
Tolkien edition.

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Why can't europeans grasp the concept of being able to defend your own life and not relying on state protection 24/7


This is alright stuff

Corbyn is fucking lame

the waifu


>man with a gun breaks into my home
>can't stop him because I'll get arrested for murder/assault
>have to let him kill my family

Ah yes, England

hate tolkien
boring reactionary dullard

Net migration into the UK stands at around 250,000 a year, add to that the 250,000 illegal immigrants a year that go missing and there are half a million immigrants entering Britain every single year. This is a catastrophic population replacement when we consider that the birthrate of these new arrivals far outweighs the number of native Brits being born.

People today talk about the immigrants and refugees that came to Britain in the past, but the largest group to have come to Britain were the Hugenots who numbered some 50k. These were easily assimilated into Britain being both European and Christian and in no way can they be used as a justification for modern day political policy.

What we are seeing today is the demographic destruction of an entire country . Half a million people one year means many times more when their birthrate takes hold. If this continues there is no coming back. We are literally allowing our ancestral heritage to be destroyed before our very eyes.

took a photo of my feline

Ice lolly

ice lolly

1. scone (pronounced like gone)
2. pram
3. tap
3. ice lolly


Ice Lolly

Did she steal your heart

scone (pronounced skonn), pram, tap and icey pole

do they push this bilingual horseshit on britain too

>What we are seeing today is the demographic destruction of an entire country
Sounds good to me.


indians poo in shower

lefty pol is thataway lad

Nice reddit spacing.

Bread, wheelchair, Spanner and Ice sweet

Ice cream

Beggar asked if I've got any change for him, I said "no have you got any for me mate?" lmao


you think the entire middle east situation should be global?

>pronounced skonn
fucking grotesque

ice block

state of the Sup Forums catalogue


>ice lolly
lmao what

Yes mate I voted corbin

Nah I'm actually in France at the moment and got a bottle in the Carrefour

making lunch

What are you having

Wahhabism, Zionism and Imperialism are to blame for the Middle East's situation.

Why do you have a UK flag? Are you using mobile data?

The average brit has no means of defending himself against radical Islamic terrorists

when i vacationed in mexico beggars would hold out pans with coins and sometimes i'd pinch my empty fingers and prod it into the coin pile and sometimes i'd successfully nab a peso.

stupid, mexican, prole scum




Giz a pic

you didn't answer the question
the world of the future will be 7 billion muslims
you want that?

Why do lefties hate Trooping the Colour?

How does that justify the replacement of the indigenous British population?


mussel and chips

Don't Aussies call them something even stupider?


giz a mussel

for gravy

like a lolly pop, but made of ice

>Ice sweet

Absolute state of aussies

going into town to perv on birds and also do a bit of shopping

Yeah the EU abolished roaming charges a few days ago, so I got myself a 2GB data pack for the next couple of days. Probably won't use it all and my next one will only be the 1GB or 500mb one

Are the leftist supposed to be the ones making the questions here?

that's an iceblock mate

need a qt gf to feed me good food 2bh
bit tired of eating a few toasts and a tin of beans everyday

c H O O n

fuck the queen. hope she died on her birthday

>Getting too hot to wear a jacket that covers my skinny arms

awful hangover from the 8% ciders last night

1. scone (to rhyme with cone)
2. toddler transporter
3. tap
4. cold on the cob

In the UK, any crime can be 'racially aggravated' which leads to harsher punishments. This is used predominantly against whites and is a law designed to further enforce the demographic transformation of Britain. So-called 'minorities' know that all they have to do is cry racism and the police and courts will come down harder on the target individual or group regardless of whether race had anything to do with it.

In this case, the race card was used and the perpetrator received a lenient sentence for what is essentially attempted mass murder. So the law which says any crime can be racially aggravated and which benefits the non-white community, is also used in the defence of non-whites when they claim they are the victims of 'racism' and use this as a justification for their crime which the courts then take into account.

'Racism' as an accusation is now being used by non-whites to receive lesser punishments for serious crime.

If a white individual had said he was racially abused by 5 Muslim men and so he ran them over, he wouldn't have received 5 years he would have got a life sentence and more because the courts would have said that it was the white individual who was guilty of racism.



Communism is a global system hence open borders

What do you call it?

ice pop

Damn, that's a lot of (You)s. I'm taking notes here.

scone like skon




No it won't.
the "indigenous British population" isn't being replaced, and I wouldn't care if it was.



the communism gimmick has gone on long enough lag
communism/socialism will NEVER happen



or an icy pole if you're on the other side of the barassi line

>I wouldn't care if it was.
Why have you avoided my real question? Why wouldn't you care?

went to Sup Forums because someone said the catalog was a mess but it really got me thinking
how do you cast alexandra daddario in a baywatch movie and manage to fuck it up? the suits they went for were terrible.


you have a low iq

Fuck off

pram is for babies to lie down in

buggy is for toddlers to sit up.

learn the facts dumb shits

Telling the truth is a criminal offence. Isn't it staggering that the courts and local councils are more concerned with the message on some stickers than the path this country is on which is leading to the deaths of innocent civilians.


>Connor McKechnie, 18, appeared in the dock after admitting placing stickers bearing disgusting slogans such as ‘multiculturalism is genocide’ and ‘don’t test on animals, test on subhumans’.

It's an icey-pole.

Not where I live, in vic. What state are you in?

We live in a state of permanent revolution, commrade. Capitalism will fall.

don't like her eyes

Barm cake
Wheelie bin
Water nozzle
Freezie sweets

>being so poor you have to settle on toast and beans
That's like Great Depression tier poor... you have to be kidding

Wear a shirt


>Icy poll

willy's a little bit hard x

how come I'm the only one that calls prams pushchairs?

go back to California State, billy

ah yes revolution through social media
absolutely SHARTING at how delusional leftists are
but whatever keeps you occupied i suppose
at least you aren't marching in the streets like you used to