Im straight but man sometimes I just wanna get down on my knees and suck a nice fat feminine she cock

Im straight but man sometimes I just wanna get down on my knees and suck a nice fat feminine she cock.
Post your fav traps and shemales

>Im straight but...
Clearly not.

user most transgirls agree that men who suck their cocks are gay

>Im not gay I just suck ddick !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then you're definitely not straight. Accept it. You'll feel better.

user I hate to break it to you but sucking any kind of dick feminine or not is pretty gay

yeah vaginas are gross looking but so are men, theres no such things as chicks with dicks just dudes with tits

honestly hate Sup Forums now with how easy you take bait
you came from reddit didn’t you

Never done it in real life. My gf caught me watching trap porn once and was asking me if I was gay. I told her I was just curious and horny I guess.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>I'm just kidding I don't really like sucking dick that much

We see through your lies

>cocksucker detected

100% confirmed faggot OP.

Who cares live a little. Give it a try you might like it.

>This isn't Reddit?

im not op..?
all i ask itls that you stop being new

>im not op..?
Sure kid

>called out
>better call them newfags

traps are neither gay nor straight. they are something in between. sexuality isn't that simple.

All this damage control....

>sucking cock is gay
Lol fucking dumb kids don't even know what gay means anymore. it means HAPPY you dumb faggots. Sucking cock makes you happy. Smh tbh

Yes but a straight guy wanting to suck cock is gay

Nobody is calling the traps/trans gays

I feel you brah, nothing better than a good shecock in your mouth.


how about more and trap less arguing


It's only gay if you have feelings for then

suck me first bb

>use face app to change my gender to girl
>average dude but a 10/10 qt girl
>tfw I also have a nice dick

I'd fuck a trap version of myself tbh.

for then what?


fuck off


choose one.