22 yrs old, 6’0 175 lbs and I can down a fifth of whiskey in hours. Do I have a problem?

22 yrs old, 6’0 175 lbs and I can down a fifth of whiskey in hours. Do I have a problem?

Probably yes.

Probably yes.

I'd say feeling the need to ask that is a sign. Or maybe you just really like drinking.

Pffft, I can butt-chug a 5th in like 10 flat

Only if you do it regularly.

AKA more than 2 times a week.

Only if the drinking begins to interfere with normal, functioning life.

Every other day. It’s been this way for at least a year.

I can down a fith of vodka in 45 mins and I'm just fine.

you have a problem

probably take me ~6 hours, i drink less than i used to

>in hours
>catfish cooley can down a 5th in 20 seconds

Would you happen to be fat as fatass?

>Only if the drinking begins to interfere with normal, functioning life.
user, there is such a thing as being a high functioning alcoholic.

I don't know how much a fifth is.

How come i get drunker faster now than i used to?
Is it liver damage?
Daily drinker btw

I get drunk off a few mouthfuls. Is that cute :3

I’d consider myself functioning. I have a job and pay the bills. I’m not social and I do have suicidal tendencies though

same as you but 220 and I can down half a mag of any 40% hard liquor in an hour or two. I don;t have a problem and drink at parties only. Also no puking o black out, just another party fucking ugly bitches.

Yeah only bound to get worse. have you considered god?

>a fifth of whiskey in hours

kek thats fucking NOTHING LEL

Consider yourself lucky. Alcohol ain’t cheap.

Yes, you're a braggart and a faggot.

yes i used to be an alcoholic and that is definitely more than i could finish even then although im only 160 lbs, i would throw up before i could finish that withing hours time even if i had all day id pass out and sleep before i could

Big deal fagbot when I was 14 ~200lb I could chug half a fifth of tequila in one go then finish the bottle about 10 minutes later

Granted I would then black out and vomit for hours but that's beside the point

Yes. Was in the same boat as you (except 5'11 145) Right around your age is when I would get alcohol withdrawals. I'm 23 and still struggling with it. Take a break while you still have the option to.

That isn’t beside the point faggot. I don’t throw up or get hungover. Also, you were a fat fucking kid

I was 6'2 at 14, don't try to talk down to those who tower over you fucking manlet


There's a saying that goes "Alcoholics don't throw up"

Are you literally me?

I'm 21 6'3 190 pounds and built as fuck and I have a 4.5 inch dick, do I have a problem?

Imagine the look on stacys face

Enjoy the incoming seizures.

When I was in highschool I was around 5'10 and 155, I strictly drank on the weekends and 1-2 times a month, 3-4 at the max. It was pretty common for me and my best friend (5'6 and 220) to crush 25-30 beers or an entire 750 in a night and not even be totally blackout. drunker than fuck? sure, but not blackout.

It all boils down to genetic predisposition to alcohol and how well your body processes the shit.

I know alcoholic Natives that can barely function after drinking half a bottle a day, and I know old german dudes that would pass any sobriety test and drink a bottle of scotch a day completely fine living fulfilling lives.

Bottom line, if you think you have a problem, you have a problem. seek help. but if your drinking isn't impacting your life, your health, or the lives of those around you you're fine dude.

Oh, those numbers are each mind you. He had very willing parents that locked us in the garage and basically said don't die.

i can down a whole bottle of vodka in 30 minutes by just drinking it normally, and i can scull it in under a minute, so no, i dont think you have a problem