So it's generally accepted people in prison have sex with each other even if they aren't gay because it's a basic human...

so it's generally accepted people in prison have sex with each other even if they aren't gay because it's a basic human need and it helps them

so why am i forced to live in total isolation, never ever having sex? people in jail break after a couple years, i've been COMPLETELY untouched for fucking 27 years. why am i held to a different standard from fucking everyone else in the world?

i'm 100% convinced this is why i'm broken

Other urls found in this thread:

You havent felt the pussy my

hire someone if youre that lonely jesus christ.

Solution: get thrown in prison, have sex!

that's correct.
i can't because it's fucking illegal and i have never broke the law.

only solution is to go to prison and have sex you cuck

then go out and fuck someone then?

OP needs blind fat chick

dont take this harshly

>quit being a pussy bitch and go talk to girls
>loose some weight
>get a good haircut/beard cut
>loose weight
>loose weight
>get good clothes
Now proceed to do the following
>hit the club
>dont be a pussy
>dont be a faggot
>have confidence

>stop using Sup Forums

>too autistic to break the law
>even in jail probably wouldn't have sex
how am i supposed to do that.

Look up MGTOW and thank me later. Stop making sex a prerequisite to happiness and just live your life.

its literally the only solution do it or die a virgin

The problem is, is that you actually want to talk to those fucking roasties

Get off my board you fat cunt REEEEEEEEE

go to a bar, buy a girl some drinks and fuck her in the bathroom or take her home or w/e
women are like men, they want sex just as bad as you do

you obviously have access to internet.
there are literally 1000s of sites that are designed to meet someone.
use those

is this the same person who posts this sad boi, or it is just a meme?

OP has been on Sup Forums for the past 3 years and probably even more

hes not looking for advice lol, i have no idea what he hopes to achieve posting this shit for the past 3 years

>im virgin and can never get a girl
get prostitute then
>das illegal
can you fuck off OP

everything about this thread is bait

prostitution is legal in almost every country
OP can go to vegas, canada, mexico

yes i know its illegal but who the fuck cares

most cops dont even give a shit and if you get caught just say you were going on a date

i feel like OP is closet gay and is desperately trying to get pussy to prove hes not but at the same time can't find the appeal in fucking one

i guess it's to validate myself as a person. i don't feel like i have worth as a person and rarely sometimes people will be nice and it does feel good. when people are mean it doest effect me because i can't really feel worse.

You already said people in prison have sex you asshole, why are you going to be a whiny bitch and say you can't do anything illegal when your goal is simply to have sex?

Fact is, you're a fucking pussy. Fuck off with your whiny shitty thread.


Blaming somebody else for your personal problems doesn't help. At the end it's up to you. YOU

You don't try. You say you do, you even think you do but you don't. Because you don't want sex, you want love or at the very least you want better than you can have.

Think about it. Why would a virgin 9/10 want you? What are you bringing to the table? Are you rich? Attractive? Famous? Are you even charming or funny or socially adept? No. You're just another guy. And you think you shouldn't have to do anything to get someone with substance to offer. Sex, relationships, even friendships are exchanges. You don't get what you don't give or at least a close balance.

So sure you can sit here and say you're this or that, women are bitches and whores, whatever. Pussy is more accessible now than ever. I'm 35 and got laid without Tinder, Netflix, or omnipresent daddy issues. I never aimed above my status and I sure as shit didn't feel entitled to it. I had a couple of 9s and one 10 (a 22 year old model when I was already in my 30s) because I've lived an interesting life and I ooze a quiet confidence that people find irresistible. Find what you can offer and make it known. They aren't going to rub their cunt in your face if you sit at home getting fat every day or stare at your phone or fert in public. I mean fuck, would you buy a car with bullet holes in the gas tank and flat tires with no engine? No. You'd spend twice as much on a shittier model that ran. Women aren't interested in you just because you have a dick and aren't dead. Get off your ass.

when did i blame anyone for my personal problems?
i'm glad you're so successful

Kek, don't try to rationalize why ur gay if ur gay ur gay bud, no need to justify urself by what other men may or may not do in prison. And that blanket generalization or prison is incorrect as well. If ur busting cheeks in prison u generally get looked down upon for being a "closet fag"

or u could just not care about sex. 1. it's not a big deal 2. u cant force it to happen

when you completely accept the idea that you may never get laid and you can still live a happy and fulfilling life, you're gonna stop obsessing over sex and accomplish something and become infinitely more interesting and then you will attract people, probably enough to fuck one of them

except i can't live a happy and fulfilling life.

