Yo Sup Forums, getting high and want suggestions for movies to watch

Yo Sup Forums, getting high and want suggestions for movies to watch.
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle is all time favorite stoner movie so anything like that.

Also tips for better a high?

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Fuck off druggie. Enjoy being a bottom feeder in life.

Watch Harold and Maude


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Time Masters
Fantastic Planet
are great to watch while high.

For a better high:
It's winter so be in a warm and confy place.
Don't smoke it, make cookies or get a vaporizer.

Thanks guys, will do

Dazed and confused

Harold & Kumar Go To Whitecastle, you should check it out you'd probably like it

The Doom Generation

Time Masters

would u like to try an experiment i made? try this with headphones it’s binaural sound with hypnotic visuals just for a trip through a wormhole generator vimeo.com/239773219

not op here but Arizer EQ is the best thing i ever bought.

Half baked, and don't hold in smoke for long, it doesn't get you more high, and eat mango an hour before

FLCL also Cheech and Chong films

Super Troopers


"ishtar" is a good movie if you get stoned. people called it "the worst movie ever made" but they didn't get it.

i could list a proper master list, but ishtar is one i know no one else would ever be hip enough to dig.


For all you said, why?

listen to this for 3 hours straight

Half baked ?

go eat or drink something mango flavored and watch the holy mountain

Movie on netflix

Clerks I & II
Cheech and Chong
That 70s show

That 70s show is a classic

OP here, decided to shoot heroin instead, bout to inject now wish me luck anons

If you eat it, make sure you eat it early, it can take a long time to kick in this way. (Empty stomach helps.)

Bro, read the one directly above

Just watch any movie. Then tomorrow you won't remember the movie and you can enjoy again. I've watched seasons of tv shows multiple times while stoned and still couldn't tell you what happened in the episodes.


Watch a documentary on a deadly animal.

Watching stoner movies is chimp shit.

Does eating mango before smoking actually do anything?

Planet Earth

OP here, your all fucking idiots I'm shooting up not smoking


i havent seen any scientific studies done on it aside from a bunch of pro-weed websites saying "it works lol"

at first i figured it was a crock of shit but i had no reason not to try it either, i like mangoes

I usually watch The beach and rip fatties out my BONG because BONG is the best way to go.

Only seasons 1 - 4

Yes it does

How much mango should I eat and how much time before smoking? And what exactly does it do to the high?

where in my post did i say "it doesn't"?

i eat like, one or two before i smoke

its got something to do with the terpines and shit just google it user

Dried mango works too and is super tasty. Check out Evil Bong, How High, Friday and Half Baked. For documentaries Mirage Men, Unacknowledged and anything on Lockheed Skunkworks.
Or if you just wanna zone out, blast some Joe Rogan Experience


Pinnaple express
F.a.l. in las Vegas
Grandmas boy
Also eat mango 45min before season increas high

the richard nixon interview. put blunt into 2 litre soda bottle and huff it hard

have you ever had a shotty blown to you

it's like buttsex for your lungs


>Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
Nah m80, watch something like troll 2, the room, or Requiem for a dream.