Wtf is wrong with me and before you ask I'm pretty sure it's not aids

Wtf is wrong with me and before you ask I'm pretty sure it's not aids

Dry ass skin that hasn't had the chance to heal properly i guess
an extreme version of what i get sometimes

Nerve gas

Diabetes. Change your lifestyle right now or kiss that foot goodbye.

You dun goofed, faggot.

The beginning stages of leprosy, better get to a colony stat.

Fuck your a fat cunt eh. Well, could be anything. Diabetes could be looking to claim your foot, your could just be too fat for your skin. Either way, those open sores are going to get infected.

Because your a disgusting fat fuck. Christ on a bike, well done, you've hospitalized yourself by being fat.

for real?


Yo user, buy some Manuka Oil off Amazon, and you can thank me later. For you will owe very very much big time

looks like well spread feet funghi. does it itch? you should see a doctor.

Yup, particularly if you're experiencing tingling. It'll kill nerve endings

yeah, its really fucking itchy

Just because you're a virgin doesn't mean you can't get AIDs, you were likely in contact with AIDs infected needles doing heroin/meth

hey user couple of questions: do these apear on your hands aswell? did they start as small blackhead looking things? do they itch/hurt?

Trench foot/Diabetes

Either way, you my horrible fat friend are off to hospital. Well done. Regret it?

>before you ask I'm pretty sure it's not aids
and I'm pretty sure it is
also you're fat

they are not on my hands
they started off as skin flaking off
they're really fucking itchy

i regret many things

>Trench foot

Do you have any antiseptic solution?

i don't think so, would hand sanitiser work?

Fungal infection. Fucking gross, dude.

well for starters you look morbidly obese and probably have diabeetus

Go to the shops or get someone to take you to the shops, you need to submerge your feet in hot water and antiseptic solution.

Hand sanitize? Yeah but it's going to hurt like fuck and dry the skin further. You also need to change your bedding, buy new socks and shows.

I'm not fucking about here because this can kill, I've had it too many times. But if this doesn't clear up and it gets worse, go to the hospital. Not the doctor. The hospital.

Be thankful you aren't throwing away $300 worth of chainsaw boot ever other month.

fyi, im severally obese not morbidly obese


buy new socks? wtf.
I just let them dry and reuse them.

its tinea go and show the chemist they will give you a cream to use for a couple of weeks fix that shit right up

isn't tinea a worm? I don'tr see any worms.

If you don't go to the hospital ASAP you could lose your foot.

This is the correct answer. Get to the doc soon, OP. You need to control your insulin. Also, this is type 2. You brought this on by having a shit diet and sitting on you ass all day,. Change your lifestyle or you'll be dead soon. Also, your feet are reflecting the effect of poor circulation. If you don't act soon, you'll be looking at amputation of the toes, at first. Eventually, if untreated, you feet, then your legs. Get your fucking shit together or you'll go blind soon.

Same fag.



Is american healthcare really so fucked that people cant afford to go see a doctor when their flesh starts to rot?

in that case it is DEFINITELY DIABEETUS. you delusional faggot like there is any difference betweed obese and morbidly obese, you are fat fuck anyway. Start fucking running or die slowly.

where can i find this video?

Have you considered farming mushrooms?

you're fat

Can I get some sauce on this?

Your fat

tinea is a fungus

looks like foot aids to me

It's a gout from being so fucking fat.

if it's really itchy and smells pretty gross, it's athletes foot. go get some anti fungal cream

Looks like a case of athletes foot and some poor circulation issues. The diabetes or pre-diabetes posts hold some validity too. My feet looked similar (but not nearly as bad) a year or so ago when i was diagnosed with imsulin resistance and pre-diabetes. I had to make some changes in the way I eat and so far I've lost 25 percent of my body mass (I was 290lbs) and I no longer show signs of insulin resistance or pre-diabetes. I still plan on losing about 15 or so more pounds and keeping it all off.