
the japanese gf on the right edition

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love the british army tbqh

powerful stuff, absolutely titanic questions here

Looks a bit like one of those hairless cats innit


ayy lmao

Ever met army lads on a night out? They're usually total bellends.


me givin you a good scratchins x

alri hun something on your mind?
*belly-bashes the lads*

interesting how they're pretty lean
gets you wondering why so many civilian runts spend time in the gym and roiding

Can't wait till Allahs armies exterminate the scourge of white "people"

would any boys suck my feet here x



*votes tory*

Love big bottoms
Love big girls
Simple as

the man on a clapham omnibus

beause as a soldier being able to carry a heavy backpack while running for miles is useful, but picking up a very heavy weight for a moment is not

so they dont get big unless theyre on roids (which a lot of soldiers are)

hate slam poetry with a passion


how big?

Found a £20 note lads
Was absolutely buzzing


Lindybeige is such an insufferable twat
I'm sick of the trite, arrogant, fedora-tier opinions he spews
He really un-grows on you

quite impressive desu

Lost a £20 note earlier lads. If anybody finds it return it immediately please.


Will admit though some people do not have fat deposited to their body the right way and really shouldn't be fat.

now botnet shall be giving me disgusting suggestions

love elephants hate castles simple as

so many tasty little trollops in town

Spinning my fidget spinner on my knee and listening to music


good taste
good lad
live for thicc

100% agree
but the way I like to say it is "Lindybeige really grows on you. The same way athletes foot does. Once he happens to talk about a subject you know of, you'll realise just how full of shit he is - hes an odius little runt that needs a cuffing."

never watched him outside of that unsheathing video that was big on the 'dit back in the day

would it be a bad idea to have a couple pints at 1pm on a Saturday? Just gonna be playing Siege with a m8 for a while anyway.

One day there will be computer simulations so accurate and sophisticated that we'll be able to create an exact replica of the world, and through tweaking the different statistics and letting the simulation play out, we'll be able to show lefties exactly what kind of nightmare they would've brought down on western civilisation had they been allowed to have their way.

The Brit guys in /MENA/ literally hate whites lads. Really makes me think. May have to report them to mummy may tbqh

Has there ever been an original, insightful or entertaining post in these threads under a German flag?

so do I

ive only been here intermittently recently but when did /brit/ become lg/brit/

paki bender, sex offender used to be the only serial bender poster

umm sweaty its not a pint unless its poured by Big Bez at the local

i hope you have good taste in women like me

No. Day drinking is best drinking

Don't recall any

my fetish

Adoption is the same as having biological children, please don't discriminate against traps

Does he do housecalls?

Think I'm gonna go for it. Worked hard this week, gonna treat myself.

business idea; reform the british army into workers' militias

why is the last box censored? something you don't want us to find out?


palms are a bit sweaty

CANNOT BELIEVE there are runtoids ITT who would download and edit a chart of female ethnicities in the deluded belief anyone gives a shit


that description fits perfectly for the 'dit in general too

>lunchtime pints
>a treat

used to smash out three at lunch on the reg when I had a full time job

the absolute state of the states

>the virgin opinion

watching a katy caro anal scene

hungary has the best pornstars per capita

*goes rogue*

*football yank cracks open 330ml of bud light*
>l-look lads I'm having a pint


this but the other way around
and when we show the rightists how wrong they are with the simulations, they'll say it's satanic jew lizard propaganda



you trying to tell me white women are good for anything?

why are women so manipulative?

fuck me he's a tragic cunt

*pours 10 warm bud lights into a perspex pitcher*

yo dude is this okay to have if I'm just playing siege?

go on lad post the rest x

I don't answer virgin questions sorry

Nah they'd just accuse the simulation of being inherently racist and campaign to get it shut down

have now walked 1003km in 2017

this what a load of mongs hahahaha
*surreptitiously delets chart*

Sitting in my boxers drinking a beer after a 40 min walk to pick up some wine for fathers day

NOT pleasant out there

State of your pineal gland.

browsing r/incel lads

Yea I work with cranes and powertools and machines and high voltage electrical and 30+ft ladders and stuff so not a good idea to come in buzzed

>tfw i live in genuinely the best city on planet earth

Law#1: Briffault's Law
*The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can
derive any benefit from associating with a male no such association takes place.
-Caveat#1= Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued future association.
Simp= they don't care what what you did for them in the past. It is all about what you can do for them in the moment.
-Caveat#2= Any association based on a particular benefit will become null and void once said benefit has been provided.
No amount of simping/pandering will keep a women who isn't interested in you interested after she gets what she wants.
-Caveat#3= As long as she trust you and she receives benefits she'll continue the association. Hell she may even fight for the
association to exist..see:two girls fighting over one guy.

Law#2: Hypergamy= Women date up and are likely to cheat/destroy one association if they believe they have a better opportunity at hand(branch swing).
*Due to this fact it is optimal for men to date down as it fortifies the relationship against a womens hypergamous whims.
*i.e. an 8/10 man is better off dating a 6/10 woman if he desires loyalty

Law#3: Solipsism= Women are programmed to be extremely self centered, i.e. princess complex/queen complex/prima donna/diva, etc.
*women are opportunistic about associations while men are idealistic
*Women will go after a man who has it all
*Men will build with a woman to have it all

i like how the last one experiences real fear and is crying that pleases me


loathe aisha but I would fuck her silly desu

>he imagines himself singing that Sup Forumscore song at the final of Britains Got Talent

the woman does not exist

Vancouver is the other coast lad x

business idea: sing death grips on britains got talent

On holiday in New York la?

Sweltering back home in London


I've imagined a lot of things in my life but never that

same but i like her :3

just got in and i bet im the FIRST person ALL DAY to mention this: IT'S TOO FUCKING HOT REEEEEE

Should I go to the gym lads?

bear in mind I'm on a cut, 500 cals over my surplus and haven't had dinner yet

Ah yes, New Puerto Rico



>tfw i live in genuinely the best city on planet earth

The difference is that your version actually takes place in a dystopian totalitarian nightmare, and the "simulation" literally is propaganda.

no u

is aisha going full tankie

Hate london.

Doesn't help that people are getting burnt to death over run over and stabbed by the day there

Kent is the best area in the UK

i used to work with 120kv supplies n stuff

never bothered me 2bf

NEED to go to japan and go to town the slant eyed flodge

I'm 6'5, blue eyed and white - I would absolutely mop up out there and most certaintly not make a pathetic twat of myself like Japladv the absolute specimen

so do those black children

>we'll be able to create an exact replica of the world

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