicans so they will stay poor, on food stamps and govt assistance because that way they are easier to control.

holy shit this isn't tumblr

Every religion was started by an elite alien race intentionally influencing humanity, each religion is a different kind of alien whether it be a race or faction of sorts.

Democrats want transgenders to be post-op because it increases the likelihood they will commit suicide.

Holy shit you haven't been watching the SJW trap loving cringe that is the majority of this board lately.

red pill truths?

Their transition is much like a butterfly, and they become the other sex they truly are inside on the outside using meatball surgery and a lifetime of synthetic hormones.

As nature intended.

Sorry this happened to you, user.

Your whole sense of worth is just a projection of values interpreted from archetypes passed on from generations in hopes to survive.

i guess you're right. i guess the board i once knew is dead...

Once a society's population surpasses 100 it begins to collapse in on itself

Pics or it didn't happen

9/11 wasn't an inside job they just want you to think that way so you feel safe.


The Earth is a globe, they just want you to think it is flat so you can be controlled easier and stay home.

Republicans want immigrants to come here legally and Democrats want immigrants to come here illegally so they can be put in prisons.

Circumcision is ritual child mutilation.

Democrats want illegal votes.

As much as most people would brag they would take the Red Pill. They would only be ignorant to the truths they were concerned with. Everyone is a true blue pill. This is why we have so many atrocities in this world. The animal activist would only see the foolish waste of time their efforts in protecting every fur-ball was to only realize the death of animals was a must for our very existence. However, real hardships such as childcare, cancer, poverty, and rape would still go unnoticed.

A purple pill is the only chance for hope in this world. It would reveal the Red truths behind your own concerns and the Blue atrocities you had no consciousness of due to your own ignorant concerns. It is when we acknowledge the concerns of our own but others when this world will become better.

"Smoke weed every day." John 3:16

Supressing all muslims and jews will solve 67% of war in the world

The purpose of homosexuals is to destroy all the hard work your ancestors put into continuing your bloodline.

Holy shit

Did someone in /b just make sense?!

the rest can be atributed to niggers

The planet is a prison and the wardens are off world human beings.