Im a block away from my ex gf house trips decide wat i do

Im a block away from my ex gf house trips decide wat i do

slip a piss disc under her door

go over. shoot her, then fuck the body.
a perfect crime!


might do that

Knock on door, an hero in front of her

is that your gun?

Woha boy keep it clean


Its the one i got a few years back in brussels

ask her like a cuck if she wants to take you back

Insert every outdoor doorknob on her house as far as it can go into your anus. Keep it in there for at least a good 10 seconds. The doorknob should be at least body temperature by the time you pull yourself off of it. trips biiiiotch

Give me your rifle, and post nudes.

go to bed

Still, post nudes


Tats lame she does btw why would she be stalkung me then

Do this in song.

500 €

go turn yourself into the cops

shoot yourself in front of her

YIKESSSSSS wow op you dodged a bullet, literally


is it relevant to the thread tho

Beg for her to come back into your life

Shoot your dickle off and throw it at her window

Ok what should i say

Give her the gun

She is stalking me already



Fuck me

you shouldn't have said something stupid that doesn't count.

Yo do it

oi oi

Fuck her mom

Ok now dubs decides after i give wath should i do will live stream

what were you gonna do

Livestream her shooting you

Fock off i will block the gun first im not dumb

Go home and send me 500$ paypal

the odds on getting double dubs while talking about dubs

Start the livestream on your phone on something like twitch and post the link here

Wats your paypall

so you wern't gonna shoot her and be another nick cruz?


Livestream yourself entering my free gift card giveaway, like and sub


Have her shoot you with it.

wtf is a piss disc ?


roll for calling her from your computer and playing music over the line.

take it back.


Ok faggots chek the news tomorow in hamburg if te local station ask me somthing ill say Sup Forums did it

Let her shoot you in your dick then shove the gun up your ass while youre singing purple rain

take the gun back and fuck yourself in the ass with it

>ill say Sup Forums did it

goodluck with that

Suck Jamal's big black cock in the prison shower

Wasted dubs

Bin to prison twice never sucked any cock sooo bulshit


Print all these pics out on your gameboy printer and slip them under her front door then kill your self

be one of those fags who gives their gun to the police and then facebooks it hoping to get laid

Wasted trips

yeah. wasted trips

Kill her

I already got trips once to decide this mans fate, that was enough power for me

Eat a compact disk.





dont give it to her in the first place

Do nothing you're worthless

Kill her slowly

Take the gun back and then give it to her again

Kill her quickly

eat your own shit and post pics



take the gun back then give it to her then take it back again.

Oh fuck


Has to be ex realated

Eat your own shit in front of her

Slap yourself up the tits.

After giving her the gun, shit your pants in front of her, then reach down into your pants with your left hand, gather as much shit as you can, and put it in your mouth while telling her you still love her.

This, but in addition you have to give her the gun again

Jack off, cry.

Take the gun back, throw the gun at her face, shit on her carpet


Go to a massage parlor, get a happy ending, and stop being an over-emotional bitch.

Shove the barrel up your ass and open fire.

Cmon man a urinal cake...?

Get a load of this guy here.

Maybe fire a few? Or not. I say not.


Don't be a bitch, fight her with bare hands.

>Unironically not singing Chocolate Rain

Pitiful attempt.

Scream at her knees, then run away