Good evening, user. What's up? Feeling sad? Need a hug?

Good evening, user. What's up? Feeling sad? Need a hug?

Let's talk.

Other urls found in this thread:




Hey. How are things?


Not much. Got a "starving artist" thing going on in life rn so I guess that's cool

What's going on with you?

That is cool. You feel good about it?

Not much, to be honest. Having a nice, relaxed evening.

I've got school tomorrow, and I'm here

Don't stay too long. Get off the screen as soon as you can and start sleeping. You need to be ready, or you'll be miserable. You know that.

I do, but ya know, no matter what you do that isn't a solid job yet always has its ups and downs.

That's true. How high and low does it go?

why are some people friendlier/nicer than others?

Yes and yes

Meh. I'll be fine. Probably just review stuff anyways tomorrow.

I don't know what causes the distinction, user. I can guess, but I really don't know for sure.

*Hugs you tightly* What's up?

Okay. Don't push it.

For now, its going good. God some decent traction and nice feedback on what I do, the only issue so far is that I I fear I don't reach my target audience or enough people as is, so there's always the fear it will fizzle out before it began.

Got a job for the first time in 3 months. Won't have to lose my apartment which is a huge relief. Hard work as a farmhand though.

I think we're all both. Life's not about being nice 24/7. It's what you do when you're being nice that matters.

Actually, pretty decent. Felt like absolute shit most of the day, until I got an impromptu opportunity to demonstrate everything I had been studying with Korean, with a Korean couple (maybe couple) at a nearby mall at which I was shopping. Really turned my day around, and gave me the encouragement/motivation needed to keep studying Korean.

Fear of failure will kill your confidence. Try not to let it get to you, that will make things a lot harder. You got this, man.

That's awesome! Can you handle that much work?

Well, that's cool. I'm glad you had such a good experience with them, user. You've come here many times, but I've never gotten a name from you. Do you have one?

Just feel pretty lonely.

Guess I'll find out. I'm physically capable and naturally strong so I'm sure I can tough it out. Hopefully I'll get in better shape on the job.

It's...better if I don't.

I guess, just call me....Yi Sun-Shin.

Or 'Silver Fox.'

do you consider yourself as a friendly person?

I know that feeling. Will it pass, or do you need some serious social contact?

That's good. If it starts to get to be too much, don't let yourself stress out. Find a solution.

Okay, Silver Fox. I'll try to remember that. That's a cool name.

the guys that shared the same fucking room and one of them would always fuck his gf even with the other guy being in the next bed
one tday the other one said to him that one of those nights he would come to their bad and ask for a hole for himself

No, I usually tend towards inordinate cruelty. I know people who are really friendly though, much more friendly than most.

Nice. What happened next?

I don’t know anymore

I have this problem. I really, really, really like this image.

>That's a cool name.

Some sleep might help you feel better. Or it might not. I don't know, user.

Right, that means it's time to quit Sup Forums.


You're totally right, and so far my determination has pushed me passed the self doubt. As Jake from adventure time said, "The first step to being great at something is sucking at something"

I do the best I can, but you shouldn't beat yourself up for failing. It takes a lot of hard work. You're not going to make it every time, and that's okay. Just do your best.

but I love it. why would you want me to leave?

i feel like absolute shit today. i had a date a few days ago and the prospects were very good we had an amazing first date and then i guess she wasnt titillated enough so she left early and now shes gone for good, not responding to my messages. i didnt even do anything wrong this time and she still walked away



I'm heading off to college a distance from my home and my girlfriend is really distraught about it cuz we hang like every day and fuck like every other day and I'm kinda worried too because I feel like I won't love her as much and I really don't want to do that to her




Whoa, that's cool.

That is exactly it. I wish I had understood that far earlier.

Thanks lori, but it's time to stop.

Man, that sucks. You can't really control that, though. It happens sometimes, and it feels awful. It's not your fault at all, but maybe even that knowledge isn't much comfort. I'm sorry user.

Is there anything you can do about it? Can she visit you? Can you visit her? If you really love her lots, maybe this relationship can change gears a little and you can settle into long-distance.






You need to move on. I know it's hard, but sometimes girls change their minds about guys. The best thing you can do is forget about her.

I just wake up lonely still.

I'd really like to visit her a lot and we're going to try our hardest but that doesn't mean I'm not worried. I really want her to be the mother of my children and I'm really worried about everything falling apart. I'm really grateful for this right now it's been a rough day

hey whats up... in NY right now chillin where are u from user?

I have seen people like that... idk I just can't see myself being that friendly and stuff
I unironiccaly like that banana




Having people around might help. Do you know many people? Anybody who could become a friend?

I think you'll be able to hold it together, user. You're certainly committed enough. That's the thing that causes many relationships to fail, is the loss of commitment. As long as that keeps going strong, you'll find a way.

Maryland. I'm chilling too.

Me too. Don't bother. Different types of people have different personalities. Some are friendlier/more outgoing than others. That's okay.


I do feel sad Nausicaa. Thanks for asking. I'm just stressed about work, money, and other responsibilities. Weekends make me feel weird because I stay inside 24/7 and on Monday I'm fearful of stepping back into the world.



That sucks, man. Why do you stay in all weekend?




If I may be honest... I just want to kill myself right now because I feel like the biggest piece of shit of all time. I feel sick and can't seem to stop my tear for more than a couple minutes at a time.

Today I found out that despite all my efforts, my piece of shit degenerate father got his filthy hands on my siblings growing up. I always tried so hard to keep his attention and filthiness away from them, I didn't care about him touching or fucking me because I thought "If he is doing this to me right now, it means he is not doing it to anyone else". I didn't care that I was constantly getting it uo the ass if it meant saving my siblings the torment.

