How do I quit kratom? I have a pretty heavy habit and I feel like shit if I try to cut back...

How do I quit kratom? I have a pretty heavy habit and I feel like shit if I try to cut back. Does anything make this easier to do? I used it to quit a really bad drinking habit, and was successful at that, but I really would like to just be drug and alcohol free altogether at this point.

Inb4 "just stop doing it"

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It takes effort. Eat right and exercise are probably the best ways of getting through the withdrawal

Ugh. Like many Sup Forums autists, exercise is anathema to me, but it would be good for me for a lot of reasons.

Well you didn't get over drinking with it, you just traded addictions. If you quit Kratom you'll go back to alcohol. I've used it for years. The thing you need to change is becoming completely sober.

>The thing you need to change is becoming completely sober.
Yeah this is the goal. Does daily kratom for years not make you feel like shit? I've used it for about two years now and I just never feel good.

You've depleted your dopamine levels which leave you feeling like shit

How to get them back up? I'm on a cocktail of antidepressants but they don't really work. I wonder if the kratom is interfering with them.

No doubt the kratom is undermining the antidepressants. I don't know of any quick fix for getting dopamine back up. Just takes time.

Well...fuck. So this isn't a problem for you? Or is it?

Try Modafinil. Worked wonders for my opiate withdrawals.

kys degenerate

You have my attention, what's this shit?

That seems like an overly drastic solution tbh.

I'm sort of in a similar situation. It is hard because I become incredibly bored and indecisive when not smoking. I kind of just sleep it away. Or try to. Doesn't always work. Just want my life back.

Kratom is nothing lol like saying your addicted to cheesecake lol fuck off and get a real drug habit then come back pussy hahahah

Google it. Easy as hell to find. I took no more than 200mg for 5 days. Then tapered off and had almost zero withdrawals symptoms. You'll be a bit depressed but that's normal since your dopamain takes time to get back to normal. Like others said, exercise. You may not like it but it feels amazing and helps ignite your levels back.

Weed makes me too anxious to enjoy it but other than that, sounds like we're in the same boat. I wish I'd known how addictive kratom was when I started but I stupidly bought the "meh it's just a plant" shit and didn't do my research.

Thanks bro I'll definitely pick up some of this.

How big are you btw? Just wondering if I would want the same dose. Or does weight matter in this case?

Replace it wity candy. Always be busy doing something. Fap, take a walk, exercise, work overtime, cook, read, whatever. Socialize.

how much do you take daily?

its gonna lost its effect in time anyway

175lbs. I'm a fit dude and love stims, so maybe start with 50-100mgs to see how your body reacts. Then bump from there. Every time I felt like complete shit and didn't want to move I'd pop 200mgs and in about 30 mins I felt great for the rest of the day. Also, if you have problems sleeping at nights, take some benadryl. I know opiates would make my fucking body ache and make sleeping miserable, not sure about kratom?

I'm at about 8-10 tsp a day. Just tapered back from about twice that, and have had a lot of trouble sleeping. Jerky restless limbs and shit.

Looks like this is prescription only in the US. Was hoping it was over the counter. What's the best way to get it?

watched linked vid, some info about quitting

Order online. Check Reddit, they have sources to order from.

To add:
Afinilexpress is usually my goto. You'll find it with a search. Took about 6 days to get to the US.

How heavy is heavy?

Would I risk a visit from the party van for this?

Smaller doses (gradually), hopping on something healthoer (food, excercise).
I've also heard that acid helps, but haven't tested that yet


See Rather

Lol, not at all. Never had an issue ordering it. I'm sure if you ordered over a 1000 pills there would be an issue.

How many gr is that

One teaspoon is about two grams.

So it's not controlled in the same way as benzos, for example?


I take 6 gr once a day for
3 days

Then take 1 day off

Keeps the Jimmy leg away

What's your strain OP??

If you're going fuck your shit up and get addicted to something like that then go get some Percocet or heroin or something. Why do people do this stupid kratom shit

It's milder. Also legal. Also you don't nod as hard. You can function.