Top tier/cute girl thread

top tier/cute girl thread

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Sub-human scum.

I think shes cute

Saved from user.
Cute imo.

Thoughts are welcome, any more of her?


no soul

Ah fuck i didn't realise this was a below average girls thread my mistake

wtf shes like a 4/10 at best




holy shit


You're a literal faggot



Who is that!?


learn to read









i got u fam



Why are there so many qt ruskie girls on the internet?
Some i met irl were pretty qt too

Hell yeah

slight fetal alcohol sydrome

cause they are not a fucking mixed race like americans


this bitch looks like a witch kek

My name is Jett and this is my hot ex


Stop she's so perfect it makes me cry knowing that I won't get her

Also a hot girl that my faggoty tall friend and his hot blond hang out with






OP said TOP TIER you fucking degenerate! Not a basic ass 6

nothing cute about this ugly cow

>2018 trolls do count as girls
what a time we live in



if she isn't russian then she's sub-human scum for wearing a badge on her army jacket with russian characters.

at least she doesn't pretend to be a lesbian online. does she? pic related

whenever i see a pic of a gril with her tongue hanging out i imagine Stimpy making that "huuuAAAAAAAAUGH" sound.




same feel ):



Drink it and post results plz

Drink it!




Her eyebrows get me off, more?



So cute. Fuck


Oh man. Love the innocent look with the sexy cleavage and the little peek of her bra. Jesus

Her eyes do it for me

Go add her, best girl!

Anne Frank/10


It blows my mind that nobody has said anything about this girl

Maybe because all you can see is one fucking eye and some arms?


>Holly Earl
I got you fam


i'd hide her in my attic




Teh girl is on left.



y'all got some SHIT taste. this is a REAL cute girl. none can compare to her . . . *-*


Too soon

No way, that's hot as hell. Just because she has short hair doens't mean it's gay. Quite the opposite actually

Christ fuck





nice feet

Who is she?? Email me - [email protected]

who is this?

This literally the least faggoty thing I've ever seen.

Her tongue isn't out though you retard