Runescape stories

Runescape stories

>get 2 gold ore from friend
>try selling them, don't know what noting is
>literally spent an hour trading people in world 1 trying to get 1k ea
>sold to general store for 6gp or some shit
>commit suicide

Also, old school Runescape is f2p so you're journey doesn't have to be over. The updates and patches have made it an absolute joy to play. If you liked it then, you'll like it now. It's beautifully preserved and runs on any computer.

Other urls found in this thread:

>one day old
>go by Varrock south gate with auto retaliate on
>Pentium 3 can't handle the amount of things on screen
>lose my wooden shield and bronze sword
>earn it all back by taking my friends mithril plate when he's not logged in

When you log in and you're in lumbridge with only 3 items

My 3 brothes and I use to play this game back in the day for 12 hours at a time. Would literally set alarms on weekends to get up early as hell to start playing. One of the best time of my life, man. Truly an amazing ass game XD

post memes






>share account with friend
>coordinate school sick days
>he stays home sick on Monday
>I stay home sick on Tuesday, etc
>I get it all Thursday night
>acct gets easily 15 hours playtime some days
>99 strength in a couple months
>bot for 3 days and it got reset to 92


>little cousin has old school account
>I watch as they get armor trim scammed for their steel
>year of nostalgic joy

shit at least you got reset lol, the ONE time I tried a bot on my only account of like 12+ years gets banned. Fucking RIP me

What's Runescape?

>hide in closet
>dad leaves for work
>get out and play Runescape for 9 hours
>never got in trouble
>did it once a month at least

Best memories of gaming I ever had.

>2011 or 2012.
>Was young and was going to trade accounts with some dude on the game
>Trade accounts, his details are fake, and he gets into my account.
>I Have premium, and I have no idea how to get into my account.
>Mum had to cancel her credit card.
>I died that day.

These days? This.

In 2006? The best game ever made. Old School Runescape is more popular than Runescape now because it's actually staffed with developers that care.



> start rs
> lose tinderbox
> restart acc

>trade bank to main
>never use that acc again
>make 1k in a day