


bi/fur pls












Hey Dash

Hey, HB. How's it going?

Watching Silent Hill on Netflix

Watching a twitch stream while high. I'm feeling really lonely and depressed.





Poor bb
To bad I can't kidnap you :,(




It's fine. I'm used to it.









hot can someone send more two-dicked porn pls


Moar Bojack?





fuck you and your gay shit this is G/fur now

















I'm so lonely. I'm more and more suicidal lately.



please just do it also if your ever gonna kys send me an dick pic


I really want to, I gave up years ago. I just don't want to hurt all my family and friends.

Bb, don't be so blu

I like apples granny smith is pretty good

It's all I know. Other than mania and rage.


stop all the bitchin and send me a dick pic.

don't be such a drama queen

Why? It's nothing special anyway, I hate it.

deffo a faggot

I'm not. I'm just speaking the truth.


Yeash... Sounds like you need an apple to munch that anger away

I know

Wish I could help


cmon cutie.
if it's nothing special why protect it?

Because there's no reason and it's ugly. Not that I would even show it to some user.

hello apple guy
i didn't see you in a long time

pretty please.

gonna need that sauce

Haha someone recognized me hi

it's prolly just nice/average but your depression has taken over.

There are hundreds of much better dicks on this board alone. Go look at them.

Don't know, sorry.

hi are you still in PANZ3R?

but i want yours.

No, not really. I hate it and it's part of the reason I have gender dysphoria which contributes greatly to my depression.

Not going to happen.

Night bb

I just want to fucking binge eat to try and fill this void. I feel so empty and dead inside.

Night, HB. Sleep well.

Woah wait there's a discord group or something? Nice to see a tankposter



best tag on e621

bestiality is a close second


no but we meet each other much in g/fur or s/fur or other cancerous threads

pretty please? i'll show mine. i promise not to judge

unless it's good

No, fuck off.