Did we ever get more videos leaks from Claire than the two short vids of her shlicking? No actual sex/BJ?

Did we ever get more videos leaks from Claire than the two short vids of her shlicking? No actual sex/BJ?


i wish

what kind of newfag doesn't recognize claire


Literally who

Im forever searching

What shlicking vids?

No rule Vola





I must’ve missed those.
Very nice

holy fuckkk

do you have more?



Fuck yeah


post em all fgt







is this one more recent?





they were all leaked together


im gonna cum






ive fucking met this bitch irl and shes just a fucking hot


Can anyone tell me where she's from and what she's famous for?



from toronto, she got famous for having bit tits on insta

She is from the internet and she's famous for having amazing tits.

and that's all of the Clair Abbott leaks that ever came out! enjoy friends

OP delivered

better body tbh

She's famous for being hot.
Fucking newfags

I despise footfags, but this is interesting because mormon girls put out a pure vibe

not even OP, i'm just not a fag

anybody knows how to stabilize videos? is there a simple app for that?

umm yeah by a fucking TON.

LegendaryLootz is a goddess

The veins in that arm are fatter than the dick of literally any man holy shit

makes me sad there's no more clair

got famous for having big tits at like 12

I’d like more Angie too

I prefer her clothed pics.