OP is troll

fucking how? i have been depressed for fucking 17 years.

Hey op can you address the claims that you're a troll?

Why are you pretending to be pic related?


Save your money then spend it on a gold digger you'll get some puss

kys you loser robot

i am not a troll.
i am pic related.
damn that was eerily similar for a minute but that guy has a way better beard than i do and that was back in 2013

Well if ur not a troll why do you keep making these threads?

youre just one of life's losers kys

Because you don't go out?

i already said, the few times people are nice to me feels good and it's better than being totally socially isolated

What is it that causes your social isolation? Do you just not leave your house?

Dude i said it before and ill say it again, your a fucking chad, you go to school and have a job, you have a talent and a bear body gtfo my board chaddy

Other way around, my man.
You're alone because you're broken and everyone around you can sense it.

i don't know where to go
not really, i haven't left my house since thursday
i'm not talented and i'm not a chad at all. not a bear just fucking fat.

Just post the crying pics already

Not legal in Vegas, it is in northern Nevada though

Seriously, pay a good escort. Have a good time. Best part is she leaves. Way cheaper than getting married.

I broke out of my pathetic loser phase by faking being a functional person until one day I woke up and it wasn't an act.

>i am pic related.
No, you're not. Your writing style is different. Why are you pretending?

start with never going on Sup Forums ever again

Now look here you fucking faggot. You're not special. Even in your worthlessness you're not exceptional. The only thing that sets you apart is the autistic extremes you go to, to post the same, exhausted, stupid, masturbatory bullshit every single god damned day. And even then, you're unexceptional, because the nature of your autistic obsession is yourself, and thus, boring.

So fuck off and masturbate to porn like everyone else.

Maybe stop posting about it and just kill yourself already.

Being in prison does not make it un-gay.

>prisonfags rape
>OP must rape to got to prison>In prison OP can have an anal cavity full of sex
>there are no incels in prison, OP
>only prisonfags

dude just get a fucking hooker not a big deal.

i don't know, it is fucking me though. my writing style changed based on what device i'm on and how depressed i am

One thing that'll help is not spending so much time on Sup Forums and whatever incel board you're wasting your life on.

>herp derp people go to jail and have sex

People go to jail and get raped.

So, the answer is, go get raped kiddo.

Having sex will not solve your broken brain or terrible attitude.


You're not forced into total isolation, you made it that way. No one's going to touch you if you don't exist outside the walls of your home. Get out there and be confident, be a real person. How do you expect anyone to respect you, when you don't even respect yourself?

Ill be straight with you. Put on a rubber, and pick up a nickel slut.

Don't do this. You'll end up killing her when it turns out the problem is you rather than lack of sex.

It's scientifically proven that there will be atleast 1 human being willing to fuck you.

Step one:find something vagina like.
Step two: Insert pengis.
Step three: Deep throat pistol
Step four: Do what comes natural.

cause u r loser lol

there are 0 biological females being willing to fuck me

Post pic of at least a slight smile.

Anyone will do anything for money. They say theyd do it for 1000$ or more, but wave a 100 in there face and theyll get on their knees


Huh. I think I remember seeing you in a rate thread on /soc/.

To the question: sex and romance is ultimately a contest, and there's winners, losers, and tons of people in between. Sometimes you can just be born a certain way to where finding sex/love is going to be more or less difficult for you than it is for the average person; that being said, you seriously look like you'd be pretty good looking under that extra weight. You've got nice skin, nice nose, nice lips, and it looks like you can grow some solid stubble. You're far from lost.

Seriously, I'm sure you've heard it a ton already, but just lose some weight. That's all that's physically holding you back from finding somebody to have sex with.

OP why don't you try drinking? go to a bar and socialize.

vintage pic as fuck, i don't even think i can smile anymore. been a very fucking long time, like more than 4 years at least. i also weighed 100 lbs less in this one

i really don't think so. i couldn't go up to a girl, wave a hundred dollar bill, and she'd get on her knees. that's ridiculous as fuck

Id say the ratio favours men more

You look like a nice chap OP. You should try and start smiling again.

this is me 100 lbs lighter
i'd have to lose 150 lbs at least before i'd even look significantly different. at which point my facial asymmetries start being way more obvious

fucking chaddy

Bro youre fuckable, just find a really dumb roastie and do that.

