Who else here has developed a strong hate against socialists?

who else here has developed a strong hate against socialists?
everytime i see a group of those degenerate lefties i get the strong desire to beat the shit out of them.

yea I am antisocial and I would like to beat people up but am scared

Fuck the left. I swear they are everywhere as well. I always hear people talking on the train about their retarded ideas about hierarchy's and shit

leftist hate is always bump

Why do you hate left handed people so much?

I try not to let myself be influenced by Russian propaganda mills and angry neckbeard shut-ins, so no, I don't think much about this non issue.

I hate socialists and especially communists with a passion. May every single leftie die a horrible death

Right wing conservatives are the niggers of white people


you're mad cause we're right bitch

Wow. A non-issue. BTW, the military is Socialist.

>beat the shit
yes please


I have no idea what left or right even is. I am so glad I coulden't care less about politics xD
Man, you should join me, it's heaven out here. Sun shines in winter, and rain brings new universes full of dimensions unto your experience. Where I live, every person is an eternal being with endless with an ever expanding fountain of infinite values.

Youre thinking of liberals, my main bitch. That's not the left.




>I coulden't care less about politics
who ya votin for?


not you, the guy who couldn't care less

Because there's something sinister about them


do you barf when ever you pass by a fire department or library?

The left and right are both fucking retarded. Can't think for themselves so they find someone to latch on to and become their bitch.

Fucking hell the shill threads are out in force today

>radical centrist

When I grew up, I had the strong belief that the only right way is the left way.
Meanwhile, those leftist have convinced me that the only right way is the right way.

Leftist hipsters, being in bed with the industry, betraying the working class, lying to the people, trying to nazi-banhammer every counter argument, favoring socalled refugees and fucking Antifa fascists.
Society is starting to break up and there are no consquences for smaller crimes.