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Weapons bans don't affect anything, you dumbass.


Im hoping not


/gun printers being crowd funded in the meanwhile as we communicate.

Wats classified as an "assault weapon", could be anyrhing or am i just a retard eurofag

Assault weapon means nothing, but the far left in amercia thinks its any gun

It's not the far left, it's anyone who doesn't know jack shit about guns which is most people despite America having a strong gun culture. But yes it does mean nothing, it can be as simple as one gun having a barrel shroud or having a buttstock a certain length.

I love the ban of the AR 15 lol you know how many guns are the exact same made by different companies?

Lol if you don't understand what assault weapon means. You are just being dumb on purpose. You know damn well what people mean by that. Military pattern black rifles that accept high cap mags.

so we're just going to ignore the whole 'select fire' thing?

>that accept high cap mags
That doesn't really mean anything though. For example I can buy a state compliant rifle that only has a 5 round mag then get a preban mag for it. A lot of people do this for handguns. Also if you're firing on unarmed civilians there's not going to be a huge difference between having a 20 round magazine and having 4 5 round magazines since you're not in danger of getting shot while reloading.

Nobody fuckin cares about select fire. Semi auto bullets kill you just as bad as full auto. And in a firefight full auto is only used for suppression. It's a bullshit semantic argument and you know it. Full auto only aren't assault rifles cause Wikipedia said so hurrdurr. That distinction is solely political and has no basis in standard usage or common sense.

good, fucking finally

I know what to do. Make the names of these weapons very long and hard to spell so the Righties can't order them in the first place

Why are people pushing for rifle bans when you're like 1000% more likely to get shot by a handgun? Not that getting shot with any gun is even close to the most likely cause of premature death.

This is true. Non of the weapons used in these assaults were full auto

none of the distinctions in any AWB have any basis in in standard usage or common sense (barrel shroud, pistol grip, shoulder thing that goes up). the key difference between most military weapons and their civilian counterparts is select fire. if you didnt want to argue semantics you picked the wrong topic. fuck all the way off faggot

Because these mass shooters use them. They have a higher ammo capacity and the ammo is usually deadlier.

people dont realize that america will always have the guns unless we do something stricter
Anyways, mexico will keep importing guns illegaly

And the rifles have a greater chance of hitting their targets from a distance. The Vegas shooter would not have been very effective if he was using a 38 snubnose

None if the mass shootings have involved a weapon set on full auto

Oh no I can't have a handle on the top of my gun.

>They have a higher ammo capacity
You can put a 50 round drum magazine on a pistol if you were so inclined.

He was shooting from a highly elevated position into a crowd of hundreds of people. He would have been "effective" pretty much regardless of what he used.

That is true but its not a response to my statement

They don't even need to import them.

I have a 9mm pistol with a 100 round rotary mag, so you're not telling me anything new
And no, he would have been much less effective. That's why he chose the guns that he chose.

my bad i was too lazy to choose the original post

thats not the point. theres no set definition for what an 'assault weapon' is. if we're going to be handing over our rights there should at the very least be no room for ambiguity in the language

Ugh man ... I was hoping you americans would just kill each other :(

Gun related deaths make up an extremely small percentage of premature deaths in America. Stricter legislation might make it from like 0.10% to 0.09%

1.6% of American's died from suicide in the US; 44,193 people; in 2015. 2,626,418 people died in total that year.

Meanwhile, in the same year: There were 372 mass shootings in the US in 2015, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870,

Thus the chances of dying to a mass shooting is 0.00018% in the US.

But yeah ban ARs and no the Healthcare Insurance scam.

Nanci Pelosi does pretty much nothing in congress except introduce this same bill over and over and over again.

As opposed to those other people in congress who are super useful.

its just Zionists afraid of a legitimate coup from the street level nothing.


No shit, gun sales go up every time they threaten legislation too. It has literally the opposite effect.


The white race is a joke the masonic shit that goes on without anyone knowing is degenerate and offensive once you find out the reason.

muh guns

and yet, no one even fucking knows what they mean by "assault weapons"

a certain caliber? a certain barrel length and/or strength? a certain receiver? a certain stock size?

what are they going to ban? ar-15 sales? people will just transition to other systems. will they ban a whole range of common systems?

What are they going to ban?

Isn't that an rpg

No chance of it passing though. Like normal - which is good.

Almost all firearms today are patterned after military firearms of some sort from revolvers on up.
Go fuck yourself.

You are talking politics and semantics. I'm talking what people understand assault rifles to be. Also handgun deaths are higher because they're used in suicides. The rifle numbers are murders and shit.

I know what they mean. They mean rifles with removable magazines designed for killing people. Y'all a bunch of fuckin rules lawyers.

Fuck all the cry baby rednecks.

Do they accept high capacity removable magazines? Ban. Ban all high capacity magazines too.

Nobody is going to be sproinging m1 clips during their murder spree.

It's not going to affect them since it's still up to the state to enforce it.

Just ban ammunition.

Guns are less effective when you have to throw them at your target

You can just make your own ammo. Not exactly hard either.

Rifles and shotguns account for less than 400 homicides a year, handgun homicides over 8,000-10,000 depending on the year. These numbers do not include suicides.
Source: FBI yearly homicide statistics.

