
kings cross redevelopment edition

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lucky for you there's a whole bunch more towers planned for that cluster

will be coming up the next few years

just ate a cherry stone without noticing

fail to comprehend the thought behind this post

are you a virgin user?

always laugh when someone posts a new thread and then some dribbling sweaty goblin lurches in a few seconds later to post another new thread that nobody will ever use


>pakistan is in asia though
>i'm actually asian

technically no


Just typed "boobs" into google search hahaha

who here /twinpeaks/?

tories = nonces

>doxxing public figures

fucking horrific
why can't businessmen do their jobs in buildings that aren't a generic glass eyesore?

under construction right now

fantastic design desu

no didn't take pics because there was no point taking pics of a generic construction site
it was only halfway up too so the view wasn't anything good either

Pakistan isn't in the middle east you thick yank cunt
Australia and Pakistan are in the same continent

Just typed "pet yanks for sale" into google search hahaha

what year is that meme from? like 2007?

Saved to desktop

hubba hubba

would it make you want to shag me more or less

all I want in life's a little bit of love to take the pain away

the middle east is also in asia
middle east isn't a continent


idk just saved it a few days ago
this one's fresh

how about a gun to take you pain away permanently, you revolting nignog?

meme design

how much money do they waste on these

Now comes a statement from the Department for Communities and Local Government: "Cladding using a composite aluminium panel with a polyethylene core would be non-compliant with current Building Regulations guidance.

"This material should not be used as cladding on buildings over 18m in height.

"We cannot comment on what type of cladding was used on the building - this will be subject to investigations."

didn't say it was

those are flats not offices

sweating like thailad in a creche

I started this graduate job 19 months ago on practically minimum wage. Since then I have received a 5% pay rise, which equates to a 3.9% net gain.

If I don't get at least a 10% raise at the end of this year I'm going to kill myself.

Decide my lunch, the options are:

Tuna sandwiches and flame grilled mccoys crisps
Spaghetti hoops on toast
Cheese and ham toasties with salted cashew nuts

no i meant the format

love getting runty virgin poms riled up by pointing out the PC nonsense that takes place in their own country

exhibit A: 152

absolutely dire

middle east seems like a shitty place

modern buildings outside london are so grim, their design is so basic and lacking, like they were done in a day by a work experience student

Australia is unironically its own continent. It's the only county that is also a continent.

>modern buildings outside london are so grim, their design is so basic and lacking, like they were done in a day by a work experience student

love the small bishopsgate one
really cute


howling at the replies

think the "german" might be interested in architecture

even worse
there is no practical benefit whatsoever to these glass phalluses ruining the london skyline
the one on the left looks terrible and out of place. least its not as bad as holyrood though

>posting in the old thread
>realise everyone fucked off to a new ages ago
>scroll to bottom, go up and click on linked new
>start posting in the new
>realise everyone's in a different new that was linked earlier
Fucking hell. Can't we make the /brit/ posting limit 1000 posts or something?

>Kensington and Chelsea Council threatened Grenfell Tower blogger with legal action after he brought up fire safety

rorke council

jewish pride worldwide

well yes there is

and they don't ruin the skyline, they make the skyline

fuck off EH

hate religion
quite like cathedrals

simple as

Did you catch the moon

were teens/young 'adults' always this edgy

new zealand is a continent



I'm interested in pints and trains

>Australia is unironically its own continent. It's the only county that is also a continent.
um sweety what's india?

>middle east isn't a continent
>india isn't a continent
>even tough they are delimited by geographical borders, have their own continental plates, cultures and ethnicities
>yet somehow russia and europe are considered to be on different continents

fuck OFF

there's nothing wrong with catholicism

if you think it's ok to seize someone's property because you don't have a home then you're mentally ill

mostly underwater doesn't count

girl told me I have a six pack because of genetics but when I said she should then stop moaning about my chain smoking because it's genetics as well she just said it's not the same

so who was right here? pretty sure my six pack has to do with not eating much

alri Zhang

v glad i started this gimmick

muslim clay

got called a simpering tit at selfridges

its not really their property though. they don't use it

why should holding property as investment be legal? you're using up so much land for nothing. these arabs dont even visit the fucking house

zhangs are commies you spanner


At first they came for the lying MSM and I did not speak up... and every thing was hunky dory after that

but I heard the 'lics can be a bit naughty

grimetapes dot com


she wants a man from the world's end estate chelsea

better call saul ruins rewatching breaking bad because that saul is completely devoid of all the humanity they've been showing in jimmy

hi lads

nothing wrong with a vacancy tax

got called a hun bastard at centra

>its not really their property though. they don't use it
Are you using that iphone? No? Cheers.

Kill yourself

What about if I want to build a HS2 right through it?

Lads, we have a problem

We need to protect our planet from an individual that does nothing but spread propaganda. He wants to eliminate every female and the ones that refer to themselves as female.

Please help us, tell Geestenziek to fuck off in thank you.

next edition will be dedicated to stratford

Sadiq Kahn just drove past me in his mayoral Rolls with flag + heraldric shield on in Soho

he waved at us so i gave him the finger

im already dead

she wants a man from les Tilleuls


might go outside...

private property doesn't exist . it's only what is secured for you by the state

>make two toast sandwiches
>eating one
>not using the other one
>have to give it to someone too lazy to make their own
VERY fair


could have used a better image mate, looks like noo-noo in a teletubbies rehash

you arrive in Llanelli

sweaty like a naughty boy in the headmaster's office

observed a hun bastard at centra

got called a pet yank in woolies

eating a gerggs baguette