I recognise that gay harold bj!

just chill man, take a deep breath. and realize its okay that you havent had sex. alright? itll happen eventually. my advice is, simply have something to offer the female/male

a nice date? good conversation? food? smokes?
we are a bartering species afterall. things of that matter. you dont always haveto have a girlfriend to have sex, sometimes they're just flings and they just happen, things in common, on the spot passion, etc.

now another thing, (you will have sex, dont worry) sex my friend, is very overrated. yes its nice, yes the passion between couples gives you nice memories you can masturbate to i guess. but its not the greatest thing ever.

it wares off after a couple of hours, then its back to the daily grind of living, then its back to taking care of him/her and the difficulty of being a person. so just chill alright?

im not saying sex isnt nice, alright? it is. its very nice. HOWEVER. its not everything the world has to offer my friend; and i mean that shit with such a harsh harsh truth. take care of yourself & dont self implode. there is lots of people in your situation and worse, you'll be alright Sup Forumsro.

Someone needs a life coach.

Yeah, nah
Not everyone in prison has homosex
They are definitely the minority and in most it's not a good thing for other inmate to know someone is gay and openly having prison sex
Can't speak for womens prison though

the law is a system used for national security, its not there to be a moral standard u fucking idiot

then commit a crime and get sentenced to jail. problem solved.

You dumb fuck, stop moping around and so something about it. Improve your self confidence by getting in shape or anything. You piece of shit nothing bothers me more than a sad sack who does nothing yet finds reasons why their life sucks. The world owes you nothing don’t expect anything without working for it. Now go out and improve yourself faggot ass op


Banning prostitution protects impoverished people from having to sell their bodies.

because your ugly

You can fuck me anythyme bby

never use Sup Forums again

not OP but i don't wanna hire someone because im worried that after the fact ill just feel worse, as i want sex but i also want the emotional connection, even the basic idea that someone wants to fuck me and does so not just because im paying them

if your dick is 7 inches i would fuck you

looks like you wouldnt fuck me then

are you some kind of fucking retard

wherever prostitution is banned there is always people selling their bodies

when u ban something it almost even glorifies it

i garauntee you wherever prostitution is banned there are prostitutes, prostitutes dont care about going to jail they are fucking prostitutes they are in and out all the time

furthermore, banning prostitution creates a stigma, that makes it harder for prostitutes to access healthcare and basic services that can help them get out of their situation

legalisation/decriminalisation would allow better physical protection and create a new stream of tax revenue from the industry

theres no better example than weed in the US

Not reading through the whole thread, but why do you put so much value on sex, OP?

I'm not some Lothario, but I've had my fair share of women. They're mostly just an expense, mentally-physically-financially. I've done wilder shit with hotter women than 99% of most men (used to be well-known in the midwest music scene). Seriously, I've had successful professional models with MBA's double-fist my asshole.

I turned 30 last year and haven't bothered with women in the last two years. I have needs, sure, but the histrionics are NOT worth it, especially in today's minefield of modern SJW culture. Pussy is cool, but it's not life-changing. I thought I'd be a different person once I lost my virginity, but having those expectations made me fall into depression instead.

Focus on yourself, buddy. In the last two years of doing me, I've been able to start and grow a business that nets me 6 figures a year working from home. I get harder hearing the eBay app's "cha-ching" notification on my phone when shit sells than I do seeing the hottest girls around town.

Honestly, if you just work on yourself, the pussy will naturally gravitate toward you. Don't be a wet noodle white knight nice guy, be yourself but be assertive. Women may try to take advantage of you, which will just make you bitter. Watch out for red flags, don't ever fully trust anybody, and realize that nothing will ever be guaranteed. Girls can be perfect angels for 5+ years and out of nowhere, develop a plethora of issues or cheat.

TLDR; Pussy isn't worth obsessing over. Focus on bettering yourself phsyically, mentally, financially, etc. and women will naturally gravitate towards you.

Quit looking for sex and it will happen, and stop being a bitch.

Also forgot to mention that, in retrospect, I wish I wouldn't have focused so much on women in my teens/20's. I could have very easily been a self-made millionaire by 30 if I would have focused more on myself. Would have also avoided many toxic relationships that put me into counseling for several years and still scar me to this day.

i guess because it's generally regarded as a basic human need and something that i've lived completely devoid of. it's like asking someone "why do you value sleep so much" when they haven't been allowed to sleep for fucking 27 years. people need it but for whatever reason the american government won't let me without breaking the law.