

Hello, ! Akemi


Don't pretend
Unless it's really someone else

Akemi and Sayaka!

Hm, I see


She's not lewd


I want Homu to sit on me now


Yes, Akuma Homu too, I would give her my soul

i really hope that you are a slav in kazakhstan

>no benis

Isn't benis haram

The should crush all our border semi gooks with no survivors.

Not if its a feminine benis


>there are cute Russian boys ITT


I am greek not subhuman

kazakh ebuchiy

your are horsefucker


The only poster thats not subhuman

Cute shy traps that are ashamed of their veiny throbbing monster cocks are the best tbqh.


This. Traps with big dicks are the best.

Coucou, you trashy brit boy

Hello, you disgusting French frog.

> trashy
> disgusting
Wow, mean

You're not allowed to call me back, only to respond when asked to.
How do you do, maggot ?
It's just cautious friendly surnames user, want me to give you one as well ?

N-not really...

That is not for you to choose anyway. Bear proudly the name of Rebut.


I'm glad you like it, Rebut.
Because you do like it.

Is it something related to PCs...
Well, I like pcs

I'm guess it does indeed, in a way. peбy-user


it's basically "scum"

I know

*calls you back*

How do central Asian countries feel about Russia??

*hangs up*

Hata-tan is a qt!


pls, respond

No more battery I'm afraid, phone was in charge.
What did you want to talk about peбy ?
*calls you*

Hello, who's this?

*hangs up on you*

*blocks number*

N-nothing special :3

does anyone remember that Iceland qt? ^ɯ^

The one who rp'ed with Slovenia


RIP ;_;

My Argentinian boyfriend is back.

*send you mail by fairypost*
Nothing special is fine as well. Small talk is good.
Enjoying summer weather ? Be sure to hydrate well or else I won't be able to make you cry

we as a country are a property of someone else, you need to get their permission before doing anything

Well, it wasn't really warm this week but I like it anyway
> I won't be able to make you cry
Why would you do that to me??

Lucky, been at an average of 30 here. It's pretty good but it'll go up next week.
>Why would you do that to me??
Just in case I'd need to, I didn't say I would do that yet. Don't sound that enthusiastic about it you'll make me blush

It's 19C here right now...
Oh, okay
No, no, you misunderstood me, I wasn't enthusiastic

Hello user,

Just letting you know that I got your fairy post. Hope your rash is better.

UK user.

Jesus that is cold for June.
Then again I live in a rather hot part of France so I'm used to warmth more than cold.
Don't worry, I know you await that eagerly but you'll have to calm down or else there will be only cuddles, no bullying.
Dear user,
Everyday that passes, every letter that comes, I'm still baffled at how bad you are at conversation. Watching a mustard pot for hours would fill me with more excitement than reading about you.
I hope the weather isn't too hot at your home. The dandelions wouldn't appreciate that. Be sure to drink enough. I'll be awaiting your next mail.
French user

Forgot pic

He's so rude...

Yes, I like warm weather too because I can do many stuff outside
> I know you await that eagerly but
I don't, what are you talking about, hehe
> e will be only cuddles, no bullying.
Oh :)

Rude in French means rough, so I'll have to disagree, I'm as smooth as it gets. You're just weaker so you peel more easily
Do you do many stuff outside ? I like to sit in parks or go for Hikes in the mountain. It's incredible. Sadly it isn't good for sports. Do you do any physical activity ?
... Then again seeing how weak you are you mustn't.
You're behaving much better, someone will meet Mr Martinet later.

I've got a lot of forests here, but I rarely go there because I'm afraid of mites...
Yep, I usually jog in local park or school stadiums
I also used to play active games with my friends, but there's not one left, ehe...
> someone will meet Mr Martinet later.
What, not even my parents have ever hurt me...

See you later...

That's a bit gay desu.