
>hey user wanna smash the evil tories edition

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fuck you all very hard in the mouth

me and the missus

nearly unironicly like the song, nearly

there's this if you want tho youtube.com/watch?v=PN0RPWII7gY&index=95&list=WL

what if i like the tories?

Need a busty brown lefty gf

if i ever have a son i hope he never turns out like a gay ponce

would rather he was a loner and killed himself after getting addicted to coke

shouldn't have done acid after a night out, i had to go to sleep after 2 hours and i wasted it
that said i solved my anxieties i've been having over the past few weeks

Hate arabs
Hate blacks
Not a racist just dont like em
Simple as

the poster below me is an american pretending to be british.
he is on holiday in the uk

mongs i mocked her for saying "trash"

Huh... never thought about it like that...

bagged two fritjof capra hardbacks at the second hand book shop

>this is the white race that needs saving

steve albini

aaagh! tried to sneak through the door man. cant make it

Tories are comically evil. If you like them that means you are an evil Rorke.

You did not sleep 2hrs into an acid trip you lying cunt

the rest is fine, user

people who are sexually attracted to prepubescents are mentally ill and should be sectioned and sent to some asylum
people who find teenagers attractive aren't mentally ill, and should be arrested, charged and imprisoned (with exceptions for specific stuff)

At the ol' brewery lads

interior like fish eggs

>pubbing it alone

Absolute STATE of my life

can't have been much of a dose if you were able to sleep that easily

if i take acid at 8pm i'll be awake until 7am even with a hit of benzos at the end

>people who find teenagers attractive aren't mentally ill, and should be arrested, charged and imprisoned (with exceptions for specific stuff)
you sound like a complete bender
16 up is fine

How do we all feel about big chebs?

Smash the cuck desu senpai

*violates NAP*

>and how will Labour afford that, the magic money again?


oh no

being middle class and above in california between 1950 - 1980 was probably the peak of human existence.

Can I come? ;P x

bought my dad some beers for fathers day tomorrow but I'm debating drinking them because I've ran out

*finds teenage boys attractive*

hehe silly me

*takes acid*
*waits 10 seconds*
*falls asleep*


don't have to buy anything 'cause my dad's dead haha

Where are you? I'll come for a drink

South West

alri, this song is for all you guys out there being anons

nearly unironicly like the song, nearly

there's this if you want tho youtube.com/watch?v=PN0RPWII7gY&index=95&list=WL

liking 16 year olds isn't noncery and is in fact legal

big fan

Just had a chicken tikka pizza now am gonna watch a kino x

haha lucky bastard


someone who is attracted to children is not necessarily going to harm a child
on the flipside, not everyone who harms children is attracted to them

>people who have certain thoughts should be punished

i also took a 0.25 g xanax but i don't know why you find this so incredulous

we NEED to save the white race

Post more Anna.

I'm in Bristol

I always get a load of gift chocolate when buying Crimbo prezzies, with the intention of eating about a quarter of it as I wrap the prezzies.

Doing a listen. No nonce.

2/3 last times I went to a pub alone I pulled

Coke does wonders

teenager = 11 to 15
16+ is young adult

Sweating my fucking cockles off here lads

Watching a documentary on the secrets of the London Underground, pretty interesting

Nonces out please

>Loud fireworks display at arts centre Somerset House terrifies Londoners into running for their lives in fear of new terror attack

so just because 13 is legal in Spain does that make it ok to fancy 13 year olds when I'm in Spain and then just suddenly stop fancying them when I'm in the UK?

sexual attraction is a function of the perceived DNA survival value of combining DNA with the sex object

I'm in Saracen's Head in Bath. Fancy a drink somewhere?

how do you like it

"""young adult""" detected

>teenager = 11 to 15
according to who

First he single handedly caused Brexit.

Then he single handedly elected Trump.

Now he's going to single handedly stop Corbyn.

Is there anything the mayne streem meteor can do to save butthurt libruls from this punk rocker?!


>teenager = 11 to 15
11 is not pronounced "eleventeen" mate.

plan to do the same after a couple of hours la, which kino? xx

Dude we aren't even effected by it lol
It's as if it never even happened lol
Just carry on as normal x

Very chill, good rec, but I can't put my finger on what it reminds me of.

listening to noise rock
perfect nodding music

>pint of freezing cold chemical effluent in a novelty glass please, Chief!

I'm comfy drinking at home watching tv while the gf sleeps coz she can't handle her cider.

At the pub with the ol' gf


quite literally no one believes you lad

haha the jews really did a number on them didn't they

don't combine acid and benzos unless you want to kill the intensity of the trip

stop pretending to be british.

you aint no muslim bruv haha

16 year olds

coldplay? guitar sounds a lot like it

Listening to Joni Mitchell desu

the law in the uk

(fuck off yanks)


Just part and parcel.

Quite literally filtered that yank

b-but I spell colour with a u, LA!

Tell me the last fake news you heard

at least they dont work in a corner shop. fucking lol @ you

Fuck you I'm Wakefield

he's still harping on with that "triggered snowflakes xDD?" routine which is absolutey dead the fucking nonce. it's like that "i identify as an attack helicopter" shite, it's dead too.

I'm not actually from Bristol I just wanted to comfort you a little bit x


do like her x


If I had a fedora pic on my mobile I'd post it

Pubs are much more lively than drinking at home

Drumpf's approval hitting 50%

k ta, la xx

Haha nice

Seriously depressed about the election. If I was a Tory MP I'd be livid with May. Corbyn is a man who doesn't even believe in fucking property rights and Theresa May managed to lose ground to him

Is he right?
