/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

Fucking dead again edition

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First for Huey Long


Finally back home buds

Welcome back

Conway stop being so gay



nth for communism

the fuck is a queer

Trannies who think they're something other than a guy or a grill

Colectivist individualism was a mistake

I appreciate the consistency of your posts, Pierre.


like that one video of the bald asian guy who looks like an aylium?

I can't wait to move out of this shithole and get a condo in pyongyang.


>Norks aren't even entitled to one(1) cup of snow a day

>be a united statesian
>be a former republican candidate for oregon
>wake up
>hear a bird outside
>it's not tuesday
>open the door-flap to my government subsidized tent
>check the ol' wrist-sundial
>half past 7
>walk to the communal snow pile, almost tripping on a man awaiting heroin
>the guard eyes me suspiciously
>"the time for snow allotment was six and a half hours ago"
>apologize profusely and bribe him with a share of my snow allowance
>all the clean snow is gone
>pack some discolored snow into my paper cup
>walk back to my tent to make coffee
all in all, a good day

Are there any cultural tics/values that separate the South or certain Southern states (Texas, Virginia, Alabama, Florida, etc) from the rest of the US?

>this man awakes heroin
>the trees will be eaten by tuesday
>they are yummy
Haha memes

Texas is superior in everything, for example

San Antonio here


We're better than them



I don't know if Southerners consider Florida a Southern state; I think it's its own thing. The South in general though is different from the rest of the US. Life is slower and people are warmer.

How's it going bud?


Murphy is the worst part of Narcos

Is this accurate /dixie/?


commies cannot be real southerners

Commies aren't people anyway


he's a preist so maybe he's the most conservative type of commie but since southerners hate catholics that's probly worse (or at least where I live)

>since southerners hate catholics
Something like 8% of my state is Catholic, people stopped caring several decades ago

it happens overnight with most generals you /cum/ babbies

But /dixie/ has been fine for a while

This man is Gavuroğlu Lee Efendi.
Renowned janissary, vizier of the sultan and supporter of the young turks movement

>no pic
I always knew that Turkish history was bullshit

Shit forgot pic

I was gonna put a fez on him but eh.
Cant be bothered

as it increasingly becomes associated with CHIs it will likely start again eventually

>finally buried the ol' WRT54G
route in peace little bud

New video buds


Reminder that black women whom are 10/10s usually prefer white men.

(Dey still ours ;))

You ARE learning a foreign language, right /dixie/? No one should be monolingual.

Hey that's me. I don't like it here

top the line post


Reminder that 10/10 black women are almost always half white anyway

sometimes I read /deutsch/ but then I realize I don't really like Germans that much

Trying to learn French

exceptional post

Repubs should be a little more inclusive to mexicans. The fastest growing minority is also the most socially conservative one.

>social conservatism

>Repubs should be a little more inclusive to mexicans
Dubya got 45% of the Hispanic vote in 2000. I know that Cubans aren't the only ones who vote Repoopican so it's not as bad as it seems

The answer, as always, is to nuke the cities

>social liberalism

That is in 2000, more of the Hispanic vote has gone to the Democrats lately (of course that may just be due to Trump saying stupid alienating shit)

>that may just be due to Trump saying stupid alienating shit
>more Hispanics voted for Drumpf than for Romney
What did (((they))) mean by this

Right, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are both Cuban, and Chris Christie sort of looks like a Mexican woman. They need to tone down the immigration rhetoric in the next election and ramp up the bible-thumping (at least 50% more).

>wanting to go back to the Dubya era GOP

You don't have to, you just use the biblethumper as a foil to the moderate candidate. That's Rick Santorum's function in a nutshell. He gets the pentecostal fundies fired up and it doesn't matter that he isn't nominated, as long as the moderate candidate doesn't directly contradict his political message.

Do you speak cadien?

my descendent :)

>state flower
Bit gay


Ours is the apple blossom

these are fun


At least isn't a fucking cherry blossom

We aren't fucking weebshits

>apple blossom
sounds like a euphemism for losing ones anal virginity.

Ours is probably the red rose, but im not sure if its legal or not

I am sorry for the behaviour of my distant compatriots, user.

FUCK the m*narchists

I'll have you know that Virginia's official flower is the very masculine flowering dogwood, which sounds like a euphemism for an erect penis but is also a pretty boring looking flower.

>sounds like a euphemism for losing ones anal virginity

Stop being so gay arkansas

i don't want to lol

Your grandpap is ashamed of you for posting those oriental drawings again.
He didnt fought for this dangnabbit

>He didnt fought for this dangnabbit
He fought because he hated Japshits desu

He wound up being a mechanic in France because niggers threatened to kill him for shooting a prisoner that tried to run

>niggers threatened him
should have shot them aswell TBQH

>I could buy a house for the amount of money it takes me to rent an apartment
Makes me think

He would have. Superiors shipped him out before he could do anything

>I could buy ur mum for the amount of money it takes me to go to g*rmany instead

there are worse things to post

pic related (me irl)

wtf my mom's a crack whore????

NC as well. If I remember correctly we share some other state stuff.

Tinder tricked me with a lowkey tranny again buds. Someday I'll learn to read the bio before I swipe.

Major breach of trust. Settings clearly specify I'm only looking for females. Fuck off with that bullshit.

well technically

My granddad was a street urchin that was born in safranbolu,the absolute madman literally ran away from his home at 10, traveled to istanbul, somehow seduced my grandma and married her,had a child, then left one day to buy cigars and returned 10-12 years afterwards.
He died very young thankfully.

dang those pizza's look nice tho

Its female if the penis is feminine enough

Umm, trans* girls are female sweaty :))))))

technically nothing dude

if it was born with a penis and XY chromosomes I'm not interested

>left one day to buy cigars and returned 10-12 years afterwards
Yeah, lines at the tobacco stores are a bitch

It was exactly the same as what happened with my dad tbqh.
I wish death could take him as fast as it took his fathers.

I don't see the problem bud
also, why do you not read the bio

yeah you could say she's a meatlover if you understand my innuendo

>yeah you could say she's a meatlover if you understand my innuendo
Could you be more specific?

>she's a meatlover
Thats weird, i would have tought you would be a vegetable kind of guy

after consideration, this joke really isnt that funny in english.

Hey dixie wanna come hang out with me by the ol hanging tree

yeah...im puttig up..ahh..a..tire swing...

>j*nkees in charge of speaking their own language

you could say she likes a good porking
you could say she's always looking for a stud
you could say she's a fan of bockwurst if bockwurst were one letter removed and a euphemism for my penis

sure bud

Can you clarify your statement at all? I'm still not getting it

don't worry bud, i got the joke

I think he is trying to say he has a sausage dick

That's just silly