ITT times when we were alpha as fuck, I'll start

ITT times when we were alpha as fuck, I'll start

>be stroking neighbor's cat
>fucking bitch animal scratches me
>kick the little fucker
>run inside
>see neighbor later
>she tells me they had to have the cat euthanized
>thinks a car hit it
>lol fatality
>flawless victory

>be cop
>shoot friendly dog
>claim it was acting aggressive
>no punishment whatsoever
alpha as fuck

Whats your name and address?

>black people

>shooting a criminal nigger
>alpha as fuck

>be cop
>some guy crying crawling towards me begging not to execute
>crying so hard trips on pants, trys to pull them up
>execute him on the spot
>entire event captured on multiple cameras
>go in front of federal judge
>not guilty
>alpha as fuck

>playing WoW
>really need to pee
>run to bathroom
>start peeing
>cropspray errywhere
>run back to computer
>mom goes in bathroom
>shouts at me for peeing on floor, tells me to wipe it up
>I say no I'm busy
>she mops up my pee
>I'm a level 72 druid
>I got epic items
>alpha as fuck

The Patton Space Heater is a lovely lightweight heater that produces a great deal of heat. There are two knobs on the front. One is a thermostat and the other has modes of one and two. Mode one makes it hot. Mode two makes it fire-hot! I usually turn it on a just keep the thermostat all the way over to the end. If you leave it on any lesser settings, the space heater will turn on and off intermittently. This may help you to not get too hot but I do not like it. I prefer constant heat until I decide to turn it off.

I have never tested the automatic shut-off if tipped over.

The front of it does get super hot. No one in my household has burned themselves; however. We have used it in the bathroom and it really heats up a small room. It is a quick and hot space heater!

>not recognizing stale pasta

Hold the phone. You made your mom mop up your piss because you were too busy gaming? Wow. That's a whole new low.

>being this autistic

I had a threesome with my gf and a girl who had a boyfriend, then i did it again 2 weeks later

>being called autistic for calling out autistic behaviour

One time my girlfriend was mad at me for going to an erotic massage parlour. I told her to suck the other girl's spit off my dick and she got even angrier, so I ripped off her panties, pissed on them, shoved them in her mouth and fucked her

>episode of South Park where cartman shits all over his mother

you took an obvious joke literally there bud. you're clearly on the spectrum

>go to mcdonalds
>order 2 hamburgers and a cheese burger
>only get hamburgers
>drive off
>alpha as fuck

Oh yeah, right, everything becomes a joke as soon as someone finds it disgusting. Gotcha.

Manlet keeps pestering this chick at a bar the moment he looks away she mouths to me please save me. I grab her by the shoulders and takes her away from the ugly shorty scum. This happens all the time in San Diego

good to see you're still salty about that and still don't get how things work.
when the police have guns at you and tell you to stop advancing on them, you do it or you get cooked.
stay retarded though.
i look forward to reading about your whole family getting wiped out when you aim your minivan at a police checkpoint or whatever gay plan you have to lash out.
die in an officer involved shooting, cunt.

got dubba dubs too.

Insecure boii

Fuck you

You're beta af for petting a cat lol

naw im cool

I went to a women's rights convention with 2 pairs of boxing gloves. Told the bitches to step in the ring if they wanted equality. No takers so I called them all inferior sluts and walked away.


>sucking my buddy's cock
>take my other buddy's cock in my ass
>only cried a little bit
>alpha as fuck

Got made fun of once. Barely even cried

Manly dudes are some of the most sensetive I swear it xD

>be me in HS
>be at party with random HS ppl but not really maney cool ppl
>run off at the mouth talking about all kinds of bullshit not many other people talking
>see cute arab chick in group who lived in my neighborhood. someone tells me in course of night that she liked me. didn't close like a bitch
>some random kid says i would be a good dungeon master
>socialization not really my bag baby

I fuc a bitch on omegle does that count

There's already a cringe thread for pathetic losers, always check the catalog before starting a new one.

Zeta as fuck you are. I once fisted my own ass

if you were level 72 you were probably leveling and could take a normal break to pee..

>be me
>walking down the street getting admired by a group of 8/10s
>a faggy old man, must have been about 90 stumbles and falls over in front of me
>see an opportunity to show how alpha I am
>kick him in the ribs until I hear a *crack* and start laughing
>walk over to the group of girls who are all visibly wet after seeing what a dominant male I am
>had sex with all of them
>alpha as fuck
>the old man probably died idc

once upon a time, 72 was the highest level, methinks

shoulda wanked in his eyeball while you were at it mate

>missed opportunity

>be me
>Chad galore
>don't want daytime
>punch the sun
>threaten that beta
>alphabet soup

>My wife cheated on me
>with a nigger
>she gave birth to a mud child and humiliated me
>so I broke her
>fucked almost all her friends
>fucked both her sisters
>fucked her worst enemy from work
>fucked her mom too
>when we divorced I had no income and she had to support me for a year
>while I lived rent free in her childhood home
>having sex on her bed with her sister
>the baby daddy was never found

P.S. her family is racist as fuck and hates her and loves me.

