Be honest whats your IQ, mine is 134

Be honest whats your IQ, mine is 134

>Still believes IQ means anything relevant

It must be nice being twelve.

According to some swedish government site it's 111, but the iq really doesn't mean all that much.

actualy it does, neger

>giant faggot
>insicure about low iq caus hes a fucking idiot
>calls people 12 over internet

>not calling that pic thinktank.jpg


idk. I got a 32 on the ACT without studying and 33 when i took it a second time having studied so do with that info what you will.

no idea,and dont give a shit.its importend what you are doing with your life,or how u improve the life of other liveforms.real intelligent humans dont need a number.

it's pretty interesting
but IQ tests are not so relevant as they once were

136 on the WAIS. I'm still a goddamn stupid fuck.

My iq,if it means anything is 186,AMA

mine used to be 145, until I did too many drugs now it's down to 125

>be me
>everyone calls me "retard" and "stupid", but i know im actually smart
>decide to make them feel dumb
>time for my revenge
>take to Sup Forums. yes. perfect, its full of retards
>Be honest whats your IQ, mine is 134
>now ive asserted my place above all of these heathens. these troglodytes.
>theyll all see now that im the superior. the alpha male

>mfw people dont care

>mfw IQ tests dont actually prove intelligence

>mfw i realize i really am a retard


129 here well atleast it was 129 before i startet with gaming and internt / Drinking

Somewhere between 0 and 300. Probably about 90 lol.


Not even joking.

There still pretty fun tho


Not even joking.

If your IQ was at any decent level, you would know that there are multiple scoring metrics and different IQ tests score differently. To standardise, the scores are placed into percentiles. I rank in the 99th percentile. OP is a giant faggot and ranks nowhere near that.

wow youre so special

150-158 depending on measurement, can confirm IQ is bullshit, it's just about how good you are at recognizing certain types of patterns.

But there's not really a better measure of intelligence, unless maybe you can come up with something, you colossal fucking faggot. I swear to god if you got the cocks out of your mouth for two fucking seconds you could maybe do something with all those smarts but you're too busy gargling semen because you never finished college and now you're just a fucktoy for the local gay bar.

Fuck you.

So avrage?


Not even joking.

Mine is 88, dubs


Not even joking.

>whats your IQ, mine is 134

135, you dumbshit.

People on here keep saying "IQ dun mean nothin'" but I've never seen a legitimate reason why. My guess is they heard this from a motivational speaker somewhere and are just vomiting it up.


Not even joking.


Not even joking.


Not even joking.


I rate this reply highly

somewhere like you - 135+/-
proven 3 seperate times, so it should be legit.

does it mean anything?


dead serious


Not even joking.

I don't even know my IQ,



Im fucking serious.

u r king of Sup Forums

I find it funny that anyone post their I Q on Sup Forums. We are all retarded, faggots

see greentext above


Not even joking.

Exactly. That's why we do it.

Maciek D

Not reliably scorable by standard IQ tests, so somewhere north of 140, depending on which test...

high IQ and and 5$ will get you a shitty Latte at Starbucks, same as everyone else.

What matters is what you do. I support my family and enjoy live and occasionally build stuff.



Not even joking.

>I support my family and enjoy live and occasionally build stuff.

That's what virtually everyone on Earth does.

>so somewhere north of 140
>and enjoy live

My was 95 then I started taking Joe Rogan's Alpha Brain it is 145

There are a multitude of fators that determine ones success in life, 99.9% of which aren't presented on that test. Does IQ mean something? Yes. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Sure, 0.1%.

Maybe he means the band Live. I enjoy them too.

Took an IQ test, my IQ broke Vegeta's IQ scouter, IQ over 9000 at least


Not even joking.

It's funny because IQ scores themselves are percentiles. 100 is average, not some allotment of points. More important than which test you take is when you take it (with the exception of tests meant for children, they're known to be wildly innacurate). I scored 146 about 6 years ago but the average (that is what it takes to score 100) is constantly rising.

I would only ever say it anonymously, because talking about having a high IQ is really cringey and pretentious and no one actually cares



Not even joking.

sick ass meme dude

>same score
>same philosophy
Are you a musician at all? I bet you are too.

Lies. Can't even formulate a sentence properly.

I've met retards who support their families and communities and geniuses who life in squalor and do nothing.

What matters is what you do. Are you making life better or worse for yourself and others --

This just requires effort, not intelligence.

People who brag about their IQ seem to have no accomplishments to talk about.


Not even joking.

>formulate a sentence properly
You still believe in prescriptive grammar? Not a single linguist would agree with you.

Sure. But the vast majority of people with a high IQ have a high likelihood of success in life. I'm not saying IQ determines one's placement in life solely either, that wasn't my argument.

exactly. IQ isn't a prerequisite for success or failure.

I am successful, by most measures, but hardly a superstar or world-changer.


Is sex all good or all bad?

between 69 and 420


Here's some tits for ya.

No amount of Intelligence can stop typos. Only OCD and Sup Forums levels of autism can

Wagwan maciek


119, i took a 2 hour test

Success =/= validity of IQ tests. I'm placing IQ on some sort of infalliable pedistle, I'm saying that as a measurement it is accurate and it is useful. Also you should know anecdotes aren't sufficient statistical data.

sex is so bad its good

I'm not placing* fuck my autism

Nice tits, I feel adequately rewarded.
in return, a picture of my bald pussy. his name is 5e

I'm unfamiliar with that statistic, but it sounds likely. Your argument appeared to be that having a high IQ truly means something (important), and I disagree when you factor every other variable. It means very little in my view. But hey, we disagree, I can accept that and continue with my day.


Not even joking.

agreed. they are mostly accurate, and useful.

one can argue ad nauseum about what an IQ score is useful for.

They are certainly useful to predict how well a person will score on other IQ tests (r >.95)


Not even joking.

t. Literal shitskins

Except the more IQ tests you take the better you'll perform. Most people don't think of general intelligence as a skill to be learned so that seems a little odd right?

You can't even speak English so you're clearly literally a sand nigger.

Doesn't mean shit.

I have so many beautiful IQ ,,,so beautiful that I am tired of wining


130 something

I had a 128 at 16.
I'm 34 now and have no idea.

Nigger detected

154 took an iq test in 11th grade.

They give easier tests when you're under 18 and they are wildly innacurate.

Half of the people are dumber than average.
If strength and physical prowess can be trained, it should come as no surprise that thinking, reasoning and pattern prediction can be as well.

I've never considered general intelligence fixed, I suspect few if any experts would either.

Most people believe that we've always seen the color blue the same way as we do now.

Maybe if we had the right language to describe smells better, we could find drugs and bombs almost as well as dogs can...


Why are you so stupild

Story? Why the fuck would there be that much brains inside of a tub?

Took another junior year of college and scored 144