Atheists are morally bankrupt

Atheists are morally bankrupt.

Proof: Abortion is murder. Discus.

>Don't be dicks, mods. This is Sup Forums, random. Threads about atheism are fair game just as your beloved trap threads are.

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>inb4 haha your argument is invalid because autocorrect typo


I'm atheist and against abortion

Thing has no conscious yet, can't even comprehend the pain

Congratulations, most atheists are not. Care to explain why you're a deviation from the rule?

But fetus sure tastes good if you prepare it properly

False: studies have shown that unborn babies are capable of receiving pain. Might be because of its nervous system or some other science bullshit like that.

Cause kill a human is illegal

How else am I supposed to get my chicken teriyaki without killing children?

Yes, but they can't comprehend it

>Abortion is murder
Breeding is murder. You're guaranteeing all your spawn will die, 100%. Why even life.
>fucking godsmackeryfags

An atheist can be against abortion.

Define murder.

Feeling pain is bad.
But not understanding why that pain is happening makes it ok.
Great logic.

Then kill yourself. Why havent you killed yourself? Why life, right? Seriously, why havent you killed yourself?

I can scientifically prove you're a fucking mongoloid. First, you think atheism is immoral, when it is clearly the only reasonable position there is. Second, you justify your so-called point by equating it with abortion, which is just stupid. Third, you can't properly spell "discuss."

Therefore, I win.

They feel the pain, but they dont feel the bad. That association hasn't been built yet.

I'm not statician but there seems to be a trend. This thread is about discussing that trend.

>Don't be dicks, mods. This is Sup Forums, random
>Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.

If you believe in any God...then you're an unevolved idiot

>That moment when the only part of the bible that says anything about abortion, tells you how to perform one

Here comes the stupid semantics game.

Killing another living human being against their will. That fair?

1. That's going to be a hard sack of shit to sell. In order to sense pain, you must be able to comprehend that it is pain instead of a favorable stimuli.

2. How do you know that?

Not an argument

Don't use loaded words if you don't want to play the semantics game.
So if you break into my home and I kill you in self defense, that's murder?
When a soldier does his duty and kills an enemy soldier to defend his country, that's murder?

I'm like a bodhisattva of suicide. I'm helping everyone else go out first so that I can close the door on my way out.

Vegans are morally bankrupt.

Proof: carrot juice is murder.

Prove me wrong.

Christians are morally bankrupt.

Proof: Infant deaths are higher in the bible belt than anywhere else in the country, and at higher rates than some 3rd world countries.

Not once have I envoked the authority of the bible in a single argument in this thread or in others. This thread is about discussing the statistical trend between atheism and support of infanticide.

1) the would simply experience a sensation, a feeling theh have never felt before. They dont know if its good, bad or anything. They don't know anything. They don't 'know' at all.

2) Because they do not yet have a conscious (granted you are doing this early enough in development. If you're 8 months in, it is a different case.)

You have no interest in discussing the topic of the thread.

nice typo faggot. kill yourself.

A fetus isn't sentient. If you're this butthurt over it, I'd hate to see what happens everytime you kill a bug.

I'm glad to hear that you dont have an argument in defense of your immoral position. If you think life is horrible, kill yourself.

Ok, you honestly believe that women will just magically stop getting abortions because the government made it illegal? It needs to be legal and safe or else back alley hacks will be butchering them babies instead.

Edgy cult faggotshit


What's the topic of the thread? If you didn't want to discuss murder, why use the phrase "abortion is murder"?

I bet that has absolutely nothing to do with percent of black population and liberal abortion policies targeting black populations. Talk about ignorant.

Does not include abortion at all, actually.
And yes, a lot of the deaths are destitute inner city families. If only some one would develop a christian way to help pay astronomical healthcare prices.

You don't have to be conscious to experience pain.
Source: That's how all animals have evolved, even those without complex brain structures.


But without abortions us and europe would be 80% non-white in 10 years


>kill yourself
Please, after you. Pix kthxbye.

You missed me

Yes but there is no association between pain and unpleasntness at that point

Even then, is it ok to kill an unconscious person? Someone who is in a coma?

Test tube breeding facilities are the future.
The 2000+ years of religion will be remembered as the "Stupid Ages."

Actually, I think abortion should be legal for both women AND men. If the father wants the baby aborted, then it is his right to choose as well.

Anyone who says otherwise is a sexist bigot who does not support equality of the sexes.

Periods and male masturbation are murder. Every one is a potential human, just like a fetus. Discuss.

Nice bait m8

Abortions should be legal because murder should be legal. If someone is so dependant on you that they will literally die in minutes without you, you should have the right to kill them.

Making abortion illegal is a terrible idea and won't reduce abortions the same way gun control doesn't reduce murders. Whether or not abortion is murder is irrelevant.

I believe they are not yet a person. I would not support killing a person in a coma

>A fetus isn't sentient.
The baby's capacity for higher cognitive processes should not be the quality justifying its destruction. Newborns aren't much better at cognitive processes either. Should be exterminate them?

No, I believe that life has inherent value. But if you believe in the bullshit you speak, why haven't you killed yourself?

I like your optimism, but it's more likely that regressive religions will take over humanity and our time will be remembered as the "Heathen Ages."


