New Rekt thread Sup Forumsros

New Rekt thread Sup Forumsros



Whoever says pits aren't more aggressive than other breeds is living in a delusion.

this is actually very satisfying

What if he hadn't been a cop with a pistol? What if he'd been a girl scout selling cookies?

Nice tatas

Wait, did she sick the dog on him?

Why the fuck would you do that.... poor fucking turt

dog looked like he just wanted to play

TBH this video is probably that dog running up to say hi but I don't blame the guy for dropping it. I used to do cable installs and have had customers dogs run out at you like this and you never know what their intentions are. Stupid people need to learn to train their dogs not to run out the door as soon as its opened. And when people knock to put them away.

theres no way to tell if he was being aggressive or just doing stupid dog stuff, but the dude was ready with the pistol as soon as the door cracked open. he was ready for somthing

At least it died happy, look at that tail wagging!

only mammals can taste spicy or hot flavors, birds and reptiles don't have the receptors to do so, turtle probably got scared of the bitch that was poking him and tried to run away and spit the chili because he didn't recognize it as food.

Cops are trigger happy cunts, they shoot hundreds of dogs a year, so if you don't want your dog shot put him up when the cops show up. Or they will shoot it then lie and say it was aggressive

Of course he's black... No idea why they're so afraid of dogs

Anyone got the webm where the nigger hits his wife with a log (no andysixx pls) on her head

He fucking ran too

>bleeding out onto the sidewalk
>tail still wagging when owner holds him
That makes my heart hurt.

Atleast he got to spend his last few moments with his master, the guy most likely got fined heavily or arrested for this though as he isn't a police officer and this was private property.

Nah I remember this story, the cop faced 0 repercussions, it was big news here about a year ago

Thats fucking retarded

That dog was fucking retarded, charging a man with a gun like that.


sad b8

That means the man perpetrated a hate crime. You can't just shoot retards.


Oh, now that's not fair. Just because you shoot somebody doesn't mean you hate them.

It shouldn't be considered a hate crime.

One day I want to spray puss on some hot chocolate for my bitch mother

One day I want to spray puss spray on some hot mother chocolate for my bitch.


I wouldn't have shot it. What a pussy. I've been attacked by a bulldog before when I was like 10 and handled it myself (thank goodness it didn't have rabies. It wasn't able to land a bite just that rabies can be spread by the air).

Could any of you degenerates explain what you get out of rekt threads? Is it a fetishistic thing or sadism or do you just find them funny? I've seen anons say that they're desensitising themselves for the future but I don't quite get that.


I would have thrown a rabid dog at a ten year old if either of them were being a pussy.

You asked for it bitch (Trigger warning).

I like to picture the victims in these things as happy chads in an unfortunate accident, like this bitch, be much more satisfying if she was a popular slut

Fuck your mother!

Yep... that's why nurses get paid more. I can't do that shit.

I don't get the point you are trying to make.

Ik it by the thumbnail.


He should have been a nigger somewhere else.

Wow, mine gif was downloaded by user and reused. That's nice.


I'm just saying that 10-year-olds need to be taught not to be afraid of things, and dogs need to be taught not to be afraid of things.

So if the dog were being a pussy I would throw it at the 10-year-old kid. Or if the kid were being a pussy I would throw the dog at him.

Either way, they're learning an important lesson.

rubber neck syndrome. I suppose. sorry.

Instant TOAST

Sometimes it is funny.

why is there mayonaise coming out of him

Die away from me


I bet you NEVER lost a loved one. How the fuck can you think it's funny to watch people suffer and go through severe pain and even death? Just imagine their loved ones if they saw some of this shit, having to watch them cry and beg for life and for the pain to stop.

I mean, I knew 4 chan was a disgusting place, but holy FUCK

Never coming back to this website AGAIN

so thats how you get discount hand lotion

okay people one down, keep it up, good job.


Thanks for the pasta!





>rabies can be spread by the air
stfu and kys

tfw you're on a borrowed laptop


Not pain or death is fun, stupidity and instant islam is fun.

Wtf happens wheres the fire from

Is that a raincoat, bateman?


nerve gas


The fuck... I know I heard that somewhere so I guess I was misinformed. Just googled it.


why the fuck they start kicking him?

some are actually funny, like that turtle, but i still feel for it.
but, as you can see here >much more satisfying if she was a popular slut
for some people, it's just fetichism feeding autism lords who can't look in the mirror without disgust

That is some strong nerve gas. It even broke through the ice.


Sorry man, I did it for ylyl, not for rekt.

You know, to put cigarette down you kick it...


ah, ofcourse



What a waste of a fuck bag.

She looks like my therapist




Is this even legal?




I got a boner from imagining my dick feeling like that so does that make me gay?


fuck you

Just interesting to secondhand experience our mortality.

partial arts


This is sad

lol i do this every time I ride out of meijers

Top kek my friend..
