ITT: post an image that you really really really like

ITT: post an image that you really really really like






The bananafags are already here, you asked for it


















Nobody else is posting, 19 of the last 20 are mine.
Fucking lurkers.



enjoy the gore, lurkfags.



literally who

Yes i did
>Way less bananas than a expected
What a disappointment














LOL, the thumbnail looks like a chicken head.

Anyone have more scenes like this

Only two.


Just google "Comfy Pixels". But here's a few links:






That's the japanese pit-bull rinachan, shes from nihon tv news special on training rescue dogs.
She get's sick of the trainers and tells them off with multiple borks.
I've not seen that clip in years.
>That's her you're gonna get it ningen face XD.



makes sense if they are charging per inch.


The fucking aids....

It's summertime already?

80% of all Sup Forums and Sup Forums user in one picture

Sadly yes.








Thanks, dude.