This mad over a joke. Kek. Have you tried taking the stick out your ass?

define "broke her"

With a hammer.

You really are a stupid cunt. Nothing those cops did was standard procedure, and the demands that they made were completely unreasonable for an heavily intoxicated individual to understand and follow. Stop making excuses for them.
Police won’t get better if we have apologists like you making excuses for even the most unforgivable of incidents.
Here’s how it would have gone if cops were complete fucking autists.
>be cop
>identify that we are police
>assertively state to get on the ground and place hands on back of head
>arrest with no incident
>alpha as fuck

Fuck off.

Or you could use your brain and connect the dots, it's not a herculean task


M8, this cunt is right, it is obviously an autistic work of fiction, you Autist

I ruined her relationships with her friends and family.

I made her admit in court that I had sex with her mother. I let her catch us too.

I took a sabbatical from my job. Using her infidelity as an excuse to fuck around.

When I moved out and stopped paying rent. She had no way to make payments so she lost the flat but had to support herself and get a job.

I had and still have a lot of people who felt sorry for me and let me crash with them.

When the divorce was finalized the feminist judge hated me and wanted to punish me. But she knew she had to give me atleast one year of maintenance payments that I was legally entitled too, because I was too 'emotionally distraught' to return to work.
And was sexually acting out as a cry for help. Not my words, my lawyer's. Whom my ex wife also had to pay for.

Also had the state pay for counseling for me. Went to group therapy instead and fucked one of the other sex addicts.

My ex's sister and mother let me stay in their house and refused to let her visit during our separation because they can't forgive her for wrecking me emotionally

very much true and most certainly heterosexual

naw your insecure

best story i've read in quite a while, thanks

No homo


> be me
> lunch break at office
> 8/10 girl crossing the street by my side
> spot_a_car_coming_at_us.jpg
> driver_not_looking_at_us.png
> so i stopped put my arm in front of the girl to stop her
> saved_her_life.gif
> notallheroeswearacape.mp3
> alpha
> as
> fuck

>Felt a tiddie.
>Shit was so cash
>Felt alpha asf.

A girl with a big fucking gob elbowed me in the face and I smacked that fucker to the ground in less than a second because men are stronger than women and the equality card lets me get away with it.

>girl makes eye contact
>look away and pretend I didn't notice
>alpha as fuck

Went to local convention dressed as pic related, holerrin at bitches and shit all day. It was cool

Ahh you guys make me smile sometimes.

>giving a cat a handjob
>surprised when he gets scratched

> one time i did a shit on a swan
> absolute peak of the pyramid


well hey at least it was just an arab girl

>at party with friend
>let's call him Chad
>he's shotgunning beer with his gf
>they get wasted
>go upstairs
>fuck loudly
>pass out
>I go in
>she's nearly flopped over side of the bed
>check her breathing
>slap her face a bit
>she's out, so is Chad
>decide it's go time
>suck his cum out of her pussy
>fuck her raw
>nut hard
>she gets pregnant
>even though he has a vasectomy
>"what are the odds?"
>he raises my kid
>and is bitter about it to this day

thanks for typing that out

>someone makes eye contact with me
>shoot them


My daily basis

>be 2nd grade
>have to piss bad
>some other kid already has the bathroom pass and has not returned yet
>complain to teacher that I need to piss
>she tells me to wait for student to return
>can't hold it in anymore
>find area with carpet on floor
>let loose and soil myself in my clothing
>go tell teacher I pissed on the floor
>nigger janitor gets sent in to clean it up
>walk all the way to main office to get changed and go home while trailing piss in my soggy shoes
>janitor has to follow me and clean up my trail
>end up never using the public restrooms in schools in spite of this event
>develop an iron bladder
>alpha as fuck

He has a vasectomy but yet he came in her pussy?



> white knighting a shitbitch that is not even able to end a conversation herselft
> is being manipulated - feels alpha af

I am literally laughing my ass off

you're only gay if you liked it

Dam nice life period

You still come after a vasectomy, there's just no sperm it it.

don't believe you a word. I bet you have been fucked hard in your divorce and you're jus typing what you WISH had happened

When ? Bitch im alpha as fuck 247. Do some steroids and man up

I didn't even understand your objection to the statement, until this guy I thought you meant "Why would he cum in a pussy when he has a vasectomy?" so I assumed you were a retard. But really, a vasectomy means there's no sperm in the ejaculate, but you still come.