When I was a kid I would look up female pedophiles in my area on the sex offender registry and go have sex with them

When I was a kid I would look up female pedophiles in my area on the sex offender registry and go have sex with them.
Shit was so cash.

this is afuckin trap !


that's not a female dude

you tellin me you wouldn't pee in their butt?

What a great idea!
I knew a woman who liked to go to the state prison in Baja California for random conjugal visits.

more of him

Found ex-teacher that got caught fucking a Swiss exchange student two blocks from me. Tried to bed. Could tell she was horny as fuck, but apparently she's reformed. Was 32y.o. 7/10. Locals ran her off pretty quick. I Prolly helped. Poor chick. I felt sorry for her.

Heck no dude, I dont want to get them pregnant.

More of this "girl"???

Sure you were OP. What other nonsense stories you make up on a daily basis for justifying your pathetic life?

disgusting picture and disgusting mind set

Life goals wife goals omg

This is an episode of Shameless.

Muh nigga.
"Ain't" ain't a word.

fuck this thread

> In California, for example, an inmate must be legally married.

I think that is a female dude, dude

Ain't ain't in the.dictionary, true niggas know.

Baja California is part of Mexico.

weak sauce bro....weak sauxe is weak

You gonna show us nudes of this Fucking trap, or are you going to be a huge faggot?

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>implying nudes of this lovely trap exist on the internet

Ah so you're just gonna be a huge faggots. Fucking Yuge faggots. Sad.

I do the same thing but with male paedophiles and as an adult

The names Bubba