Would you?

Would you?

yeah... if he werent constipated...

laugh at how hard you try to force this non-meme?
sure, let me laugh at you
ha ha ha ha ha!

Le Mcepic

>100s of OC images
>many people posting them
>posted every single day by many different people
Mature. Grow up

i will also laugh at your pathetic effort to stereotype (force) your stupid response too!
>"hurr durr, let's respond to them with gr** *p! cuz it's a funny responz"

s of OC images
evidence of trying so hard, you lose your job just to try to recruit newfags to your cult of homosexual shit eating
> hurr, many people

Grow up.

>lose your job

wait, you lost your job?

I haven't made a single log image I just save them. Why, you want some?

logs are the future grandpa get with the times

>I haven't made a single log image
>what is damage control?

My job is sucking fat corn cobbed slugs out of Andy sixx's asshole, I will always have a job

>100's of images
Pic both
>many people
More like a small group of new fags
>posted every single day...
>by many different people
-see newfag section
ITT new fags cucking to an autistic spaz, being le epic trolls
>casual sage

>thinks sage still works
>calls somebody else a newfag

>logs are the future grandpa get with the times
no, it's another in a long tradition of mentally ill losers leveraging their mental illness to force their OBSESSION into becoming a meme.
you're quite entertaining to watch, though.
it's funny when you piss off the newfags...
but then even funnier when a few newfags join your meme-forcing (which is what you wanted) efforts, like the useful idiots they are...
but eventually, even those losers drop you when they realize how pathetically mentally ill you are, and that in your mind
and it's funny to watch you squirm and argue
and as time goes by,
you degenerate and lose it
like the other meme-forcers who were just as insane
and the future meme-forcers who will try once you're gone
and the cycle of Sup Forums continues

Sage simply wont bump the thread
Calm thy salty tits
>le epic sage

sage letardologfaggo
you are everything bad in the world

>homosexual feces
So if you suck turds out of a girls ass then it's ok.

sage works,
I think you're misinterpreting the posting of 'sage' in the 'Options' field above and posting it in the text.
sure, sage in the text has no effect on the bump, but most folks include it to emphasize the fact they also put it in the 'Options' field....
probably to let you know they did it.
the fact you are ignorant of this common tactic (both of how it works, and why others will declare they did it)
suggests it is YOU who are a newfag

Ok you're pissing me off. If you don't stop then I'll tell Andy not to shit down your throat

>So if you suck turds out of a girls ass then it's ok.

>what is the 'false dichotomy' fallacy

nobody finds your insanity convincing.
if anything, we step aside and point and laugh at how pathetic you look for TRYING TOO HARD.
so give us more to laugh at,
try again!

If you don't stop making me mad then I'll tell Andy not to clog your throat.

Its not a meme
I see loli threads get more respect and community intersection
>consider suicide

>another in a long tradition of mentally ill losers

grow up

lol you come on here to mad at these sexy threads. Try maturing

>grow up
it was a lame effort at a stereotyped response back here:
explained here:
but you try (like a loser) again here:
and make me laugh at how pathetic you are
ha ha ha!

Self bumping acting as 2-3 conflicting personalities
>haha le epicness
>le sage

waste of quads sage

>lol you come on here to mad
none of my responses were mad, and you know it... if anything, I know I am making you mad because in the past you didn't respond and now you are going out of your way to argue...
goood good!

mature much?


>abandon thread

>Try maturing
stupid effort, already disproven
keep trying to meme-force your stupid response

grow up kid

still not an original response. nobody cares

Lol, acquire maturity

Lol the fact that you come here to argue in and bump threads you hate is absolutely hilarious. Grow up

