How come multiculturalism works so well in Bulgaria, but not in countries like France, Belgium and Sweden?

How come multiculturalism works so well in Bulgaria, but not in countries like France, Belgium and Sweden?

On the picture is Egyptian-born Bulgarian citizen Tarek Abdelsan who competes for Bulgaria and won a gold medal in wrestling. He's not the exception, he is the norm. Syrians, Armenians, Afghans and other people from the middle east who immigrate to Bulgaria all integrate very well, they love Bulgaria and are all very successful. Same thing cannot be said about France, Belgium and Sweden, where immigrants do not integrate, and they hate their new home country.

Afghans and Syrians competing for Bulgaria.

Because it's just like home

Westerners are xenophobic
i had Iranian dentists in my village
great man
people integrate well here indeed

>Westerners are xenophobic
Ah mm yes
*sperges out and shoots an austrian prince*

But Bulgarians are westerners too.

Westerners have a critical mass of a single type of immigrant which makes them much more difficult to assimilate because they live in a parallel society.
Just like gypsies in Bulgaria.

no one thinks that


Obviously the average durka immigrant who's the only immigrant in the entire village will be more likely to integrate, seeing as he has absolutely no choice whatsoever. But when you have a huge concentration of them in the city, and they even outnumber natives, then obviously they're not going to integrate.

but he's not black????

>How come multiculturalism works so well in Bulgaria, but not in countries like France, Belgium and Sweden?

no it fucking doesn't, gypsies totally failed to integrate, turks for the most part live in their own bubbles, while not actively a problem they too are a distinct group

in the mentioned examples, when you have less than a percent of the total population all of the said groups do not have critical numbers to separate themselves in to, thus they tend to mingle with us and look integrated

that will fade away if we have any larger numbers

we have no magical immunity in our society to make foreign people assimilate, we are just poor enough that not many people actively want to stay here

How do you define ''westerner''? Is Bulgaria not pat of the ''western world''? Are we part of the Asian world?

Turks make up 10% of the Bulgarian population, and they have integrated pretty well for the most part. Only Turks living in rural villages are not integrated, Turks living in the cities are all well integrated. I have Turkish friends who constantly post pro-Bularian pictures and celebrate our holidays. They identify as Bulgarian, not Turk.

"Westerner" in the cold war sense
I agree with this, turks are the same batkas as regular bulgars.

Some gypsies integrate well, others not so much, but i think its because of the welfare benefits and social programs, like childcare benefits, and so on. They do not go to school, they become parents early to collect benefits. Turks integrate well in big cities, in small villages they don't.

Because they put them in ghettos

The cold war ended on 1989.. ''western bloc'' is not a synonym for ''western world'', which is Europe, which Bulgaria is part of.

>bulgaria is western

Ghettos are good integration is bad. integration assimilates them to your bloodline

Cold war ended, the terms stayed. We are distinct from western societies, we are post socialist.
We are part of the western alliance, but we are not western.
>muh ethnocentrism

Do you have any arguments at all? We are the first country to adopt christianity we represent the western world better than Ireland.

The term stayed because of ignorant children and the media keep using it, that doesn't make it true anymore. How are we distinct? Western bloc is not western world. Otherwise, Switzerland is not part of the western world too. Germany is post socialist. Spain is post socialist. Italy is post socialist. Greece is current socialist. It has nothing to do with the term western world.

>a fucking macedonian says that

>we represent the western world better than Ireland.

>we represent the western world better than Ireland

Because the term western world means christian European countries, we saved europe many times in the past, and we were the first country to adopt christianity. We represent Europe better than Ireland which represent poverty and potatos.

>We represent Europe better than Ireland which represent poverty and potatos.

Cringe as fuck desu

I am not a fucking westerner.

I've lived in England, USA and Germany
These people have nothing in common with us.

The only foreign people that feel like brothers to me are the Russians.

the smiling one in the middle is qt

>How come multiculturalism works so well in Bulgaria
They all abandoned islam and you make it seem like we have something like 10% of them it's more like 10000.

What the fuck is your definition of ''westerner''? Do you think Germany and America are the same? Finland and Portugal are the same? Norway and greece are the same?

Why? Do people on Sup Forums use false stereotype because they have no arguments? Do you have a brain? What teh fuck is your definition of western world? European countires are not the same. Every country is different. Western world is simply a historical term that described Europe, which is characterized with christianity and secularism.