Opinions on her speech, Sup Forums?

Opinions on her speech, Sup Forums?
She is very right. Everyone is sharing it on Facebook because guns kill people.

Trump needs to be retired!


"We are coming after every single one of you". So powerful!!





Last time I checked a gun sitting on the table doesn't hurt anyone. It's almost like the gun is forced to bend to the will of the user. Just like women are forced to bend to the will of men. Obviously gun users are patriarchal shit bags and need to be taken down. #gunlivesmatter

Samefagging this hard.
Or maybe you're a retarded gun Trump supporter?
People like you aren't welcome on here anymore. Your kind is dying out.


USA has the most guns and the most gun crime.
So yes, they are the problem.

I agree with you on women being bound to the will of men and I do hope our next President will fix that.

Hopefully Hillary runs for president again. Because Trump hates women and minorities.


not true

more? nudes?

Explain why.

Otherwise I'm right and you're wrong.
Even worse, you're racist and a bigot.

I mean this brave amazing teen survived a SHOOTING. And we should be taking her word as if it were the gospel and you guys are coming on my thread here saying I'm wrong and other racist white dumb shit like that.


Choose one, you selfish childish pricks.


>Choose one

I proved everyone wrong. Thereby winning the argument.

That is why we, the teenagers and young voters, will vote your scumbag conservative politicians out of office and thereby put an end to all school shootings and criminality in the USA.


why does she have her clothes on ? that makes her boring as fuck

Have fun with that.
I'll be having fun with guns.

Fucking murderer. Enjoy them while you can. It's only a matter of time now. Next election the young people decide who gets to be in office!

I'm not even going to comment on that. THIS is why I feel ashamed to be a man.

>Fucking murderer.
Got em in two.
Try harder next time.