Then what is the furthest point you think you can reach before that destruction becomes immoral. Once the sperm meets the egg?

>Yes but there is no association between pain and unpleasntness at that point

You cannot prove that.

I’m an atheist and I think you’re fucking retarded for believing people are idiots just for believing in a god. But I’m sure you’re going to use “muh skepticism” to say I’m not really an atheist.

You also don't feel pain when you just slowly die from medication, which is the most common method.

Like I said, I'm waiting for you to go first. Guess I'll have to wait and delay my karmic cycle. Again.

>life has inherent value
So you're vegetarian?

Well, I disagree with your position of personhood.
But just like the person in comatose, the baby will become "awake" and be a functioning person.

The mere mention of atheism means that the topic of religion is invited in a discussion. If atheists are evil for being indifferent on abortions, then Christians are evil for the allowance and encouragement of segregation, homophobia, and bigotry. If you want to pretend that the first world opposite of atheism isn't Christianity, then all of those apply to all other religions, except on an even more horrifying scale, i.e. beheadings and lethal hate crimes for having a lighter/darker skin tone or sucking dick

What exactly is so special about passing through a hole that makes a non-person immediately become a person? A baby is still completely helpless and dependent on its mother for quite a while after birth. Why don't you support killing them then?

>The baby's capacity for higher cognitive processes should not be the quality justifying its destruction.

It absolutely should. Your whole argument is that it's a life and we shouldn't kill living things. By this assumption, you don't partake in meat eating, right? Or is it only human life you're not okay with killing? Your discomfort over a situation you will never be faced with shouldn't justify policing other people's bodies.

>Newborns aren't much better at cognitive processes either
They absolutely are in comparison to abortion cut off ages.

>Should be exterminate them?
Not remotely related.

Sadly true.
Unless the scientists form their own religion. Read Foundation -Isaac Asimov.

Does Op even know what an atheist is?

>Like I said, I'm waiting for you to go first. Guess I'll have to wait and delay my karmic cycle. Again.
Enough of the bullshit. Justify your position.

The idea that someone murders a kit is enough to make all the people upset, the fetus is not defined has a fully formed kind and that is the only morality that people find in defending abortion not considering them like kids. However the a human logically is human sinse the conseption and he never stops developing until the day he dies. Who cares if he feels pain or not he is a Human and therefore his life should be equaly valued like any human being.

I still oppose the whole death part just like I oppose the whole death part in abortion. Also see (pic related), that doesnt look like medication.

>I’m an atheist.
>I believe abortion is murder.

Equality would be a man carrying another human being in their body for months on end. Nice bait tho

80% of abortions are within 8 weeks of pregnancy. It takes a fetus 5 months to display even remote signs of consciousness. There is no possible way the brain is developed enough at time of 8 weeks to possibly be able to understand pain

>Justify your position
No. Why should I bother?
Hey, life-respecter, are you really vegetarian?

Atheists don't even know what atheists are, user.


Big facts

Why is this an atheist vs religious thing? If your religion allowed for birth control there might be less abortions. Plan b isn’t an abortion, unless you believe a liters clump of cells is a human baby

Yeah thats because it's from a 50 year old text book... unfortunately this is the problem. Education. The bible belt can't even afford recent text books for it's schools.

They WILL become 'awake' but they've never woken up to begin with. A person in a coma has.

You dont have a justification. You hold a position that you cannot defend via reason. That position involves your endorsement of the destruction of another human being. You are an immoral piece of shit. Kys

What about the trend do you want to discuss?

It can’t be murdered if it never had a life

Brain development.

Don't be a faggot and try and walk away from what you know he's aaking

scientists have already stated that you are not living until you are actually born.

Ok, Mr. Life-Respecting Vegetarian. You're starting to make me hilarious. You're like one of those life-respecting vegetarians that eats meat! Openly. You're only a life-respecting vegetarian in secret. Hilarious hypocrite.

(citation needed)

Do you seriously think that the brain undergoes some magical transformation the instant it pops out into the world? It's just as developed 2 days before birth as it is 2 days after.

Ovules and espermatozoide dont have a complete set of cromosomas to be consider Humans but the zygote does you should read a little.

He didn't ask anything. He claimed that "atheists are morally bankrupt", cited "abortion is murder" as proof, and said to discuss.

Nothing like a smug athiest to lecture me on what I should believe right after they just got done sacrificing their girlfriends baby to moloch in exchange for more video game time.

scientists have already stated that citations aren't needed for pointless arguments on anonymous message boards

Here's some pop science bullshit about babies and the question of consciousness.
>glimmers of consciousness at 5 months
Ergo, I think the logic suggests that infanticide should be legal until 5 months.

>vegan red herring
Red herring

>Not remotely related.
100% related. There is debate within science regarding whether newborns are in fact conscious. The definition of consciousness, I'm afraid, is hairy than I believe you suspect.

Deist here. God doesn’t give a fuck, why should we?

Common sense?
If we start declaring gametes alive, then I'm about to make a killing tonight on life insurance fraud when I bust this nut.

See link in

Do you think a newborn baby has the same cognitive ability as a 4 week old fetus?