Define high capacity.

the problem is very much semantics. Legally speaking, you can't just say "all assault weapons are banned" without specifying what constitutes an "assault weapon".

That's why I'm asking, what are the criteria? Is it a certain caliber? Maybe a legally limited rate of fire, i.e. some kind of built in delay?

I'm not trying to argue, I'm honestly curious how that'd work. Not like either of us is going to write the fucking law

its the reason for the season...

so for example 10+ mags?
I'm aware that it's possible to build weapons in a way that they only accept magazines of a certain size, though I'm not sure how exactly that works.
What I do know is that those limits are very easy to circumvent

Kind of hard to do when there's enough fucking bullets produced every year to shoot everyone in the world, twice.

sixty seven million three hundred thousand...

“Assault weapon” is a made up fearmongering term created by a few anti-gun politicians and adopted for widespread use in the hopes of ratings by liberal media.
The original assault weapons ban just banned cosmetic features of certain firearms like adjustable stocks, barrel shrouds and pistol grips for rifles/shotguns. None of these features make a firearm any more or less dangerous when used for crime, so it had no determinable effect on crime.
Cosmetics do not determine how dangerous a firearm is, only how it looks.

why are you so weak...
the see lions are the closest to me and you keep sucking nigger dick for money what they hell is wrong with you?

I agree, but the experts in this thread seem to hold a different opinion


why are you not with god in heaven???
like the pumpkin princess...

seems the governments plan is going accordingly then. they knew it was a matter of time before they had enough followers. next step, becoming more of a controlling country. we fucked.

do you love the princess of hesse...

you should say how you feel instead of yipping for nigger cock...

Are you supposed to be taking any type of psychotropic drug that’s been prescribed by your psychiatrist by any chance?

good thing there's no such thing as assault weapons

Enjoy the ritual human sacrifice of the "black" race...

Ah, the “experts.” Yes, kinda like this kind of expert -
Btw - the firing rate he attributes to that gun is faster than the Vulcan on an A-10 Warthog.

This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety. While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons.

Noted liberal politician Ronald fucking Reagan. Use your brain if you can. Challenge your preconceived notions you cuck.

You are a tool of the devil...

pinnipeds taste like god...

Yes I can see how cosmetic features like an adjustable stock can make rifles into baby killing machines who rape our dogs.
You have made me see the light. Now, we need to ban the color red so remove all violence in the world.

Reagan was just a puppet, you can't take anything he said seriously.

who wants to be a millionaire???


Reagan was a conservative...
by Californian standards. Everyone else’s he was pretty far left. Another RINO like McCain, Chris Christie and others.
you are weak...

why are you here?
this is easy

Guns. Always the guns. /k/ is boring. I enjoy trolling the anti-NRA posters (even though I dislike the NRA) and the gun ban threads.
The thought of pissing off anti-gunners amuses me.

Morons. If they get banned they've just wasted all that money.

Lol sure thing kid. The last assault weapons ban only banned new sales of certain rifles with certain cosmetic features. It did not make ownership of firearms made before the ban illegal to own or sell privately. It did not ban the items that could be added to firearms like adjustable stocks or muzzle breaks.
There was no confiscations, no widespread firearm destructions. It just made the prices for them go through the roof and many people got rich off the legislation.

>For example I can buy a state compliant rifle that only has a 5 round mag then get a preban mag for it.

Only if you're licensed to own high capacity firearms. Dude you quoted if right. It doesn't matter what magazine is fitted, but what magazines it will accept.

>licensed to own high capacity firearms
Which shithole state do you live in? I own several “high capacity” rifles and more than 2 dozen spare mags for each.
Not one license needed.

Any gun/mag can be modified to fit basically any mag, high capacity or not. This legislation is totally unenforceable


Someone needs to propose a decriminalization of grenade launchers, mortars and anti-aircraft guns for ordinary citizens. It should also be legal to shoot down any aircraft that violates the airspace above your property.

>implying you actually own property in the US

You just described the most half assed version of an assault rifle ban. From the sound of it, the legislation was bound to fail. It's hardly a ban if private owners can still privately sell.

He's right, banning these guns will make them pretty much worthless in a country full of them.

Democrat or Republican, does not matter. These proposed gun bans are always a ploy to drive up gun sales. Typical fear marketing.

>banning guns will make them worthless
>black market literally anything skyrockets in price
Do they pay you to be this retarded or are you just a workaholic?

Keep listening and you can see the temples sacrifice...
Heidi Boley, a retired math and science teacher whose work influenced many students, died in a canoeing accident on the Russian River on Friday. She was 69.

Boley and her two friends were canoeing on the Russian River near Healdsburg, California, when their canoe accidentally overturned about noon, according to Sonoma County Sheriff’s Lt. John Molinari in a press release. Her two friends swam to safety, but Boley, despite wearing a life jacket, appears to have drowned. She was found under some tree limbs in the river about an hour after the canoe capsized.

“She loved being in and on the water,” said Todd Boley, Heidi Boley’s ex-husband. “It was one of those freakish things that happened.”

Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Boley spent her childhood in Maui as the eldest of four children in a family of plantation and cannery workers, according to her son Justin Boley. She moved to the mainland after receiving a scholarship to study biology at Whitman College in Washington.

easy as guns.

>Reagan was a conservative
Yeah and Hillary is a liberal.
