Im a freelance artist, I mainly draw hentai, have a Patreon and several other typical websites like a tumblr

Im a freelance artist, I mainly draw hentai, have a Patreon and several other typical websites like a tumblr.

Which are in your opinion the most mainstream female characters right now? Those who everyone ask for

Pokemon girls, Overwatch... tell me which are the most popular, I want to get a bigger community and thats an easy way

I highly recommend you browse /aco/, /h/, /r/ and /u/ for more concrete ideas.
That said, loads of requests have been made for the characters in Doki Doki Literature Club lately.

draw loli

teen titan girls are still going strong. steven universe is up there. boku no hero too.

hey if you could crank out some quality mother daughter stuff you'd be my hero.

Definitely /u/. Those poor cosmona/u/ts are always hard up for good artists.

Bring back shrek

So, wow. You're really awful. It took forever to realize you were trying to draw hands... I kept trying to figure out why she was both standing and doing a split. Consider drawing actual knuckles, and trying to use proportion, next time. His hands are ridiculously out of proportion to her ass, her anus is longer than two of his non-kles, that entire ass/twat region is like a fucking dinner plate wide grundle... it's all fucked up.

Draw this but good.

do better and post it

Forgot image wow made me look like a total asshole

OP here, its not my draw. Pic related.

Raven from teen titans is always a safe choice. a new season for hero acadamia thats a strong choice as well. Uraraka (left) and tsuyu (right) are most popular

Can you redraw this but make the file size 30x bigger?

Overwatch has a lot of demand

A good way is to let people see it for free then have an option to pay you, you get more people and you can just put ads on a website or something.

Don't have to, the fact that I can see the flaws is proof I'm better than him.

Also, I literally teach life drawing. He's just bad, not irredeemable.

go back to /ic/

>>I'm so great I teach people for a living and coach artists on Sup Forums for fun, I'm better than him in every way na na na boo boo

Prove it, draw something.

Any nintendo shit will get you easy follows, but if you wanna make the big bucks you may wanna consider trying furry art, those fucking degenerates seem to be fucking loaded and cant throw away their cash fast enough for the shit. Theres one fag that makes over 10k a month from furfags on patreon

This and honestly expanding to any popular games, tv shows, etc will get you tons a views as well.

What would you like to see? Maybe just some fucking good proportion in art? Consider opening a book, or doing research. My choice to critique doesn't obligate me to also teach you how to not be a shitposter. And given he's now claimed it's not his, why bother? He pretended it was his in the OP, now he's backed down. Pornfags will read anything, esp lolipedofags, and I have zero interest in helping those monster child abusers get off.

Imagine being this much of a cuck to your own mindset lmao

Do you need money or something to draw a hand? I asked for proof, your words alone won't get you any respect, anyone can look like a professor on the internet by pointing out simple issues with a picture. Who's it is isn't the concern anymore, you made a claim and must back it up. I don't teach art at all, I barely draw, and even I saw the same issues and more. Prove you are a teacher and draw me a correctly proportionate arm. I'll even prove aI'm a novice and draw something in mspaint right now.