But I was wrong and he still managed to do those things to them and to make matters worse, they didn't tell me when it was happening because they knew I was trying so hard to protect them from it.

I hate myself right now, so so much. I feel like I didn't try hard enough, maybe I didn't make enough deals with him, maybe I should have just offer myself to him more often or something.. Anything.

How the hell is that hood/helmet thing supposed to work??

Dude, you did the best you could. It was a worst-case scenario, and you literally could not have done more. Most people probably would have given up long before. You did a good thing and saved them from a lot, but ultimately their situation was not entirely under your control. You can't fault yourself for that. It is pretty bad though.

It has flaps on the sides that buckle under the chin, and it can be pulled forward to lower the goggles.


i saw a woman throw her dog off a bridge on to concrete and it fucked me up

Oh boy. That's weird. What got to you about it?

I can always use a hug.

*Hugs you tightly*

What's up, user?

i looked over and saw the dog hit the ground i couldnt stop looking and i saw the little guy die

i don't talk to fictional ginger cumdumpsters, sorry

Not much I’m good I just like hugs :)

Man, that'll stick in your mind. Sorry user.

Then why are you here?

Good! You're welcome to one anytime.

Thanks user :)

What's up with you OP, I'm just playing some vidya

Pretty good OP, recently started an entry level career in marketing, already going on a business trip on Monday.

Quite often people who relate to you will seem friendlier than others. Someone who has gone through tough times will seem friendlier to someone similar to them, while a rich person will be friendlier with another rich person.

That's really cool, I'd love to learn another language. I've been meaning to start with German since most of my heritage is German, but it seems soon the dominant language there will be Arabic.

Mind if I save it?

user, it's not your fault. Please to end anything, think about how your siblings that you fought so hard for would feel. I know that feeling, my father was a drunk and most of the time would be violent with my mother and myself. I would often antagonize him on purpose so that I would get more beatings than my mom or younger brother. Stay strong and remember those who mean a lot to you.

Glad you appreciate it.

Posting on Sup Forums, listening to music, talking to a few people on Discord.

Hey, that's cool. You satisfied with it?

Damn Nausicaanon, How often/how long have you made these threads?

i cant help it Sup Forums im gonna end it

I don't know. Six months? A little more, a little less? There was a time where I didn't make any at all for a couple months.

I'm not the only person that does this. Other people sometimes post similar threads with different characters.

Why though?

Got a lot of problems from the past year going on and building up. A year ago my mother had sex in the family home with her manager on my fathers birthday, and for the past year all four of us have remained in the house until at least my little sis graduates. My college grades have plummeted since and I can't seem to pick myself up, I've failed 3 classes and haven't told my parents, GPA below 3.0 so insurance for my car is gonna go up, might fail more classes this quarter, likely not gonna get my AA in time for 2 years. Come summer my sis is moving out, my dad is moving out, and there's no way I'm staying there but have never held a job myself except one shitty job for a month. On top of that, there's now a legal dispute for the house, and through the midst of all this I've gone through a couple different existential crisis and can only thank my friend for being here for me to blame for my still being around. I'm terrified of my future, regretful of a lot of my past, and in the present I'm suffering and genuinely don't believe anything I can do will be successful.
So I guess you could say I'm not doing too well, but thanks for the hug.

Yea it's alright. It pays really well, but it's hard working for Bell Canada lol, they have a very bad reputation

lots of stuff has been building up overtime for starters my parents hate me my brother killed my sister then himself ive overdosed twice my best friend killed himself i got diagnosed with leukemia week ago my girlfirend cheated on my and she took my dog with her and i got fired and dont have enough money to pay taxes

*Hugs you close*

That's a lot of things, user. You certainly have the capacity to be successful in the things you do, don't let yourself believe that this is false. This is not the end, user. You can handle it. You'll do fine.

You could do a lot worse. Still, A FUCKING LEAF?

It's quite a pile. Losing the dog is a real kicker. Do you live on your own?

Also leaf, can confirm bell is shit.

Nausicaa user, I wanted to say thank you for making a thread like this. Firstly, I've been constantly reminding myself of an old friend of mine who cut contact with me last year. In many ways she was my soulmate. Not in romance, but in every other way, we were on the same brainwave all the time. But it's unhealthy for me to miss one person who didn't love me back enough to stay in my life.

yes and i dont live in a good part of town i cant afford food either im starving

Glad you like it, user. I've known a few such people that I regret having lost, but it's best to not dwell on someone who isn't coming back.

Man, that sucks. Is there a soup kitchen around that'll give you a free meal?

Do you need some money bro? I don't have a lot but I can give you like 20 bucks on friday

wont matter ill be gone soon

I don't usually support it but honestly you'll at least stop suffering. Godspeed user

I let a pretty girl talk me into cheating on an exam with her. The thought of a girl being interested in a former NEET who managed to get his shit together overrode any sort of common sense. There's major circumstantial evidence for both of us, but whether or not we'll get popped for it is bothering the shit out of me. The grades have came back for the exam and we both passed, and I'd like to think that if we were caught, we would've gotten, at the very least, a "0" on the assignment and an email. Who knows though.

In hindsight, she was trying (and did) take advantage of the fact that I'm nice and that I'm doing reasonably well in that class. She approached me and it was her idea, but I went full retard and went along with it. I've studied with her before and we've worked together in class since the beginning of the semester, but she never asked anything like this before. She's never even asked to study outside of class either, it was always during class time when the lab work was done.

I'm not looking for sympathy or someone to tell me that everything is going to be alright. I just needed to get that out there for those that care in this thread. I dug myself a grave and I'm just praying to God that I won't get caught and expelled.

You compromised your integrity for a whore?

Tsk tsk user, letting a thot influence you. Stop thinking with the wrong head