(pasta # 8675309: use when exposing the unoriginal biersack meme-forcer)
TLDR: 98% of all these andy forced-"memes" come from ONE SAD DEGENERATE.
This is what happens when oldfags believe their own hype.
In early 2015, this sad fag fell in love with a singer from some lame group.
But like most autists, he tried to express it "ironically" (e.g., hate = love)
His love for Andy turned into SCATLOVE, but
He knew this was SICK FUCKERY, so to get around this,
he created images that seem to do the opposite: make fun of shit.
But make no mistake, this oldfag LOVES EATING FECES
~~~how do we know?
he goes out of his way to use FECES IN IMAGES.
he does CTRL+F on all words containing L*G
(and it PISSES HIM OFF TO NO END that I won't use his words)
simple: he's MENTALLY ILL and a SICK FUCK but IN DENIAL
~~~just one guy?
one guy makes 98% of the images. he spends thousands of hours,
making images, and posting on Sup Forums,
jacking off to the results (rustled newfags)
a few newfags follow his lead (hoping to get in on the next 'dank mememe')
but they move on when they learn how pathetic he is
he hates being analyzed and will use his skills to change the discussion
he'll create alternate stories to confuse newfags
(like his BS about some 'alternate artistic movement' tripe, kek)
but when anons question his mental state, he gets mad and LEAVES Sup Forums
(but he's crazy and will come back in an hour or so)
what doesn't work is getting mad.
getting mad at his degeneracy is precisely what gets him hard
he loves when you use his language or reuse his 'forced memes'
~~~why isn't he banned?
because controversy = moniez for Sup Forums
~~~the more you know~~~

Stupid fucking thread. Fuck all of you

Your complaint has been logged

Increase in age

>haven't been on Sup Forums in like 3 months
>this is still a "thing"

>argue in and
i love to argue, and if it benefits my skills in real life, maybe it's a good thing ;)
>bump threads you hate
you are projecting your own beliefs, I don't hate you, I am entertained by your mental illness and LIKE EVERY GOOD Sup ForumsTARD,
I want to take part in your eventual self-destruction

/growup/ general
discuss your favorite ways to grow up

Love you too, user!

nobody complained,
seems you're so desperate to use your lame words (l****) that you go out of your way....

Wow kiddo, maturity deficiency or something?

>Increase in age
i see you finally figured out what I was doing and stopped arguing and are reverting to stereotyped responses....
good, good, you are learning ;)

What makes his shit better then mine? Faggots

Why are there threads about this faggot everyday. Some of you degenerate niggers wanna fuck this bride? Cancer.

Lol you are the same guy that comes in these threads and argues

try harder, i need more entertainment and your insane ramblings and postings are the medicine for my ills ;)

Insufficient Response, more Maturity required



maybe, maybe not. now argue with me and get all mad and flounce like you eventually do !


that's not me.
but it's funny you want to PROJECT what you think of others onto me
it's what makes messing with you so entertaining!

still not entertained, try again

what am I supposed to be mad about again?


ha ha ha!
nobody said you're supposed to be, ricky retardo... funny you'd project some more.

if you go back, you'll notice I am inviting you to argue your case... because I know you will try to make it seem like a joke,
then I don't fall for your joke and instead point out your real insanity
then you argue again
then I still don't fall for it and point out your idiocy,
then you try to change your tactic
then I still don't fall for it and point out your lame attempts
then you start to get mad
then I laugh
then you abandon the thread
and we all have a good time....
fun for the whole family!

Are gru okay?

dont argue with him, user, he's the crazy one. just start another thread

Lol you put a lot into each of your responses. Good effort. I'll just keep posting these pics

you mean the pix that you spent THOUSANDS OF HOURS MAKING JUST TO FORCE A NON-MEME?
the pix that you spent so much time that you lost your job?
they entertain me too because they're like a Rorsarch into where your insanity is headed, so keep posting them too

>trying this hard

lol I haven't made a single one of these.
I see them on here and I save them haha

>lol I haven't made a single one of these.

>deny everything, that'll work

Just a fellow Sup Forums-tard checking in.
Please stop using this meme.
It wasn't funny to begin with and it's just boring now.

Answer all you will. I won't return.

>Please stop using this meme.
you are why this non meme forcing exists and will continue to happen...

Sup Forums runs on any kind of response, positive or negative
your "mild" response is enough... especially for mentally ill folks like OP

Would you chew it or suck the whole log down in one swallow with no chewing involved?

I haven't, but I have made a pasta

>I haven't, but I have made a pasta

I can post it if you like

I like him :3